26 部电影

2005 年 10 月 14 日

20世纪80年代伊始,位于中美洲北部的小国萨尔瓦多爆发长达12年的内战。政府军和游击队连年激战,人民流离失所,国家破败不堪。11岁的男孩恰瓦(Carlos Padilla 饰)和母亲、姊妹生活在一起,他的父亲背井离乡,杳无音信。家中的生活困苦不堪,死亡也随时威胁着他们。本该在学堂求学的恰瓦,却被迫成为了一名端着冲锋枪的娃娃兵。从此,死神成为这群懵懂孩童最亲密最恐怖的同行者……

  本片荣获2005年墨西哥金像奖最佳化妆、最佳特效和最佳女配角(Ofelia Medina)三项大奖;2005年柏林国际电影节水晶熊奖、2005年圣地亚哥影评人协会最佳外语片奖;2005年西雅图国际电影节最佳影片奖。

安妮·海瑟薇商谈参演[他最后想要的东西](The Last Thing He Wanted,暂译)。该片根据琼·迪迪恩1996年同名小说改编,迪·里斯([泥土之界])执导。影片故事讲述一位名叫埃琳娜•麦克马宏的记者放弃对1984年总统竞选活动的报道,而为了实现父亲的意愿,她决定报道伊朗毒品交易的新闻。

1986 年 04 月 23 日

  理查德(詹姆斯·伍兹 James Woods 饰)是一位职业摄影师,每日,他穿梭于世界各地,寻找能够为他带来经济效益的摄影题材。在行业里浸淫已久的他明白,那些美好的,善良的事物无法吸引人们的注意,唯有暴力、恐怖和灾难能够为他带来机遇。

  就这样,理查德和朋友们来到了烽火连天的萨尔瓦多,让理查德没有想到的是,展现在他眼前的,竟然完全是一副人间地狱的惨象。纵使是阅历丰富的理查德,也无法忍受这里发生的点点滴滴,心灰意冷的他决定离开。就在这个节骨眼上,一位名叫玛利亚(艾尔皮迪娅·卡里洛 Elpidia Carrillo 饰)的美丽女子出现在了理查德的生命力,在爱情和事业之间,理查德会做出怎样的选择?

2024 年 10 月 31 日

A catholic priest in Monte Bello, El Salvador has created a clandestine operating room inside the church to extract the human organs of kidnapped people and sell them on the black market.

2008 年 09 月 20 日

Reflects a depressing and hopeless reality by following some of the members of "la dieciocho", the so-called 18th Street gang in a poor San Salvador neighborhood.

2022 年 03 月 10 日

During the 1980s civil war in El Salvador, a rebel group of leftist guerrillas fight to expose its government's death squads via an underground radio network and hope to end their government's reign of terror with the help of an American journalist.

2023 年 06 月 19 日

Through dances and games, migrant boys and girls who live in a shelter in Reynosa, on the US-Mexico border, shared their dreams and stories of hope with us.

2014 年 10 月 04 日

The life of a simple piñata salesman named Don Cleo is turned upside down when he falls victim to an extortionist he can’t possibly afford to pay. The harder he tries to raise the funds, the deeper into trouble he gets. If Don Cleo hopes to survive, he’ll have to face his fears and stand up to his tormentors.

1945 年 03 月 30 日

This Traveltalk series short starts in San Salvador, El Salvador's capital, emphasizing the Spanish architectural heritage. We then go to the Izalco Volcano, which was created in 1770 by an eruption of the Santa Ana Volcano. The focus then shifts to the country's agriculture. The two main products are coffee and henequen, a plant with tough, fibrous leaves used to make rope, baskets, and other products.

Years after the Salvadoran military destroyed the village of Cinquera in that country’s civil war, survivors have returned to rebuild their community. Soulful, beautifully rendered, this amazing debut is an evocative testament to place, memory and the power of life to rebound from tragedy.

In the early 1980s, at the beginning of what would become a 12-year-long civil war, El Salvador's talented football team was one national institution upon which both the left and the right could agree. When the team pulled off a stunning 1-0 upset against Mexico and qualified to compete in the 1982 World Cup, it was a high point for the tiny country's national pride. Unfortunately, the team's Cinderella story devolved into a nightmarish farce.

In El Salvador, Chelino tells about the indigenous massacre of 1932, of which he survived, while he teaches the melodies of traditional Salvadoran dances.

The battle of El Salvador and its revolutionary history, from the time of the Spanish conquest and colonization, to the insurgency of the 80s, approached by a Puerto Rican filmmaker immersed in the conflict. Depicts a host of F.M.L.N. guerrillas marching forth from Monte Alzaco, the spiritual home of Salvadoran resistance.

1990 年 09 月 01 日

It is El Salvador, 1989, three years before the end of a brutal civil war that took 75,000 lives. Maria Serrano, wife, mother, and guerrilla leader is on the front lines of the battle for her people and her country. With unprecedented access to FMLN guerrilla camps, the filmmakers dramatically chronicle Maria's daily life in the war.

2021 年 02 月 07 日

Two friends decide to spend the last vacation together, before parting their ways forever in a journey they never will forget.

January 22, 1932. An unprecedented peasant uprising erupts in western El Salvador, as a group of Latino and indigenous peasants cut army supply lines, attack a military garrison, and take control over several towns. Retribution is swift. After three days, the army and militias move in and, in some villages, slaughter all males over age 12. Elsewhere, they summarily execute anyone suspected of having a link to the Communists. Over the next few weeks, 10,000 people are massacred.

2023 年 02 月 03 日
1983 年 01 月 01 日

This documentary juxtaposes scenes of El Salvador's opposition factions, including U.S. government advisors and government troops, and guerrillas and their sympathizers.

A powerful three-part documentary studying the US involvement in Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua. The differing factions - Sandinista leaders, Guatemalan campesinos, CIA operatives, Contras and US government apologists - are interviewed and, in the absence of a controlling narration, the audience is encouraged to draw its own conclusions.



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