
170 部电影

他們是你偶像的偶像,史上最暢銷搖滾樂團之一,影響世界樂壇近半世紀。 《波希米亞狂想曲》以搖滾經典的不敗傳奇「皇后合唱團」為中心環繞;描述他們的音樂以及其樂團的靈魂人物—主唱佛萊迪墨裘瑞 短暫卻刻骨銘心的一生,如何靠著音樂打破世俗常規,奠定了搖滾樂的基石,成為地球史上最偉大的藝術家之一。 電影透過他們極具原創性與獨樹一格的標誌曲風,和墨裘瑞充滿爆發性且穿透力的歌聲,描述了皇后合唱團的崛起,以及其一路如何成功風靡了全球樂迷的心;然而,在外界看不到的背後,這個看速堅固的經典傳奇卻藏匿著一觸即發的潛在衝突,就如同於墨裘瑞的生活方式一般,快速地被捲入漩渦且即將失去控制。但即便是在被病魔纏身的狀況之下,墨裘瑞依然乘載著樂迷們的期待,引領著樂團一同於Live Aid的舞台上,成功締造了本世紀最偉大的表演舞台。皇后合唱團華麗且迷幻的心路歷程,不只是鞏固著隊友之間親如家人的情感,以及再次顯示了他們對音樂的執著及血脈傳承;即便到今日,他們的精神也都能夠持續地透過經典,感染並激勵著地球上的每一個角落,包括所有的夢想家及樂迷們。

1993 年 12 月 22 日

安迪是一名服務於費城韋恩威勒事務所的律師,他經手的案件幾乎是無往不利,是大家公認的明日之星,事務所不但將最重要的官司交由安迪處理,並擢升他為公司合夥人,可以說是前途無限。但就在宣佈喜訊的當晚,一名合夥人看見了安迪前額有了一塊黑班。原來,他得了愛滋病。 在公司,沒有人知道安是個同性戀,而他的成功也是靠著他的實力才換取來的,但事實曝光之後,他不但受到同事間異樣的眼光看待,連向來不遺餘力栽培他的公司也將他解雇。安迪知道解雇的原因不是他工作表現不佳,而是因為他身為同性戀愛滋病患的身份。因此安迪雖然日漸衰弱,卻鼓起最大的決心要討回公道。 安迪為了打鸁這場官司,找遍了費城的律師事務所,但沒有人願意與勢力龐大的韋恩威勒對抗。最後,他只好找上昔日的對手喬米勒,不料也遭到了喬的婉拒,在沒有人肯為安迪出力的時候,他決定自己搜集資料,獨身面對這一場官司。 一日喬米勒在圖書館,正巧撞見安迪在眾人的歧視下,仍然孤軍奮鬥的一幕,喬深受感動,俠義之心油然升起,於是決心為安迪出馬作戰…………

1995 年 07 月 28 日

A day in the life of a group of teens as they travel around New York City skating, drinking, smoking and deflowering virgins.

2013 年 11 月 22 日

德州之子朗伍羅夫是一個水電工以及牛仔。在1985年,他荒淫無度,而緊接著被證實呈H.I.V.陽性反應,並只剩下30天的生命。但他卻沒有、也不會輕易接受這死亡宣告。他的病揭露了當時美國政府對於H.I.V.認可治療方式的缺乏,因此朗跨越了邊境來到墨西哥。在那邊,他找到了有效控制病情的方法,並開始將這些藥品偷渡進美國,挑戰醫療、科學團體,以及他的主治醫生伊芙薩克斯。 跟同性戀扯不上關係的朗,卻意外找到了一個同伴,同樣也是HIV患者的蕾昂。他是一個變裝癖者,跟朗一樣有著對生命的渴望。蕾昂同時也跟朗有著同樣的目標:避開政府的檢視以及對抗體制,將這些未經許可的藥帶進來販售給那些同樣在掙扎的人們。他們開始稱自己為藥命俱樂部,這些患者可以在這裡一次得到一個月份的有效治療。在德州的中心,朗領導的地下組織越來越有規模。隨著朋友、病人的加入而成長,朗開始學會在所剩不多的生命中為了尊嚴、教育以及接納而奮鬥…

2005 年 11 月 17 日

This rock opera tells the story of one year in the life of a group of bohemians struggling in late 1980s East Village, New York, USA. The film centers around Mark and Roger, two roommates. While a tragedy has made Roger numb to new experiences, Mark begins capturing their world through his attempts to make a personal movie. In the year that follows, they and their friends deal with love, loss, and working together.

