31 部电影

綽號「曼菲斯」的藍道雷恩斯(尼可拉斯凱吉飾演)是一名退休多時的頂尖偷車賊,過去他最快的偷車紀錄是60秒。當初使他毅然決然金盆洗手的原因是,他母親命令他離他弟弟吉普遠一點,萬萬不可讓吉普步上他的後塵。 數年後,曼菲斯接獲好友的通報,吉普惹上大麻煩,為了解救吉普,並且收拾吉普闖下的爛攤子,曼菲斯迫不得已重出江湖,他必須在四天之內俞到五十輛名貴汽車完成交易,才得以脫身。 於是曼菲斯開始召集多年前志同道合的夥伴們,史薇(安吉莉娜裘莉飾演)、奧圖(勞勃杜瓦飾演)以及惡煞(凡尼瓊斯飾演)準備大幹一票。 但天不從人願,多年一直沒能逮到曼菲斯的警察盯上了他,時間一分一秒的過去,眼看著時間剩不到二十四小時,他如何在有限時間內,躲過警察的耳目並偷到五十輛車順利交貨,解救他的弟弟……

1961 年 02 月 07 日

法國新浪潮電影大師高達,反類型、顛覆傳統類型片,反傳統跳接風格、大量經典爵士樂的法國新浪潮經典之片,風格十足。電影美學的更新,甚少是因為製作預算或技術難度;相反的,多半是因理念與實踐的配合,證明了創作的可能潛力。以高達的《斷了氣》為例,它有個比好萊塢犯罪類型還簡單的故事,卻在高達有限的預算和革命性的創意中,成了電影史上的不朽經典。 楊波貝蒙飾演的米榭是個喜歡模仿美國明星亨佛萊鮑嘉的混混,他在馬賽偷了輛車,卻因為違規而遭員警追趕,情急之下,他拿出車裡的手槍射殺了警察。犯下大錯後,他最後投奔在巴黎街頭一邊賣報紙一邊夢想成為大記者的美國女友巴蒂西雅(珍西寶飾)家。米榭沒作解釋地住進女友公寓,承諾只要把別人欠他的錢收回,就帶她去義大利度假,但大部分時間他都無所事事。警方不久後也找上巴蒂西雅,剛開始她矢口否認,但後來卻還是出賣了米榭,在巴黎街頭上演了另一場槍殺。《斷了氣》是高達電影革命的開場白,他創造了一個脫胎自好萊塢卻完全推翻好萊塢的電影,楊波貝蒙開車時候的喃喃自語或直視鏡頭,在當年簡直不可思議,何況是斷裂的跳接手法。而兩位主角近乎白描的戀人絮語,以及戛然而止的收尾,更創新了電影角色的形塑規則。侯孝賢說他和廖慶松在剪《{風櫃來的人}》的時候看了《斷了氣》,原本的遲疑剎那間豁然開朗。由此可見,《斷了氣》最大的貢獻,不在定義什麼,而是解放與啟發。 筋疲力盡,窮途末路,A bout de souffle,À bout de souffle,Breathless

1987 年 10 月 23 日

A rookie cop goes undercover to infiltrate a gang of car thieves led by smooth and charming Ted. The rookie becomes too involved and starts to enjoy the thrill and lifestyle of the game, and becomes romanticly involved with the leaders sister.

1974 年 07 月 28 日

Insurance investigator Maindrian Pace and his team lead double-lives as unstoppable car thieves. When a South American drug lord pays Pace to steal 48 cars for him, all but one, a 1973 Ford Mustang, are in the bag. As Pace prepares to rip-off the fastback, codenamed "Eleanor", in Long Beach, he is unaware that his boss has tipped off the police after a business dispute.

2008 年 06 月 04 日

Yvan finds a burglar in his house. After some consideration, Yvan decides not to call the police and to drop the lad near the nearby city but he ends up giving him a lift home to his parents. Together, they travel through Belgium and meet some extraordinary people and find themselves in ditto situations.

2006 年 06 月 24 日

A kick-ass professional car thief, Sage, (Taryn Manning), steals a classic '66 Charger on a challenge. It turns out the car belongs to a serial killer (is there another kind?), who proceeds to slice and dice her friends because he wants his car back, and wants Sage dead. Sage also deals with treacherous fellow criminals, and a cop who wants her in jail, or wants to start a relationship (he hasn't decided yet).

1983 年 02 月 17 日

After discovering that a group of car thieves may have something to do with his father's untimely death, Steve pursues the criminals and attempts to capture them as well as prove his prowess as a racecar driver.

1998 年 07 月 31 日

A car thief breaks into a man's house who is on a low because his career is being taken away. The man locks up the thief in the car, and tortures him.

Comedy about Zdzisław Najmrodzki, most famous polish criminal in the times of Polish People Republic, named "the getaway king", known for stealing cars and escaping prison many times, but never hurting anybody.

2007 年 01 月 22 日

When his mother dies, a teenager takes a road-trip in a stolen car to find his long-lost brother. Along the way he discovers a profound connection with the car-owner and with himself as well.

2012 年 07 月 27 日

Ray, a man without family addicted to the game, dedicated to steal cars and for love will end up in jail.

2017 年 04 月 06 日

When Jimmy finds a mysterious package in the trunk of his latest boost, he is thrust into a violent underworld of criminals, and a race against the clock to save a little girl's life.

2020 年 02 月 28 日

A woman's panicked decision to cover up an accidental killing spins out of control when her conscience demands she return the dead man's body to his family.

2005 年 01 月 01 日

Eleven-year-old petty criminal Maroa lives with her violent grandmother Brigida in Caracas. After her boyfriend Carlos is involved in a shooting, Maroa is arrested and sent to a school where Joaquin conducts the youth orchestra, and he asks the naturally talented Maroa to join. Days now revolve around the classes that Joaquin, the shy and unconventional teacher, gives her. He is immediately interested in this talented young girl, who lacks all notion of discipline. Joaquin, the only person to offer hope in the midst of her rejection, finds that through Maroa, his world has also changed forever.

1951 年 02 月 23 日

A woman becomes desperate to find a pair of car thieves after her husband -- while on their honeymoon -- is killed during a robbery.

1934 年 07 月 05 日

A young man-about-Paris, cut off from his father's money, falls in with a picaresque gang of car thieves.

2015 年 07 月 17 日

Small-town crook Cody (Mike Dwyer, Sandbar) was at the end of his rope when a mysterious stranger offered him the chance of his life. There was just one catch - in this game he would have to wager everything, including his life. Cody finds himself trapped amongst a band of outsiders and misfits - all fighting for their lives and a slice of the American dream. Fueled by a horde of masked sadists, Cody and the others will win a fortune or die a brutal death.

1996 年 03 月 24 日

In this Hallmark story, Allan is a normal middleaged man with a wife and two kids. When Alan is suddenly attacked one night, he loses his memory, leading his family to believe that he is dead.

1997 年 01 月 01 日

As the California sun shines down from an Los Angeles sky, three unique individuals are about to collide in the most unexpected ways imaginable. Lyle is a psychotic serial killer who has formed a dangerous fixation on single mother and expert car thief Tess. As Lyle prepares to make his deadly move, widowed Greek Restaurant owner Shandor finds himself forced to take matters into his own hands when the law fails to protect and serve as promised.

1953 年 11 月 27 日

Gunnar and Ulf are neighbors. They are both lured into a life of crime.



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