40 部电影

2003 年 05 月 30 日


2012 年 10 月 23 日



2019 年 11 月 22 日

改編自紐約時報文章,講述化學公司杜邦如何偷偷排放有毒化學物質至河水中近40年,毒害當地居民及家畜,之後遭到律師揭發並告上法庭,而纏訟16年的官司也終於得以在2016年伸張正義。 根據真人真事改編,描述原本替杜邦化學公司擔任辯護律師的羅伯比洛特(馬克盧法洛 飾),在替小鎮居民調查牲畜大量死亡事件時,意外揭露杜邦長期以來偷偷排放化學物質汙染環境的黑暗祕密。為了替居民討回公道,並將大企業不為人知的惡行公諸於世,羅伯決定賭上一切,包括事業、家人甚至是自己的性命,向杜邦提起訴訟,只為伸張正義……。

一群朋友決定在寒假期間去滑雪橇,因而製造出“致命彎道”,使得他們在暴風雪中迷路,但他們幸運的在一個廢棄的療養院里找到住的地方,完全隔離了這場暴風雪,並且對於自己能在這場災難中倖存而感到幸運。 但是他們所找到的這個療養院有著非常可怕的過去,而且這所療養院之前住的病人現在依舊在裡面住著,這些病人對於他們的入侵感到非常的反感,因此展開了一場致命的“貓捉老鼠”的遊戲,這群還在上大學的孩子們必須是否能發揮智慧對抗博鬥?努力撐過這危及性命的難捱夜晚...

2007 年 10 月 08 日


2002 年 01 月 25 日

Reporter John Klein is plunged into a world of impossible terror and unthinkable chaos when fate draws him to a sleepy West Virginia town whose residents are being visited by a great winged shape that sows hideous nightmares and fevered visions.

2020 年 09 月 11 日


2007 年 12 月 07 日

A weekend of camping in the mountains becomes an excursion into hell for a young couple, who become pawns in a grotesque plot hatched by deranged locals.

風和日麗的一天,傑克和艾麗(Katrina Bowden 飾)等8名大學生驅車來至莫裡斯湖的森林度假。這裡據說在20年前曾發生一起慘絕人寰的大屠殺,這個傳說讓這群看慣類似題材恐怖電影的男女們惴惴不安,而途中偶遇的兩名當地青年也讓他們心有餘悸。那兩名青年名叫托克(Alan Tudyk 飾)和戴爾(Tyler Labine 飾),是一對從小一起長大的好朋友,雖然面相兇惡,骨子裡則實實在在的熱心腸。他們相約前往莫裡斯湖的山間小屋附近垂釣,夜晚偶然救助了意外落水的艾麗。然而他們的善舉卻被艾麗的朋友們誤解成為殺人的暴行。魯莽的男女們決心救出朋友,卻引發了一連串的血腥慘劇……


1999 年 02 月 19 日



1987 年 08 月 28 日

Filmed in the coal country of West Virginia, "Matewan" celebrates labor organizing in the context of a 1920s work stoppage. Union organizer, Joe Kenehan, a scab named "Few Clothes" Johnson and a sympathetic mayor and police chief heroically fight the power represented by a coal company and Matewan's vested interests so that justice and workers' rights need not take a back seat to squalid working conditions, exploitation and the bottom line.

2009 年 10 月 09 日

A man and his brother on a mission of revenge become trapped in a harrowing occult experiment dating back to the Third Reich.

2019 年 04 月 12 日


2005 年 09 月 23 日

In a blue-collar American town, a group of teens bands together to form the Dandies, a gang of gunslingers led by Dick Dandelion. Following a code of strict pacifism at odds with the fact that they all carry guns, the group eventually lets in Sebastian, the grandson of Dick's childhood nanny, Clarabelle, who fears the other gangs in the area. Dick and company try to protect Clarabelle, but events transpire that push the gang past posturing.

2006 年 03 月 31 日

This 2005 documentary film chronicles the life of Daniel Johnston, a manic-depressive genius singer/songwriter/artist, from childhood up to the present, with an emphasis on his mental illness and how it manifested itself in demonic self-obsession.

1992 年 01 月 01 日

Gillian Anderson in her first ever screen role. Anderson's psycho boyfriend, Cliff, returns to his home town seething with pent-up frustration and rage. Four years earlier his family was on the verge of breaking up. Now he's returned to put things right, fired by a psychopathic determination he is intent on destroying his father's new relationship...whatever it takes.

1986 年 04 月 21 日

In 1969, an administrator runs against the corrupt president of the United Coal Miners Union, and becomes the target of a murder plot.

2014 年 09 月 09 日

Chasing their dream of landing their own hunting show, Jake and Stevie head to the dense, secluded mountains of West Virginia. Equipped with only their bow and camera, they have just three days to kill a monster buck big enough to grab the attention of the network...and they've found him. But the sun has set, and they realize they're not alone.



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