11 Filme

5. Oktober 1978

After being punished for getting into trouble, a mischievous young man is sent to train under a brutal, but slovenly old beggar, who teaches him the secret of the Drunken Fist.

12. Juli 2019

Casey wird mitten auf der Straße willkürlich angegriffen. Er will sich erst eine Waffe kaufen, doch dann meldet sich er bei einem lokalen Dojo, also einer Übungshalle für japanische Kampfkünste, an. Der charismatische, aber dennoch mysteriöse Anführer der Gruppe nennt sich Sensei und lehrt seinen Schülern die Kunst der Selbstverteidigung auf eher eigenwillige Weise. Casey wird schnell von seinem "Meister" inspiriert, wird immer selbstbewusster und will sogar bald seine Angreifer von einst aufspüren und sich ihnen stellen.

24. Juli 1991

Kickboxing champion B.J. is jailed for an accidental murder thanks to the testimony of his arch-nemesis Denard. A year later, B.J. is released and then challenged by Denard for $100,000. Will B.J. accept and get even with Denard?

13. Oktober 2007

Set in 1932, amid the rise of militarism after the establishment of the Manchukuo colony in Northeast China, the story centers on a trio of karateka. Studying under their aging master in a small dojo in the woods of central Kyushu, Choei, Taikan and Giryu face a company of kempeitai military police come to requisition their dojo for use as a military base.

25. März 1997

A martial arts expert who runs a dojo for under-privileged kids from a dilapidated warehouse is shaken down by gangsters demanding protection money. Then when one of his students is gunned down in the street by the gang, he swears revenge. Meanwhile the gang leader is setting up a death match between the best fighters and is forcing a former trainer to find a new champion by threatening his granddaughter.

25. März 1997

Somewhere in New Jersey, a group of masked rollerblading children "save the universe" by training to fight the evil Cobra Khan through a series of action-packed montages. Along the way they hypothesize some slapstick hijinks in a balloon factory, and save the day through a hypothetical Sonic Virtual Reality battle. A real treat!

14. November 1994

When Ethan's older brother Greg is found dead, the police rule the case a suicide, but Ethan suspects foul play stemming from Greg's recent involvement with a martial arts team called the Scorpions. Ethan is also accomplished at martial arts, and he determines to join the Scorpions as a means of learning what really happened to Greg. - Written by Michelle Sturges

30. April 2023

Fantasy A, autistic Seattle rapper, suffers trials and tribulations from total creeps as he attempts to become a superstar. Along the way he also finds a mattress to sleep on, after being kicked out of his group home.

Real-life kung fu master Nathan Ingram stars in this gritty, low-budget martial arts epic as a local karate school owner who clashes with a gang of drug traffickers posing as the owners of a rival dojo. Director Charlie Ahearn (who helmed the landmark hip-hop film Wild Style) used the housing projects next to his New York Lower East Side apartment as his central location in this 1979 classic, shot on a vintage Super 8 camera.

11. Januar 2023

Distressed teenager finds hat that helps her find herself. With the help of Grand Master Sheldon(Sheldon Kim), Alonzo(Luisa Pugliese) takes a journey to master the art of dojo and face her enemies.

1. August 2020

In Tanzania there is a growing clandestine market for albino skin, bones and hair as ingredients in potions that promise to make people rich. As a result people with albinism live in fear of being abducted or maimed. Jerome, a young karate master, has made teaching kids with albinism to defend themselves his life's mission. Now he’s determined to take one of them to a world championship in Japan.

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