120 部电影

1939 年 04 月 07 日

A French playboy and an American former nightclub singer fall in love aboard a ship. They arrange to reunite six months later, if neither has changed their mind.

2011 年 01 月 13 日

改編自美國1930至1960年代ABC電視台的同名廣播電視劇,40年代曾推出漫畫,2011年新版《青蜂俠》找來了華語音樂界天王周杰倫,重新詮釋了主角青蜂俠的助手夥伴加藤(Kato)一角,此一角色曾由華人明星李小龍飾演,而周杰倫的「雙節棍」歌曲也成為《青蜂俠》片尾曲。 故事敘述一位洛城媒體大亨之子雷布利(塞斯羅根飾),平日最愛在派對場合遊走,維持其毫無目標的玩樂形象,直到一天他父親(湯姆威金森飾)神祕身亡,留給了雷布利他龐大的媒體帝國。 在員工加藤(周杰倫飾)的幫助下,雷布利找到了人生中貢獻一己之力的機會:那就是打擊犯罪。一到晚上,他們便戴上面具,化身為蒙面英雄拍檔,布雷利變身青蜂俠和武術大師加藤,以及先進的武器裝備:一台裝備強大馬力及火力、所向披靡的酷炫青蜂車Black Beauty,一同打擊街頭犯罪。 他們聯手出擊,不畏強權,迅速建立起青蜂俠的名號,並在美麗的俏秘書雷諾爾(卡麥蓉狄亞飾)的協助下,青蜂俠與加藤開始追捕控制洛城地下犯罪世界的首腦(克里斯多夫沃茲飾),卻沒發現他們早已成為對方亟欲掃除的眼中釘…。

2008 年 08 月 22 日


1988 年 08 月 05 日

In Arborville, California, three high school students try to protect their hometown from a gelatinous alien life form that engulfs everything it touches. The first to discover the substance and live to tell about it, the trio witness the Blob destroying an elderly man, then it growing to a terrifying size. But no one else has seen the goo, and the police refuse to believe the kids without proof.

1954 年 10 月 15 日

莎賓娜(奧黛麗·赫本 Audrey Hepburn 飾)出生在富有的拉若比莊園,但她並非千金貴族,而是該莊園一介小小司機的女兒。可悲的是,莎賓娜看上了莊園裡風流成性的公子哥戴維(威廉·荷登 William Holden 飾),而後者從來沒有將她放在眼裡。莎賓娜遵循父親的旨意前往巴黎學習廚藝,在此期間,逐漸成熟起來的莎賓娜散發出了驚人的魅力。與此同時,為了促進家族企業的發展,戴維與伊麗莎白(瑪莎·海爾 Martha Hyer 飾)的婚事正在如火如荼的進行中。就在這個節骨眼上,學有所成的莎賓娜回到了莊園,她的歸來立刻吸引了戴維的眼球,兩人不顧長輩的反對感情迅速升溫。   

為了維護弟弟的婚事,哥哥萊納斯(亨弗萊·鮑嘉 Humphrey Bogart 飾)決定主動接近莎賓娜,以此來削弱她對戴維的依戀。在相處中,萊納斯和莎賓娜之間產生了異樣的感情,戴維得知此事同萊納斯大打出手,而莎賓娜也誤以為萊納斯的感情只是一個陰謀。傷心的她逃亡巴黎,不久之後,萊納斯也踏上了追隨她的路途。

2003 年 05 月 08 日

這是一部重回經典「桃樂絲黛碰上洛克遜」式的復古作品,電影講的是一名發誓不再愛人的女人,以及一名受歡迎卻認為自己不需要愛情的男人,兩人之間從不懷好意的接觸、衝突,因而擦出愛的火花。 60年代的紐約,宛如夢境的極致優雅和復古奢華。風流瀟灑的明星記者凱契布洛克,愛情無往不利、左擁右抱的他,自從女作家芭芭拉諾華的新書橫掃紐約書市,教女性如何拒絕愛情,去擁抱事業、權力和性之後,這股革命言論造就她直線上升的人氣及風潮,卻讓頂尖知名記者凱契布洛克很不是滋味,這個全紐約最受男人和女人歡迎的萬人迷,揚言要讓芭芭拉愛上他,收回自己說過的話。 《愛情趴趴走》以重現60年代「洛赫遜v.s桃樂絲黛」電影情致和風華,這些電影魅力四射、強調舊式價值觀,充斥著機鋒十足的的性暗示和雙關語。不過,《愛情趴趴走》使用最現代的技術打造出復古60年代紐約街景、品味卓絕的豪華住宅、高檔的休閒俱樂部等,襯托兩個主角的身份,一個是芮妮齊薇格的暢銷作家兼愛情顧問,一個是伊旺麥奎格的風流記者兼花花公子。片中兩人不僅魅力鬥法、談情說愛,片尾兩人還破天荒開口合唱同名主題曲「Down with Love」。

2004 年 11 月 05 日

In Manhattan, the British limousine driver Alfie is surrounded by beautiful women, having one night stands with all of them and without any sort of commitment. His best friends are his colleague Marlon and his girl-friend Lonette. Alfie has a brief affair with Lonette, and the consequences force Alfie to reflect on his lifestyle.

