34 sarjaa

13 elokuu 1997

South Park on talvinen pikkukaupunki Coloradossa. Siellä asuvat 8-vuotiaat kaverukset Eric Cartman, Kyle Broflovski, Stan Marsh ja Kenny McCormick. Pojat kiroilevat, viljelevät alatyylistä huumoria ja joutuvat outoihin tilanteisiin. Sarjan ideana on kritisoida amerikkalaista yhteiskuntaa ja puhua vaietuista tabuista. Sarja sai alkunsa Trey Parkerin ja Matt Stonen lyhytelokuvasta. Sarjasta on myös tehty elokuva South Park: Isompi, pidempi ja leikkaamaton.

13 syyskuu 1997

Välitunti kuvaa kuuden neljäsluokkalaisen elämää Third Streetin alakoulussa, jonne oppilaat ovat perustaneet ihmisyhteisön pienoiskoossa, jolla on oma hallitus, luokkajärjestelmä ja kirjoittamattomat lait. Heitä hallitsee monarkki, kuudesluokkalainen nimeltä Kuningas Bob, jonka valvojat pitävät huolen siitä, että hänen käskyjään noudatetaan. Yhteisöllä on pitkä lista tiukkoja arvoja ja sosiaalisia normeja, jotka luovat kaikille oppilaille korkeat odotukset yhdenmukaisuudesta.

Nuori tyttö rikkoo taikakirjan sinetin päästäen sisällä olleiden korttien henget vapaiksi. Hänestä tulee Kortinvangitsija, ja hänen on haettava henget takaisin.

Amerikkalainen TV-sarja kertoo kahdesta koulupojasta, Ernosta ja Huukosta, jotka hypnotisoivat koulunsa rehtorin uskomaan, että hän on supersankari nimeltään Kapteeni Kalsari.

One lonely, gloomy fifth-grade girl is the target of her classmates' relentless bullying and teasing—that is, until a new kid arrives on the scene. Friendly Takada is as clueless as he is well-meaning, but somehow he possesses the magic ability to start drawing "Grim Reaper" Nishimura out of her shell. As the elementary schoolers experience all the fun of a childhood summer together—from going to the pool to picking sunflowers to watching fireworks—an unusual friendship blossoms!

7 lokakuu 1996

The show revolves around the lives of 8-year-old Arthur Read, an anthropomorphic aardvark, his friends and family, and their daily interactions with each other.

Satoru Fujinuma is a struggling manga artist who has the ability to turn back time and prevent deaths. When his mother is killed he turns back time to solve the mystery, but ends up back in elementary school, just before the disappearance of his classmate Kayo.

7 joulukuu 2021

Työpaikkakomedia joukosta omistautuneita, intohimoisia opettajia – ja rehtorista, jolla on taipumus tulkita kaikki omalla tavallaan – heidän luoviessaan Philadelphian julkisessa koulujärjestelmässä. Todennäköisyydet ovat heitä vastaan, mutta he haluavat auttaa oppilaitaan menestymään elämässä. Ja vaikka nämä uskomattomat kansan palvelijat ovatkin alivoimaisia ja alirahoitettuja, he pitävät työstään – joskaan eivät koulupiirin vähemmän kuin loistavasta asenteesta lasten kouluttamista kohtaan.

The Kikaika (literally mechanization) Empire invades our solar system, and in a matter of moments they take over and convert Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars, and set their sights on Earth. However, one thing stands in their way. Earth's ancient protector and soldier of light, Eldran. To fight this menace he gifts a 5th-grade class with 3 huge robotic dinosaurs, with the power to merge and form the giant robot Go-Saurer, which they then can pilot and use to stop the Kikaika Empire's advances.

4 toukokuu 2021

Elementary school children take control of giant robots to save the earth from the evil Jaku Empire.

GEAR Fighter Dendoh is an anime series that aired in Japan. It ran for 38 episodes, from October 4, 2000 to June 27, 2001, on the TV Tokyo network and its affiliates.

Japanese elementary school students Ginga Izumo and Hokuto Kusanagi are chosen by a giant robot known as Dendoh, and now have to work together to defend the Earth from the evil mechanical alien empire Garufa.

2 huhtikuu 1967

After Mitsuo receives a mask from a retiring superhero, he becomes Perman.

2 lokakuu 2007

This is a story about two sisters: Shizuru is a high school student who is able to see ghosts while her younger sister, Mizuki, is haunted by these apparitions. Frustrated by their abilities, their parents decided to entrust the sisters into the care of their grandparents who live in the countryside. As they adapt to life in the countryside, Shizuru and Mizuki begin to learn about the importance of coexisting nature with these apparitions.

Everyday things make up the fabric of life—whether it's making friends, going to school, trying to make money, or celebrating a holiday. Ichigo Mashimaro is a heartwarming series that follows the daily lives of Chika Itoh, her sister Nobue, and her friends Miu, Matsuri, and Ana.

13 tammikuu 2016

Written by and starring acclaimed comedy troupe The Katydids, Teachers shows their hilariously warped perspective as six elementary school teachers trying to mold young minds, even though their own lives aren’t really together.

14 tammikuu 2018

After a divorce, Hannah decides to get her life back on track.

Satoru löytää äitinsä murhattuna ja matkaa erikoiskykynsä avulla ajassa 18 vuotta taaksepäin estämään äitinsä ja kolmen luokkatoverinsa kuoleman.

23-year-old school teacher Aoki Daisuke has a huge problem. One of his students, Kokonoe Rin, has proclaimed herself to be Daisuke-sensei's girlfriend and is now on the warpath to win him over or get him fired.

A cast of colorful characters, be it, students, at school or adults in working life, face all sorts of strange and eccentric challenges on a daily basis:

The accident-prone Takagi keeps on hurting himself, making encounters at the school's infirmary with the sexually aggressive nurse Shitara unavoidable. Sushi, a talking cat, takes on various jobs like aspiring sushi chef, stunt cat, delinquent teacher, salesman, reporter, cat detective, explorer on Mars, ramen shop owner, and even as the Defender of Love — Sushi-Sushi Man... all of these jobs usually do not end well though. The ditzy pair Takao-san and Kobato-chan, of all things, struggle with the proper way of disposing of garbage. The Hamster of a family of four has to bear many misunderstandings in communication, starting off with having to respond to a different name from each family member...

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