1995 年 04 月 21 日

Erik, a loner, finds a friend in Dexter, an eleven-year-old boy with AIDS. They vow to find a cure for AIDS together and save Dexter's life in an eventful summer.

2016 年 06 月 10 日

Tim and John fell in love while teenagers at their all-boys high school. John was captain of the football team, Tim an aspiring actor playing a minor part in Romeo and Juliet. Their romance endured for 15 years in the face of everything life threw at it – the separations, the discrimination, the temptations, the jealousies and the losses – until the only problem that love can't solve tried to destroy them.

1993 年 09 月 11 日

The story of the discovery of the AIDS epidemic and the political infighting of the scientific community hampering the early fight with it.

1995 年 08 月 18 日

Jeffrey, a gay man living in New York City with an overwhelming fear of contracting AIDS, concludes that being celibate is the only option to protect himself. As fate would have it, shortly after his declaration of a sex-free existence, he meets the handsome Steve Howard, his dream man -- except for his HIV-positive status. Facing this dilemma, Jeffrey turns to his best friend and an outrageous priest for guidance.

2014 年 05 月 25 日

《血熱之心》改編自同名東尼獎得獎作品,故事敘述80年代初期愛滋病開始蔓延,紐約一群同志運動者和醫界朋友,試圖揭發這座城市拒絕承認愛滋病已經開始蔓延的真相... 奈德(馬克魯法洛飾)親身經歷了周遭的同志朋友一一被神秘的疾病帶走,促使他決定起身尋找真相,但政府的態度卻是冷漠和否認,這也讓自己與愛人(麥特波莫飾),和其他朋友一同捲入這場與政府單位的抗爭之中。

2008 年 01 月 18 日

Paris, 1984. A group of friends contend with the first outbreak of the AIDS epidemic.

1986 年 02 月 19 日

Michael and Robert, two gay men living in Brooklyn, spend their last day together before Robert leaves for Africa on work assignment. Michael still has feelings for his friend Nick, who has AIDS.

2008 年 09 月 24 日

Set in New York City's gritty East Village, the revolutionary rock opera RENT tells the story of a group of bohemians struggling to live and pay their rent. "Measuring their lives in love," these starving artists strive for success and acceptance while enduring the obstacles of poverty, illness and the AIDS epidemic.

A girl. A boy. A love story. But also about dreams, fears, life, true love, friendship and how we deal with it. And a secret between them...

2019 年 01 月 27 日

The story of several friends in New York City facing financial poverty, homophobia, AIDS, and, of course, rent.

1989 年 10 月 11 日

During the summer of 1981, a group of friends in New York are completely unprepared for the onslaught of AIDS. What starts as a rumor about a mysterious "gay cancer" soon turns into a major crisis as, one by one, some of the friends begin to fall ill, leaving the others to panic about who will be next. As death takes its toll, the lives of these friends are forever redefined by an unconditional display of love, hope and courage.

2005 年 09 月 02 日

Caye is a young prostitute whose family is unaware of her profession. She meets her striking Dominican neighbour Zulema, an illegal immigrant, after she finds her in the bathroom, badly beaten up. They strike up a close friendship unbeknownst to Caye's xenophobic co-workers.

2019 年 03 月 01 日

A look at the life of photographer Robert Mapplethorpe from his rise to fame in the 1970s to his untimely death in 1989.

2016 年 09 月 29 日

When a struggling writer, HIV positive for 20+ years, accidentally deposits a $100 birthday check, he is dropped from his health plan for earning too much. In this new era of sort-of universal care, can he take on a helpless bureaucracy or come up with $3000 a month to buy meds on his own?

2016 年 11 月 18 日

When Howard Brookner lost his life to AIDS in 1989, the 35-year-old director had completed two feature documentaries and was in post-production on his narrative debut, Bloodhounds of Broadway. Twenty-five years later, his nephew, Aaron, sets out on a quest to find the lost negative of Burroughs: The Movie, his uncle's critically-acclaimed portrait of legendary author William S. Burroughs. When Aaron uncovers Howard's extensive archive in Burroughs’ bunker, it not only revives the film for a new generation, but also opens a vibrant window on New York City’s creative culture from the 1970s and ‘80s, and inspires a wide-ranging exploration of his beloved uncle's legacy.



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