14 филмова

12. новембар 2018.

Жена и двоје деце са повезом на очима пролазе кроз дистопијско окружење дуж реке … Због појаве непознатог глобалног терора, мајка мора да нађе снагу и да бежи са својом децом низ рику у потрази за сигурношћу. Због невдљиве смртоносне силе, путовање мора да се одвија наслепо …

Након што мистериозна сила десеткује светску популацију, Себастијан мора да се креће на сопственом путовању преживљавања кроз пусте улице Барселоне. Док он склапа неугодне савезе са осталим преживелима и они покушавају да побегну из града, неочекивана и још злокобнија претња расте.

23. јануар 2005.

Justin Cobb, a teenager in suburban Oregon, copes with his thumb-sucking problem, romance, and his diagnosis with ADHD and subsequent experience using Ritalin.

11. август 2000.

A young lunatic director and his devoted cult of cinema terrorists kidnap a Hollywood movie goddess and force her to stair in their radical underground movie.

04. новембар 2016.

Рамону је дијагностикована мултипла склероза (МС) у тридесетима. Лекар му каже да ће једва моћи да хода, а камоли да трчи. Успркос дијагнози, Рамон одлучи да учествује на ултимативном спортском изазову и најтежој трци на свету - Иронман триатлону: 42 км трчања, 3,8 км пливања и 180 км бициклирања. Ово је истинита прича Рамона Ароја, 44-годишњака, који је постао легендарни МС атлетичар након што му је дијагностицирана МС пре 12 година. Нјегово фантастично путовање пратимо у овом феноменалном, дирљивом и инспиративном филму.

27. март 2015.

Five friends play a game in a "mysterious" forest with a long history as a beacon for troubled young people contemplating suicide.

This comedy has everyone's favorite 6 Swedish gals enjoying their stay in the alps. When the girls aren't enjoying the pleasure of their own company they're out having a good time with nearly everyone else in town.

The path of a street fighter and a dancer on skates, who are in love, is paved by friendship, grit and hope.

A gambler, fresh out of prison, and a beautiful hooker find themselves caught in an underground scheme that's spinning wildly out of control.

07. август 2018.

Tied up, blindfolded, and left in the woods in nothing but their underwear as part of a Hell Week initiation, six college-aged pledges are tasked with setting up camp. Broken up into two teams, boys versus girls, they must complete a number of extreme hazing rituals set up by their hosts - who happen to be watching their every move through camera-equipped glasses. Both hazers and hazees become victims when a mysterious force that haunts the forest begins to prey upon the participants one by one.

05. октобар 1996.

Over a year after a chase to catch a serial slayer dubbed the 'LADYKILLER' ended in the death of his old partner. Lt. Jack 'Jigsaw' Lasky sees a chance too redeem himself in the eyes of his fellow cops, when another serial killer, 'The Piggy Bank Murderer' starts preying on female students at a local campus. Slashing his victims throats with a switchblade before stuffing loose change into their mouths leaving behind the words "She Needed The Money" wherever he goes. Jack's search leads to a number one suspect in the form of Richard Darling an out-of-work actor drawn to the case for reasons unknown as he is drawn to the Jack's art student daughter, Jennifer who studying at the exact same college as the murders occur. As Jack finds himself becoming partnered to Richard who continues on being never far away when the next homicide occurs. Jack searches to uncover this killer of girls before he concludes his slaughter spree with Jennifer.

01. јануар 2007.

A couple use strip poker and erotic storytelling as a way to entice two of their single friends to hook up.

05. мај 2009.

BREAKING HER WILL follows the path of one of the most twisted villains ever to appear on screen. What he does to his captive hitch hiker creates an atmosphere of utterly demented sleaze. Written by Bill Zebub

22. фебруар 2022.

A pajama person becomes lost in a labyrinth of darkly familiar places that connect together impossibly.

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