93 filmų

Prieš pat nacionalinę JAV šventę – liepos ketvirtąją – danguje pasirodo keisti skraidantys objektai. Juos pilotuoja ateiviai, kurių ketinimai visai nedraugiški. Atėjūnai iš kitos planetos yra sumanę sunaikinti žmoniją ir užgrobti Žemę...

2020 gegužės 15

A young NASA JPL scientist is abducted by extraterrestrials but when no one believes his story he becomes obsessed with finding proof which leads him on a journey of discovery.

1996 gegužės 31

Apsėstas astronomas, turintis radijo teleskopą, Zeinas Zaminskis išsiaiškina, kad ateiviai jau įsiveržė į Žemę.

Visuotinis atšilimas yra jų parengto, mirtinai pavojingo sąmokslo dalis.

2008 kovo 7

A poor construction worker, who struggles to keep his son in private school, mistakes an orb he finds in a junkjard for a toy which proves to be much, much more once the young boy starts to play with it.

1975 m. Arizonoje miško kirtėjas paslaptingai pradingsta penkioms dienoms, tariamai susidūrus su skraidančia lėkšte.

1986 rugpjūčio 1

A scientific experiment unknowingly brings extraterrestrial life forms to the Earth through a laser beam. First is the cigar smoking drake Howard from the duck's planet. A few kids try to keep him from the greedy scientists and help him back to his planet. But then a much less friendly being arrives through the beam...

2015 gegužės 15

Trys jauni sąmokslo teoretikai bando atskleisti 51 zonos paslaptis. Nuskambėjo gandai, kad vyriausybė susitikdavo su ateiviais. Tai, ką jie randa šioje paslėptoje įstaigoje, atskleidžia neįsivaizduojamas paslaptis.

1988 rugpjūčio 12

A Mysterious Alien Creature (MAC) escaping from nefarious NASA agents, is befriended by a young boy in a wheelchair. Together, they try to find MAC's family from whom he has been separated.

Filmas pasakoja apie ateivių laivą, kuris netikėtai nukrito miesto centre. Žmonės, kurie matė šį įvykį, pradėjo abejoti ne tik savimi, bet ir aplinkiniais.

1994 kovo 9

Two cops investigating the murder of a young boy become invloved in a very secret project involving alien life. Needless to say, the authorities don't want them to stick their noses into this

When an unknown object from space lands on Earth, Bramble gains new abilities and an extraterrestrial sidekick.

2013 birželio 27

When Earth is attacked by a hostile alien force, a small town firefighter and a rogue SETI scientist team up to activate the only technology capable of defeating the invaders.

2018 liepos 20

Nedidelė miesto gyventojų grupė turi susiburti ir apginti žemę nuo invazijos.

1996 rugsėjo 18

As part of an intergalactic coalition, a well-meaning space alien volunteers to bring a message of self-actualization and harmony with nature to the one planet rejected by all her peers as incorrigible: Earth.

A mother and son find themselves faced with a brutal alien invasion where survival will depend on discovering the unthinkable truth about the enemy.

2014 gruodžio 2

When a seemingly abandoned alien spacecraft is discovered orbiting Neptune, a top secret expedition is sent to investigate. In the derelict hulk they discover two surviving alien life forms telepathically linked to one other. 13 years later a savvy, ex-DEA agent and martial arts expert finds herself renditioned to a high security establishment on a remote island where they are conducting experiments on the incarcerated aliens.

Desperate to flee but consumed by fear, Alejandra, a young mother and working housewife, is trapped in a violent and unsatisfying relationship with her husband, Angel. She leans on her brother Fabián for support, but he has secrets of his own. All of their lives are turned upside down by the arrival of the mysterious Veronica. She convinces them that in the nearby woods, inside an isolated cabin, dwells something not of this world that could be the answer to all of their problems... something whose force they cannot resist and with whom they must make peace or suffer its wrath.

2002 kovo 26

In a remote space observatory perched high in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, a needle frantically scratches erratic lines on a strip chart recorder confirming an extraterrestrial signal. Emmett Shaw, the powerful, charismatic billionaire who owns the observatory, rushes to the station, hungry to expose the discovery. This is the biggest moment in human history and he is the man responsible for it all. With the goal of immediately sharing the signal with the entire world, he brings along two leading journalists--Kara Walsh, an extremely attractive, top-notch investigative reporter who begrudgingly owes her career to Shaw, and Reverend Fletcher, a new age visionary with the hottest radio show in the country. Also accompanying Shaw is Jack Jones, a scruffy but brilliant computer technician whose pessimistic and often sarcastic attitude ruffles many feathers in the group--especially Smitty's, the program director, who happens to be Jack's ex-girlfriend and the only Christian in the group.

2017 gruodžio 1

An aggressive race of aliens took over Planet Earth and humanity's at its end, living in giant bunkers below ground. Young Military rookie S.U.M.1 (Iwan Rheon) is sent to the surface to save a group of unprotected survivors.

Wafer factory-owner P. Tinto and his wife Olivia want a child of their own more than anything else in the world. Years of trying, however, have left them with nothing but a pair of extraterrestrial midgets living in the spare bedroom. When they decide to try adoption, a series of misroutings and chance encounters results in an escaped adult mental patient arriving at their door with adoption papers in hand. P. Tinto and Olivia accept this without question and welcome him in as their son. Can this family arrangement work?

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