
255 部电影

2024 年 03 月 22 日

瑟希莉亞(席德妮史威尼 飾)是個信仰虔誠的女人,在風景如畫的義大利鄉村受到熱烈歡迎,她在一座著名的修道院有了新身分,但瑟希莉亞漸漸發現,這個地方隱藏著可怕的黑暗祕密。

2024 年 04 月 05 日

殿堂級恐怖經典《凶兆》前傳,《第一凶兆》揭開魔鬼降世之謎!由曾參演《權力遊戲》(Game of Thrones) 的靚女明星妮爾泰嘉菲(Nell Tiger Free)擔演,一改形象,由純真無知演到驚惑惶恐歇斯底里,完全緊扣觀眾情緒。一名年輕美國女子(妮爾泰嘉菲 飾) 被派往羅馬教廷工作,卻遇上一股黑暗勢力,令她對自己的信仰產生懷疑,更因而捲入惡魔轉世的袐密,教庭內有什麼更黑間的陰謀?。《第一凶兆》4月4日大銀幕獻映。

2018 年 09 月 07 日


1980 年 06 月 16 日

Jake Blues, just released from prison, puts his old band back together to save the Catholic home where he and his brother Elwood were raised.

1966 年 03 月 17 日

Belgian nun Sister Ann is sent to another order where she's at first committed to helping troubled souls, like Nichole and little Dominic. When Father Clementi hears Sister Ann's uplifting singing style, he takes her to a talent contest. Sister Ann is signed to a record deal and everyone is listening to her lighthearted songs. She is unprepared for her newfound fame (like appearing on The Ed Sullivan Show) and unwanted side effects, including a wrongful attraction to an old friend.

2009 年 07 月 24 日

凱特(薇拉·法蜜嘉飾)和約翰(彼得·賽斯嘉飾)已育有一子丹尼爾(吉米·班奈特飾)和失聰的女兒麥絲(艾琳娜·恩金尼爾飾),卻在懷育第三胎時流產,成為凱特揮之不去的夢魘。凱特過去有著酗酒習慣,曾讓麥絲差點喪生,而長期求助心理醫生,戒除酒精。心理醫生以及約翰的協商建議下,准許認養孤兒來擺脫失去愛女的傷痛。 他們在孤兒院中遇上討喜的小女孩艾絲特時,便決定要把她帶回家。在艾絲特成為凱蒂家的一份子後,接二連三的怪事卻隨之發生,讓凱蒂禁不住相信,艾絲特並非普通的小女孩 – 她並非如外表一般的純真可愛。為了保護她的家人,凱蒂嘗試讓約翰及其他人看清楚艾絲特的真面目。只是,所有人都不理會她的警告,直到事情變得一發不可收拾……

2006 年 04 月 21 日


2006 年 06 月 16 日

Nacho Libre is loosely based on the story of Fray Tormenta ("Friar Storm"), aka Rev. Sergio Gutierrez Benitez, a real-life Mexican Catholic priest who had a 23-year career as a masked luchador. He competed in order to support the orphanage he directed.

2021 年 12 月 10 日

Rumors of demonic possession at a religious convent prompts a church investigation into the strange goings-on among its nuns. A disaffected priest and his neophyte are confronted with temptation, bloodshed and a crisis of faith.

2022 年 10 月 28 日

近年,魔鬼附身的個案愈發頻繁,於是天主教教會決定秘密重開驅魔學校,以訓練新一代神父掌握驅魔聖術。新入教會的修女安妮(積琪蓮拜雅士 飾)深信驅魔是自己的使命,然而歷史上從未有過女性學習驅魔,幸好導師看出她的天賦,因而破例讓安妮成為首位驅魔修女。安妮很快展露出獨特的才能,彷彿為對抗魔鬼帶來一絲曙光;可是眾人亦逐漸發現她與魔鬼有著詭異的淵源,隨時會招惹萬劫不復的凶險!面對魔鬼引誘,安妮會否選擇與魔同行?

Alice finds the deadly dreams of Freddy Krueger starting once again. This time, the taunting murderer is striking through the sleeping mind of her unborn child.

1999 年 06 月 18 日

Lola receives a phone call from her boyfriend Manni. He lost 100,000 DM in a subway train that belongs to a very bad guy. She has 20 minutes to raise this amount and meet Manni. Otherwise, he will rob a store to get the money. Three different alternatives may happen depending on some minor event along Lola's run.

1977 年 12 月 01 日

Sister Emanuelle and Sister Nanà go to meet Mr. Cazzabriga, who has a problem: his wild-child daughter, Monica, who he wants to send to a Catholic school to remove her from temptations around the house.

1995 年 12 月 29 日

A death row inmate turns for spiritual guidance to a local nun in the days leading up to his scheduled execution for the murders of a young couple.

2023 年 10 月 27 日

Spain, 1949. Narcisa, a novice, arrives at an old convent, converted into a girls' school, to work as a teacher.

1992 年 05 月 28 日

A Reno singer witnesses a mob murder and the cops stash her in a nunnery to protect her from the mob's hitmen. The mother superior does not trust her, and takes steps to limit her influence on the other nuns. Eventually the singer rescues the failing choir and begins helping with community projects, which gets her an interview on TV—and identification by the mob.

2005 年 03 月 18 日

美丽的单身妈妈瑞切尔·凯勒(纳奥米·沃茨 Naomi Watts 饰)带着儿子艾丹(大卫·多夫曼 David Dorfman 饰)离开留下了永生难以磨灭的恐怖回忆的故地西雅图,搬到了毗邻大海的俄勒冈州艾斯特里亚居住。瑞切尔在当地一家报社谋得一份工作,生活充实忙碌。某天,报社接到一条消息,两名青年在看了一卷神秘录像带后一人死亡,一人精神恍惚,熟悉的场景以及没有标题的录像带,令瑞切尔敏感地察觉到昔日的噩梦即将重现。她烧毁录像带,试图阻止凶铃的诅咒继续蔓延,危害世人,却没想到灾难降临到艾丹的头上。该了结的终要了结,无法逃避的如何也躲不过去……   本片根据日本作家铃木光司的同名恐怖原著改编,为日本版的翻拍版本。影片荣获2006年ASCAP电影与电视音乐奖、2006年BMI电影与电视奖最佳配乐奖。

2021 年 12 月 03 日

改編17世紀意大利修女真實事跡。 貝妮迪塔自小在修道院長大,在神的聖寵下,她不但能見神聖異象,身上更出現聖痕。一日,修道院收留了年輕野性的見習修女,貝妮迪塔在她的挑逗下初試肉體的歡愉,復感神聖的大愛。然而,小小的修道院無法容納她日漸高漲的權力慾和情慾,她聲稱的神蹟也招來質疑,教廷派人遠道前來調查,一場權力鬥爭在瘟疫陰霾下蓄勢待發。 《烈女本色》名導保羅韋浩雲挑動道德底線,赤裸地重現一個奇女子的情慾、信仰和膽識,大膽批判教會的貪欲和虛偽。

1959 年 06 月 18 日

After leaving a wealthy Belgian family to become a nun, Sister Luke struggles with her devotion to her vows during crisis, disappointment, and World War II.

Two French policemen, one investigating a grisly murder at a remote mountain college, the other working on the desecration of a young girl's grave by skinheads, are brought together by the clues from their respective cases. Soon after they start working together, more murders are committed, and the pair begin to discover just what dark secrets are behind the killings.



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