بحث A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge

I do like the first film a lot, but the bad acting is hard to look past, and the ending is unnecessarily muddled. This sequel, on the other hand, has good acting, creepy effects (especially the scene where Freddy rips out of his body), and just an overall interesting plotline. I really don't understand why Freddy's Revenge gets so much hate.

12 پاسخ (در صفحه 1 از 1)

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I don't necessarily think it's better than the first but definitely the most underrated in the franchise. It looks like the film has gained a cult following in recent years due to the subtext. I watch it more often than parts 4-6.

I've only seen 1-3 so far, so I'm curious about how the rest of the series stacks up. I wasn't too keen on part 3 (thought it was too cheesy with all the dream power stuff), which I've seen a lot of people describe as one of the best sequels.

I like 2 far better than 5 and 6, which are too cartoony for my liking.

I really like the second film a lot. It used to be very underrated but now I'm finding more people are enjoying it. I found it darker and the acting slightly better than the original. I would re-watch it over the first one any day.

I watched 1 to 6 recently.
The first remains a solid, genuinely unnerving, horror. None of the sequels came close to matching it; 2 & 3 were decent enough, that's it. 6 was abysmal, a chore to sit through.

I don't like it as much as the first, but it's my favorite of the sequels along with part 3.

It feels a step down and not as scary. Still interesting film.

@Strannger18 said:

It feels a step down and not as scary. Still interesting film.

^ Agreed. The homoeroticism of it is kind of off-putting, and feels unnecessary.

As far as Freddy movie rankings go, it's

  1. New Nightmare
  2. Freddy's Revenge
  3. Original

for me. The rest aren't worth watching, apart from the reboot, which is interesting (but not good). The rest make the mistake of making Freddy the star, instead of using him as a tool to tell a story. He's seasoning; he's not the meal.

I like 1, 3 and New Nightmare the best.

@Phasmophobia said:

I do like the first film a lot, but the bad acting is hard to look past, and the ending is unnecessarily muddled. This sequel, on the other hand, has good acting, creepy effects (especially the scene where Freddy rips out of his body), and just an overall interesting plotline. I really don't understand why Freddy's Revenge gets so much hate.

Yes, I love it way more than the original. I feel the original is overrated.

2 felt like the series was going in a different direction which I kinda liked. Freddy using somebody to do his whacking instead of just getting them in their dreams.

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