79 部电影

2011 年 08 月 10 日

60 年代美國南部,黑人女傭愛比蓮 (維奧拉戴維斯 飾) 和米妮 (奧緹華史賓莎 飾) 努力工作卻得不到白人主人的尊重,反而接連遭受歧視與剝削!生於富裕白人家庭、大學畢業後於報社當撰稿員的史嘉特 (愛瑪史東 飾) 在機緣巧合下,決定以愛比蓮和米妮的角度寫出種種不公平待遇,之後亦感染更多女傭勇於抒發自己的感受。這些故事最終被結集成書,化成了一股改變不公社會現象的力量,而三人也發展出一段跨越種族的珍貴情誼。

2004 年 03 月 12 日

改編自驚慄大師史提芬京又一作品。暢銷小說作家莫特 發現共枕多年的妻子紅杏出牆,為了治療感情創傷,獨自來到湖邊別墅居住。有一晚,一個陌生人登門拜訪,口口聲聲指控他剽竊小說靈感,要求補償。問心無愧的莫特決定用原創手稿證明自己的清白,並試圖揭穿怪人的真面目。但連串怪事發生,迫使莫特無法在限定時間內找到手稿…

1996 年 07 月 24 日

A young lawyer defends a black man accused of murdering two white men who raped his 10-year-old daughter, sparking a rebirth of the KKK.

1988 年 03 月 25 日

Eugene, an aspiring writer from Brooklyn, is drafted into the US Army during the final months of World War II. For his basic training, the Army sends him to Camp Shelby in Mississippi, where toil, bad food, and antisemitic jibes await. Eugene takes refuge in his sense of humor and in his diary, but they won't protect him in a battle of wills with an unstable drill sergeant.

1999 年 10 月 15 日

改編自1994年在美國發生的真人真事,73歲的艾雲(李察范斯禾夫)視力衰退,不良於行;一天,突然接到哥哥中風病危的消息,決定孤身從愛阿華州遠征三百哩以外的威斯康辛州,只為見哥哥最後一面 …… 一路上,唯一依靠是兩枝拐杖,和時速只得5哩,跟他一樣年事已高的老爺割草車,旅途中所遇見的陌生人,如離家出走的未婚小媽媽,心靈重創的二次大戰老兵,思想迷了路的神父,他們都一一因艾雲的堅毅行徑而有所啟發……

1999 年 04 月 16 日

Two men in 1930s Mississippi become friends after being sentenced to life in prison together for a crime they did not commit.

1988 年 12 月 08 日

Two FBI agents investigating the murder of civil rights workers during the 60s seek to breach the conspiracy of silence in a small Southern town where segregation divides black and white. The younger agent trained in FBI school runs up against the small town ways of his partner, a former sheriff.

2018 年 08 月 17 日

A young reporter and his niece discover a beautiful and enchanting creature they believe to be the real little mermaid.

1971 年 03 月 31 日

Offbeat Civil War drama in which a wounded Yankee soldier, after finding refuge in an isolated girls' school in the South towards the end of the war, becomes the object of the young women's sexual fantasies. The soldier manipulates the situation for his own gratification, but when he refuses to completely comply with the girls' wishes, they make it very difficult for him to leave.

油腔滑調的Ulysses ,頭腦簡單的Delmar及大貪的Pete,三人決定聯手越獄回家。展開這漫長旅途的他們,最後能重獲自由嗎?

1995 年 04 月 21 日

Erik, a loner, finds a friend in Dexter, an eleven-year-old boy with AIDS. They vow to find a cure for AIDS together and save Dexter's life in an eventful summer.

1994 年 05 月 20 日

Maverick is a gambler who would rather con someone than fight them, and needs an additional three thousand dollars in order to enter a winner-takes-all poker game that begins in a few days, so he joins forces with a woman gambler with a marvellous southern accent, and the two try and enter the game.

1958 年 09 月 24 日

Two convicts—a white racist and an angry black man—escape while chained to each other.

1958 年 08 月 29 日

An alcoholic ex-football player drinks his days away, having failed to come to terms with his sexuality and his real feelings for his football buddy who died after an ambiguous accident. His wife is crucified by her desperation to make him desire her: but he resists the affections of his wife. His reunion with his father—who is dying of cancer—jogs a host of memories and revelations for both father and son.

1972 年 10 月 27 日

Two documentary filmmakers go back in time to the pre-Civil War American South, to film the slave trade.

2000 年 01 月 12 日

A shy boy is unable to make friends in Yazoo City, Mississippi in 1942, until his parents give him a terrier puppy for his ninth birthday. The dog, which he names Skip, becomes well known and loved throughout the community and enriches the life of the boy, Willie, as he grows into manhood. Based on the best-selling Mississippi memoir by the late Willie Morris.

1995 年 12 月 22 日

A mischievous young boy, Tom Sawyer, witnesses a murder by the deadly Injun Joe. Tom becomes friends with Huckleberry Finn, a boy with no future and no family. Tom has to choose between honoring a friendship or honoring an oath because the town alcoholic is accused of the murder. Tom and Huck go through several adventures trying to retrieve evidence.

1969 年 12 月 25 日

In turn-of-the-century Mississippi, an 11-year-old boy comes of age as two mischievous adult friends talk him into sneaking the family car out for a trip to Memphis and a series of adventures.

2017 年 11 月 17 日

In the post–World War II South, two families are pitted against a barbaric social hierarchy and an unrelenting landscape as they simultaneously fight the battle at home and the battle abroad.

1989 年 04 月 28 日

Carnelle Scott is a restless Mississippi girl looking for a life change. She decides to enter a beauty pageant, which her cousin had won years before. Despite a lack of support from those close to her Carnelle remains determined. She enlists the help of a seamstress to outfit her for the competition, while rebuffing the advances of predatory men, as she aims to bring home the crown.



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