بحث El motí del Caine

I think so, regardless of the drunken rant by the lawyer at the end. I think we have to conclude the lawyer is professionally competent, but personally a chump. In a hierarchical structure I accept there is a need for public support of a commanding officer, but said commanding officer needs to demonstrate basic competence and a sound mental state, neither of which Queeg could do with any consistency. There has to be some element of being able to lead from the front and make coherent decisions when the chips are down, it is kind of a central part of being skipper.

The thought of being stuck as a conscript in a war and having your fate in the hands of Queeg is frankly terrifying. The man would have been a liability to the US military campaign. Based on the portrayal in the film I think Maryk was a hero. He backed Queeg at the start and tried to stamp out dissent, but as evidence built before his eyes he found the backbone to take action and assumed full responsibility for it, risking his liberty and possibly life.

Bogey on good form, a good military trial (showing differences with standard trials) and a stack of interesting character studies that ring true (anyone working in a big organisation will know a Keith and a DeVries). This is a flawed beauty.


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