31 filmų

„Sunaikinimas“ (angl. „Annihilation“) - tai 2014 m. į pasaulį analogų neturintį filmą "Ex Machina" paleidusio režisieriaus Alex Garland antrasis filmas apie slaptą biologių ekspediciją į izoliuotą vietovę, kurioje ne viskas veikia pagal gamtos dėsnius. Filme susipina dramos, siaubo ir fantastikos elementai, žiūrovą nukeliantys į aplinką, neturinčią racionalių paaiškinimų. Filme vaidina tokios mega žvaigždės kaip Natalie Portman, Oscar Isaac ir Benedict Wong.

Praėjusio amžiaus septintasis dešimtmetis. Jaunas fizikas Stivenas Hokingas (vaid. Eddie Redmayne) Kembridžo universitete įsimyli literatūros studentę Džeinę Vaild (vaid. Felicity Jones). Jų jausmus ir daug žadančią Stiveno mokslininko karjerą supurto negailestinga diagnozė: amiotropinė lateralinė sklerozė. Pasak gydytojų, vaikinui liko gyventi vos dveji metai. Tačiau padedamas Džeinės rūpesčio ir meilės, Stivenas pasiryžta įrodyti, kad jo atveju gydytojai klysta.

1986 rugpjūčio 1

A scientific experiment unknowingly brings extraterrestrial life forms to the Earth through a laser beam. First is the cigar smoking drake Howard from the duck's planet. A few kids try to keep him from the greedy scientists and help him back to his planet. But then a much less friendly being arrives through the beam...

2017 birželio 16

A pilot battles to save his family and the planet after an experiment for unlimited energy goes wrong.

Fizikas išranda laiko mašiną ir pasirodo reta gėlė iš ateities Dalija. Dabar jis turi rasti tokią pačią gėlę dabartyje, kad įtikintų kitus, jog laiko mašina veikia. Netrukus jis supranta, kad kitą Daliją turi paslaptinga mergina, kuri jį suvilioja, taip priversdama atskleisti visas jo paslaptis. Galvodamas, kad mergina jį išdavė, jis grįžta į praeitį, o praeityje supranta tiesą apie laiko mašiną, merginą ir savo paties realybę.

1966 sausio 31

Set in German-occupied Norway, resistance fighter Knut Straud enlists the reluctant physicist Rolf Pedersen in an effort to destroy the German heavy water production plant in rural Telemark.

2022 rugsėjo 26

Does infinity exist? Can we experience the Infinite? In an animated film (created by artists from 10 countries) the world's most cutting-edge scientists and mathematicians go in search of the infinite and its mind-bending implications for the universe. Eminent mathematicians, particle physicists and cosmologists dive into infinity and its mind-bending implications for the universe.

1973 birželio 15

A team consisting of a physicist, his wife, a young female psychic and the only survivor of the previous visit are sent to the notorious Hell House to prove/disprove survival after death. Previous visitors have either been killed or gone mad, and it is up to the team to survive a full week in isolation, and solve the mystery of the Hell House.

Manel, a physicist working on his PhD thesis, accidentally fall in love with Elena, a young model and aspiring actress.

1943 gruodžio 16

Poor physics student Marie is studying at the Sorbonne in 1890s Paris. One of the few women studying in her field, Marie encounters skepticism concerning her abilities, but is eventually offered a research placement in Pierre Curie's lab. The scientists soon fall in love and embark on a shared quest to extract, from a particular type of rock, a new chemical element they have named radium. However, their research puts them on the brink of professional failure.

Pakeitusi gyvanamą vietą bei darbą, Jasuko, kartu su savo paaugle dukra, džiaugiasi ramiu gyvenimu. Tačiau džiaugsmą sugriauna netikėtai atsiradęs buvęs vyras, kuris nekviestas ateina į namus ir leidžia suprasti, kad ramybės moteris neturės. Įvyksta kivirčas, kurio metu, visai to nenorėdamos, Jasuko ir jos dukra nužudo nekviestą svečią. Negana to, į duris paskambina kitapus sienos gyvenantis kaimynas. Nors moteris mėgina nuslėpti tai, kas įvyko jos bute, kaimynas pareiškia, jog supranta kas įvyko ir pasisiūlo padėti atsikratyti kūno. Kelių dienų bėgyje, kūnas surandamas ir vienas iš policijos tyrėjų nusprendžia kreiptis pagalbos į savo draugą, padėjusį išspręsti ne vieną bylą – genijų – fiziką Yukuwa. Netrukus paaiškėja, kad sumanusis fizikas ir merginoms kūną paslėpti padedantis kaimynas – universiteto laikų draugai. Maža to – abu žinomi kaip genijai. Prasideda dviejų protų, fiziko ir matematiko, kova...

The crew of an atomic submarine battle to save the world from global destruction.

Naoko Yamada (Yukie Nakama), a female magician, and Jiro Ueda (Hiroshi Abe), a genius physicist, are back again to solve the mystery of supernatural happenings. In a village where people are cured, a battle royale is held to find the successor for shamen Kamahaeri. Naoko attempts to gain big money by participating in the battle royale, while Jiro is invited to the village to stop this custom. Naoko and Ueda then challenges this amazing trick ..

2013 birželio 22

This is an episode of Galileo in name only, since this story focuses exclusively on Utsumi Koaru, played by Shibasaki Kou. The eccentric scientist makes a cameo appearance in one scene and the final scene is on the same day as episode one of the second series, but apart from that this drama has little to do with the rest of the Galileo canon.

2018 balandžio 24

Eric, the top investment manager at his firm, is assigned to help Julia, the stunning owner of a recently acquired company. He falls for her, and realizes he has to go back in time to meet her before she becomes engaged.

2017 rugsėjo 23

A particle physicist grieving over the loss of her husband in a car crash uses a revolutionary machine to bring him back, with dire consequences for her family.

Masaharu Fukuyama reprises his role from 2008's "Suspect X," playing the physicist-cum-detective Manabu Yukawa. The scientist-sleuth arrives in an oceanside town to speak on a panel. But when a man turns up dead outside the inn where he's staying, Yukawa begins to unravel the connections that tie the victim to the activist daughter of the innkeepers, and a precocious boy who first appears on a train—and keeps popping up. It's a Sherlock Holmes mystery with an environmental twist, and one that should please fans of a classic whodunnit.

2008 balandžio 11

A young couple's weekend getaway at a secluded mountain ranch becomes an unfathomable nightmare when they discover the truth about the caretaker.

2001 sausio 1

Physicist Eva Soderstrom discovers greedy industrialist Thomas Abernathy is on the verge of creating an artificial black hole in a laboratory on Earth. It's the same experiment that killed her father years earlier, except bigger. With the help of Dr. Price, Eva tries to stop Abernathy and, possibly, save the planet

1951 gruodžio 7

Atomic scientist Peter Standish travels back in time to 1784, an era he has read about in his forefather's diaries. He falls in love with his forefather's cousin, Helen, but his contemporaries of 1784 are perplexed by his strange talk and the odd knowledge he possesses. Remake of Berkeley Square (1933).

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