258 部电影

2010 年 12 月 03 日

紐約一個芭蕾舞團正要演出經典舞蹈劇“天鵝湖”,眾多傑出舞者激烈角逐中,總監湯瑪斯黎洛(文森卡索)決定讓妮娜(娜塔莉波曼)取代首席女舞者貝絲(薇諾納瑞德)的位置。而妮娜隨後發現自己還有一個強勁的競爭對手莉莉(蜜拉庫妮絲)。因為《天鵝湖》要求女舞者不但能飾演天真純潔的白天鵝,也要能飾演充滿妖嬈性感的黑天鵝。前者適合妮娜,而後者適合莉莉。總監希望生性拘謹的妮娜,能多揣摩黑天鵝熱情奔放的內涵,妮娜幾乎以全生命在探索自己的黑天鵝潛力。 妮娜始終無法達成總監的要求,她壓力越來越大,過去她是母親心中柔順乖女兒,但她愈來愈無法忍受母親對她的控制,也無法分辨現實和夢境中的不同,莉莉適時的友情和關懷讓她偶爾喘口氣,也讓她對莉莉產生特殊感情。但事情沒那麼簡單,妮娜發覺莉莉取代的威脅即將成真了,她做了一個決定....

劇情探討人是否真正能掌控自己的命運?或有不可知的力量在操控我們? 年輕美國眾議員大衛倪瑞斯(麥特戴蒙飾)在即將當選參議員的前夕,在造勢場合與遇上芭蕾舞舞者伊莉絲(愛蜜莉布朗飾),在巴士上重逢,彼此萌生愛意,一群陌生人卻竭盡所能阻止他們再度相遇。大衛發現他必須反抗命運,也就是命運規劃局的幹員,他們會使用強大的力量阻止大衛和伊莉絲在一起。大衛面臨生命中最大的抉擇,必須忘了她,接受他被規劃好的人生,或是為了和她在一起,放棄一切,反抗神秘組織命運規劃局的掌控。

2004 年 09 月 24 日

Sylvia Stickles runs a convenience store with her husband and mother-in-law. One day, Sylvia is hit on the head and transforms from an uptight prude to a sex-crazed lunatic. As she goes on a rampage through town, Sylvia attracts the attention of Ray Ray, a sexual healer and tow truck driver in search of the world's greatest orgasm. Their sexual revolution, however, causes a class war in their tiny Baltimore community.

1984 年 02 月 17 日

倫恩(凱文貝肯 飾,《靈異駭客》)是個剛跟老媽從芝加哥搬到中西部一個保守小鎮的青少年,摩爾牧師(約翰李斯高 飾,電視影集《外星人報到》)則可說是這個小鎮的精神領袖,他認為某些書籍、搖滾樂、跳舞等娛樂回引人墮落,因而規定所有鎮民禁絕參與那些『不道德』的娛樂;這對從大城市搬來的倫恩而言,不啻是晴天霹靂,於是他夥同好友威勒(克里斯潘 飾,《霸道橫行》、《尖峰時刻》)和牧師之女艾莉(蘿莉辛格 飾,《超速魔俠》)發起一場舞會以表達年輕人有權享受娛樂。這是一部讚頌青春與搖滾樂的電影,片中倫恩在廢工廠勁舞的那一幕已成為影史經典畫面,凱文貝肯也因此而一片成名,成為當時最受歡迎的青春偶像。

2013 年 05 月 17 日


2022 年 04 月 22 日

琳娜·海蒂、薩姆·沃辛頓、迪恩·史考特·瓦茲奎茲(Dean Scott Vasquez)、芭芭拉·赫希([黑天鵝])將出演獨立製片新片[玫瑰舞后之月](Gypsy Moon,暫譯)。該片由吉吉·加斯頓(Gigi Gaston)自編自導,拉拉·安東尼(La La Anthony)、凱姆·吉甘戴([暮光之城])、馬丁·山米爾(Martin Sensmeier)、艾瑪·霍澤爾一同出演。海蒂飾演的女主角,是一個被前男友(沃辛頓飾)威脅性命的滑稽舞表演者。在最後一場舞蹈表演的前夜,她必須跑去救一個鄰居家的男孩(瓦茲奎茲飾)。而對這個男孩的感情,給了她在生命中第二次感受到愛的機會。


2008 年 09 月 16 日

A guy who danced with what could be the girl of his dreams at a costume ball only has one hint at her identity: the Zune she left behind as she rushed home in order to make her curfew. And with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in front of him, he sets out to find his masked beauty.

2016 年 08 月 02 日

A contemporary musical version of the classic Cinderella story in which the servant step daughter hope to compete in a musical competition for a famous pop star.

2010 年 12 月 10 日

A drama centered on a go-go dancer with multiple personality disorder who struggles to remain her true self and begins working with a psychotherapist to uncover the mystery of the inner ghosts that haunt her.

1993 年 02 月 12 日


2011 年 10 月 14 日

Ren MacCormack is transplanted from Boston to the small southern town of Bomont where loud music and dancing are prohibited. Not one to bow to the status quo, Ren challenges the ban, revitalizing the town and falling in love with the minister’s troubled daughter Ariel in the process.

2000 年 05 月 12 日

A group of 12 teenagers from various backgrounds enroll at the American Ballet Academy in New York to make it as ballet dancers and each one deals with the problems and stress of training and getting ahead in the world of dance.

1952 年 12 月 23 日

Born into aristocracy, Toulouse-Lautrec moves to Paris to pursue his art as he hangs out at the Moulin Rouge where he feels like he fits in being a misfit among other misfits. Yet, because of the deformity of his legs from an accident, he believes he is never destined to experience the true love of a woman. But that lack of love in his life may change as he meets two women

2012 年 03 月 20 日

After suffering humiliation by the crew Invincible, street dancer Ash looks to gather the best dancers from around the world for a rematch.

1969 年 04 月 27 日

A biography of the dancer Isadora Duncan, the 1920s dancer who forever changed people's ideas of ballet. Her nude, semi-nude, and pro-Soviet dance projects as well as her attitudes on free love, debt, dress, and lifestyle shocked the public of her time.

A mysterious circus excites a small Hungarian town into a rebellion when a promised act doesn't perform.

1977 年 05 月 27 日

A race car driver tries to transport an illegal beer shipment from Texas to Atlanta in under 28 hours, picking up a reluctant bride-to-be on the way.

2013 年 03 月 01 日


1998 年 05 月 29 日

Two young women and their friends spend spare time at an exclusive nightclub in 1980s New York.



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