1958 年 05 月 15 日

本片拿下奧斯卡九項大獎,文生明尼裡(Vincente Minnelli)導演之歌舞佳作 。這是根據法國女作家柯萊特的同名中篇小說改編並拍攝的一部娛樂性歌舞片。故事發生在二十世紀的巴黎。有一個名叫琪琪的小姑娘,在祖母瑪米塔的精心照顧下漸漸長大了。她調皮、任性、活潑、好動。為了把她培養成一個高貴、淑雅的女士,祖母特地送她到阿莉西亞姨媽家接受每週一次的特殊教育,她必須從一個高雅淑女的言談舉止、吃穿用戴上從頭學起,而對此種教育,琪琪卻不以為然,滿不在乎。制糖業公司的財產繼承人,富家子弟加斯東常常到琪琪家來作客,他很喜歡這個天真無邪的小姑娘,經常送她一些糖果和小禮物,陪她一起玩紙牌遊戲,兩個人都覺得很開心。通過經常的接觸,加斯東被漸漸長大的琪琪吸引住了,發現她具有獨特的青春魅力,有主見,又純真,不禁愛上了她,而使她幸福的唯一選擇當然是娶琪琪為妻。祖母極力促成這門婚事,但琪琪對結婚既反感又恐懼,斷然拒絕了加斯東的求愛。在加斯東痛苦無奈、醉生夢死之時,琪琪的內心也經歷了從未有過的失落和惆悵,最後終於發現她是多麼喜歡加斯東。於是琪琪主動寫信邀請加斯東到她家,當著祖母面表示接受了加斯東的愛情。加斯東喜出望外,親自選購了貴重的寶石項鏈送給嬌小的未婚妻琪琪,並帶她參加巴黎的大型社交舞會。琪琪身著銀色晚禮服,顯得新鮮出眾,充滿青春活力,但她的舉止不雅,惹惱了加斯東,兩人不歡而散。又經過一番周折,兩人重歸於好,結為伉儷。

2011 年 04 月 08 日

A drunken playboy stands to lose a wealthy inheritance when he falls for a woman that his family doesn't like.


1966 年 08 月 24 日

A young man leads a promiscuous lifestyle until several life reversals make him rethink his purposes and goals in life.

2009 年 03 月 13 日

A young man awakens from a four-year coma to hear that his once virginal high-school sweetheart has since become a centerfold in one of the world's most famous men's magazines. He and his sex-crazed best friend decide to take a cross-country road trip in order to crash a party at the magazine's legendary mansion headquarters and win back the girl.

1959 年 10 月 07 日

Playboy songwriter Brad Allen's succession of romances annoys his neighbor, interior designer Jan Morrow, who shares a telephone party line with him and hears all his breezy routines. After Jan unsuccessfully lodges a complaint against him, Brad sets about to seduce her in the guise of a sincere and upstanding Texas rancher. When mutual friend Jonathan discovers that his best friend is moving in on the girl he desires, however, sparks fly.

1983 年 11 月 10 日

Paul Snider is a narcissistic, small time hustler who fancies himself a ladies man. His life changes when he meets Dorothy Stratten working behind the counter of a Dairy Queen. Under his guidance Dorothy grows to fame as a Playboy Playmate. But when Dorothy begins pursuing an acting career, the jealous Paul finds himself elbowed out of the picture by more famous men.

1981 年 05 月 29 日

Blessed with a keen sense of smell and cursed with a philandering pornographer husband, a parasitic mother, and a pair of delinquent children, the long-suffering Francine Fishpaw turns to the bottle as her life falls apart -- until deliverance appears in the form of a hunk named Todd Tomorrow.

2020 年 10 月 02 日

這部喜劇由蘇菲亞柯波拉執導並擔任編劇,描述住在紐約的年輕媽媽 (拉西達瓊絲飾),突然對自己的婚姻產生了懷疑,決定和父親 (比爾莫瑞飾) 聯手跟蹤老公 (馬龍韋恩斯飾),找出真相。然而碰上風流倜儻的父親,父女倆又會發生什麼有笑有淚的故事?

1958 年 01 月 15 日

Cecile is a decadent young girl who lives with her rich playboy father, Raymond. When Anne, Raymond's old love interest, comes to Raymond's villa, Cecile is afraid for her way of life.

1957 年 06 月 19 日

居於巴黎的一名私家偵探(由莫里斯·謝瓦利埃飾演)有一個學大提琴的女兒阿莉安妮(Arianne),熱情的她一日無意打開父親的工作記錄,得知Frank Flannigan是一名風流美國人;不少吃醋的丈夫都找阿里安妮的父親跟蹤Frank。當她知道其中一人想要殺死Frank,就親自去警告Frank。對此,她開始熱衷於與Frank結識,但又害怕自己無經驗而失去與之結交的機會,於是裝成一位神秘女子。Frank未能了解她,於是都找阿莉安妮的父親打探她的底細。最後真相大白,Frank決它定洗心革面,向阿莉安妮求婚。

2016 年 03 月 11 日

Charlie is a charming playboy who doesn't believe in serious relationships. His best friends bet him that if he sticks to one woman for one month, he's bound to get attached. Charlie denies this yet accepts the seemingly easy challenge, until he cross paths with the beautiful and mysterious Eva. They may agree to a casual affair, but eventually Charlie is questioning whether he may actually want more.

2014 年 11 月 08 日

The story of Vince, New England's most successful divorce attorney. To Vince, life is one big competition, and losing is unacceptable. This also applies in his dating life with his love 'em and leave 'em approach. Then Vince meets Jane, who is beautiful, successful and also extremely driven. Together they enter into a series of entertaining wagers with each other where the winner gets to decide the fate of the loser.



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