8 Filme

4. August 1995

The Law Enforcement Technology Advancement Centre (LETAC) has developed SID version 6.7: a Sadistic, Intelligent, and Dangerous virtual reality entity which is synthesized from the personalities of more than 150 serial killers, and only one man can stop him.

20. November 2001

The film goes behind the scenes of the 1999 sci-fi movie The Matrix.

20. Juni 2010

Insight into new programs creating chemically induced diagrammatic movement. Raymond is the story of a lowly swimming instructor from Douche Les Mines and his quest, with the help of some fantasy science to achieve his dream – to swim with the whales. The film was created as a combination of live action and 3D animation, produced by the visual effects company The Mill and directed by bif (calling themselves 'Bif' Jules, Fabrice and Francois joined the Mill in 2005 having graduated top of their class from world renowned French animation school Supinfocom).

Grappling with the burden of loss, a drifter becomes engulfed in the reckless lifestyle of a group of bohemians. Through a series of events, he is forced to confront his trauma as his haunted past and unconventional present collide.

22. Februar 2017

The video is accompanied by a richly detailed article that adds more depth to the documentary. If there’s any question about why Hollywood is dead set against the unionization of vfx artists, the following graphic from the article will answer the question: vfx artists comprise the biggest portion of the crew on most Hollywood blockbusters.

A footage of a strange door.

1. April 2021

The lonely life of an artist, told through the music made under self-destructive circumstances. The Wide Open Project is an experimental visual album about the upcoming artist, Zinity. The film connects emotions, separated over three individually written songs which, when combined, represents escapism from depression. In the short film, a cruel world is seen from the perspective of an insecure artist. For a creative, creating is equal to addiction. How do you deal with having a part of yourself, that you are doomed to destroy?

We are a conversation is a 2014 documentary directed by Alexis karpouzos and Spyros rasidakis and written by Alexis karpouzos exploring the unity of humanity, featuring poets from around the world, whose lives have been dedicated to explore the mysteries of life and existence.

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