16 elokuvaa

Kun hurmaava aristokraatti Sebastian kutsuu Charles Ryderin perheensä kartanoon, Charles joutuu Marchmainin perheen äveriään elämäntyylin, sekä Sebastianin sisaren, viettelemäksi. Heidän romanssinsa syvetessä, tulee myös todellisuus vastaan, ja Charlesille selviää että Bridesheadissa rakkaus, raha ja valta vaativat hintansa. Lumoava tarina, jonka haluat nähdä yhä uudelleen ja uudelleen.

25 joulukuu 1993

C.S. Lewis, a world-renowned writer and professor, leads a passionless life until he meets spirited poet Joy Gresham.

17 huhtikuu 1967

Stephen is a professor at Oxford University who is caught in a rut and feels trapped by his life in both academia and marriage. One of his students, William, is engaged to the beautiful Anna, and Stephen becomes enamored of the younger woman. These three people become linked together by a horrible car crash, with flashbacks providing details into the lives of each person and their connection to the others in this brooding English drama.

Onko olemassa täydellistä rikosta? Onko olemassa koko totuutta? Matemaattiset symbolit ja kryptiset koodit liittyvät hirviömäisten murhien sarjaan Oxfordin yliopistossa. Amerikkalainen jatko-opiskelija ryhtyy yhdessä ikääntyvän professorin kanssa selvittämään tapausta. Mutta totuus voi saattaa heidät molemmat vaaraan. Jos he siis löytävät sen... Täydellinen rikos ei jää selvittämättä, vaan se, jossa syytetään väärää henkilöä.

31 joulukuu 1997

After a childhood of abuse by his evangelistic father, misfit Oscar Hopkins becomes an Anglican minister and develops a divine obsession with gambling. Lucinda Leplastrier is a rich Australian heiress shopping in London for materials for her newly acquired glass factory back home. Deciding to travel to Australia as a missionary, Oscar meets Lucinda aboard ship, and a mutual obsession blossoms. They make a wager that will alter each of their destinies.

The boys get jobs as a butler and maid-- Stan in drag-- for a dinner party. When that ends in disaster, they resort to sweeping streets and accidentally capture a bank robber. The grateful bank president sends them to Oxford, at their request, and higher-education hijinks ensue.

2 lokakuu 2006

The story of an unruly class of bright, funny history students at a Yorkshire grammar school in pursuit of an undergraduate place at Oxford or Cambridge. Bounced between their maverick English master, a young and shrewd teacher hired to up their test scores, a grossly out-numbered history teacher, and a headmaster obsessed with results, the boys attempt to pass.

18 helmikuu 1938

A brash young American aristocrat attending Oxford University gets a chance to prove himself and win the heart of his antagonist's sister.

A dramatic and penetrating examination of the intellectual and moral standards existing at Oxford University, England, in the early 1970s.

15 marraskuu 1996

The story of the year the Oxford and Cambridge boat race changed from a gentleman's race to one where winning was everything.

A journey through C.S. Lewis’ early life and his dramatic conversion story about his inner conflict.

18 joulukuu 1948

This MGM Traveltalk short focuses on the history of England's colleges in Cambridge, Oxford, and Eton and the towns that surround the campuses.

9 helmikuu 2012

When a dying theater’s last hope for business suddenly goes from a murder mystery show to an actual murder mystery, the cast must play it off in order to save their jobs!

1 syyskuu 1956

Traffic chaos and parking pandemonium in London is nothing new around the capital.

BBC medical editor Fergus Walsh examines the extraordinary ambition behind the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid jab. Intended as a vaccine for the world, did politics get in its way?

1 tammikuu 1956

1950s Soho beats with far more energy than its 21st century counterpart in this vivid time capsule.

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