14 elokuvaa

Spirit on Villissä lännessä vapaana syntynyt salskea mustangi, joka jo nuorena ottaa paikkansa lauman johtajana. Uteliaisuus vie kuitenkin villihevosen ennen pitkää ihmisten pariin. Spirit tempautuu mukaan huimaan seikkailuun, kun sitä yritetään kesyttää niin ratsuväen kuin rautatienrakentajien palvelukseen. Intiaaniystävänsä Pikku Puron ja hurmaavan Sade-tamman avulla sinnikäs Spirit kuitenkin selviytyy kamppailustaan voittajana ja onnistuu säilyttämään vapautensa.

Lucky Prescott ei koskaan oppinut tuntemaan edesmennyttä äitiään Milagro Navarroa, joka oli peloton taitoratsastaja rajaseudulla Miraderon pikkukaupungissa. Lucky on tullut äitiinsä, sillä hänkään ei pidä säännöistä ja rajoituksista. Se aiheuttaa harmaita hiuksia Cora-tädille, joka yrittää parhaansa mukaan kasvattaa tyttöä suurkaupungissa. Kun Lucky joutuu jälleen kerran pulaan, Cora päättää, että edessä on muutto Luckyn Jim-isän luo Miraderoon. Unelias pikkukaupunki ei alkuun tee vaikutusta Luckyyn. Hän tulee kuitenkin toisiin ajatuksiin, kun hän kohtaa Spiritin, omapäisen mustangin, ja tutustuu kahteen paikalliseen ratsastajaan, Abigailiin ja Pru’un. Kun sydämetön hevosten kasvattaja aikoo vangita Spiritin lauman ja myydä hevoset raskaaseen työhön, Lucky lähtee uusien ystäviensä kanssa pelastamaan eläintä, joka on antanut hänen elämälleen merkityksen. Spiritin avulla Lucky on löytänyt yhteyden äitiinsä ja meksikolaiseen kulttuuriperintöönsä.

5 maaliskuu 2004

Set in 1890, this is the story of a Pony Express courier who travels to Arabia to compete with his horse, Hidalgo, in a dangerous race for a massive contest prize, in an adventure that sends the pair around the world...

While filing for a divorce, beautiful ex-stripper Roslyn Taber ends up meeting aging cowboy-turned-gambler Gay Langland and former World War II aviator Guido Racanelli. The two men instantly become infatuated with Roslyn and, on a whim, the three decide to move into Guido's half-finished desert home together. When grizzled ex-rodeo rider Perce Howland arrives, the unlikely foursome strike up a business capturing wild horses.

28 heinäkuu 1974

Insurance investigator Maindrian Pace and his team lead double-lives as unstoppable car thieves. When a South American drug lord pays Pace to steal 48 cars for him, all but one, a 1973 Ford Mustang, are in the bag. As Pace prepares to rip-off the fastback, codenamed "Eleanor", in Long Beach, he is unaware that his boss has tipped off the police after a business dispute.

29 syyskuu 2015

Documentary about four friends on a 3,000 mile journey across the American West on horseback.

8 lokakuu 2015

David Gelb (Jiro Dreams of Sushi) tackles another venerable, beloved, and long-standing institution: the Mustang, crown jewel of the Ford fleet. Only this institution is in turmoil. As the fiftieth anniversary of the Mustang approaches and the car industry struggles through the deepest trough of the financial crisis, Ford launches a redesign. Now the jobs of workers at Ford’s Flat Rock Assembly Plant, the expectations of the thousands of Mustang devotees, and the livelihood of the city of Detroit are all placed squarely on the shoulders of Dave Pericak. As chief program engineer, he will guide the 2015 Mustang from assembly floor to showroom—if only he can get that vibration out of the steering wheel.

31 toukokuu 2005

After her father dies in a horse riding accident, a displaced city girl named Cheryl is sent to live with a foster family on a farm in the country. Here she meets a magnificent horse. Cheryl learns to face her fear of horses and manages to race once again.

1 tammikuu 1975

Los Angeles-based artist Ed Ruscha’s 1975 short film Miracle centers on a day in the life of an auto mechanic (played by artist Jim Ganzer), who has a transformative experience while working on the engine of a Ford Mustang. Actress and singer Michelle Phillips of the Mamas and the Papas plays his love interest. Since the 1960s, Ruscha has received extensive critical acclaim for his paintings, photographs, drawings, and books exploring the commercial vernacular of Los Angeles—its graphic signage, architecture, and even parking lots. In effect, his work subtly comments on America’s cultural and socioeconomic evolution in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Miracle is one of only two films made by the artist in the 1970s. – Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis by Kelly Shindler, Associate Curator

16 joulukuu 2016

Weekend-dad Kim-Andre is trying hard to be the perfect father for his daughter Mina, but must deal with his mother when she steals the trump card of his - a newly renovated Ford Mustang.

7 lokakuu 1973

Pechudo is a magnificent jet-black stallion who epitomizes the adjective, "freedom." Running wild in Mexico, Pechudo and his running mates are constantly being sought out and captured by ranchers. Time and again, however, Pechudo would elude capture, then return and seek out his fellow mustangs and free them, and the adventure would repeat itself.

15 toukokuu 2020

A diminishing water supply is driving people from their land in a remote region of Nepal. The younger generation of the Gurung family adapts by commuting from their ancestral home, where subsistence depends on grazing goats and cows, to a village that has a commercial apple orchard, fed by irrigation. “We cannot give up cultivating our fields,” a elderly man explains. “The apple farm is not going to be able to feed us easily.” The older generation believes that water shortages stem from road building and bulldozing, upsetting the natural order, a young man explains. Both generations fly prayer flags, beseeching water.

14 marraskuu 2014

Jerryy is the story about a cool, handsome and rich guy, Jaiveer Rana or Jerryy (Anmol KC), who believes “Love is like a Chinese mobile with no guarantee” and his trip to Mustang where he truly falls in love with a beautiful girl, Aakansha (Anna Sharma) and everything after is romance and heartbreaks.

7 kesäkuu 2012

A Dream Trip Across India Some kilometers from Bombay, the Indian megalopolis, lost on a hill of Bollywood, is the grandiose set of a vast temple with a magical touch, reminiscent at the same time of an Indian shrine and an ancient Inca temple. Inside, Ten Ford Mustangs are waiting. Ten Ford Mustang with an incredible pedigree: Bullitt GT390, Shelby GT500, Shelby GT500 KR 1968... the deep sound of a gong resounds, the doors of the templeopen launching the first edition of the Maharajah of the Road. At the wheel of the ten Ford Mustang, passionate people coming from all over the world: Indian, French, American, Italian, Lebanese... they are business men, automobile designers, manufacturers, artists… From Mumbai to Jodhpur, a 2.000 kilometres tour will lead our Mustangs through India. From the Rats Temple in Deshnoke city to the thousand-and-one palaces, the two princesses will show the Rajasthan to the adventurers of the road in an eventful trip...

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