12 elokuvaa

Romyn ja Michelen 10-vuotisluokkakokous lähestyy ja tällä parivaljakolla on vain yksi tapa saada itsensä näyttämään menestyviltä liikenaisilta. He punovat kasaan aivan mielettömän tarinan...

25 toukokuu 2007

Jenna is a pregnant, unhappily married waitress in the deep south. She meets a newcomer to her town and falls into an unlikely relationship as a last attempt at happiness.

26 tammikuu 2019

Disturbing and mysterious things begin to happen to a bartender in New Orleans after he picks up a phone left behind at his bar.

Herkkusuut Steve Coogan ja Rob Brydon tekevät jälleen yhteistä matkaa, tällä kertaa ympäri ämpäri Espanjaa. Matka alkaa baskimaasta ja edessä on ensimmäinen arvioitava ravintola ja ikivanhoja luolamaalauksia.

19 heinäkuu 1997

A convict and his gang seize a space station in 2064, with plans to annihilate Earth's population in order to start anew with an entirely new society.

20 syyskuu 2001

Caffe 'Boomerang' is one of Belgrade's many cafes. Seemingly just a backdrop for our cast of crazy characters, but in reality much more than that.

29 marraskuu 2006

Episodes about different stages of relationships: from flirtation to falling out of love.

10 marraskuu 2007

Ruža left Serbia, her country, over 30 years ago and lives in Zurich. Her daily life is a string of repetitive moments until, one day, Ana arrives on the scene and upsets Ruža's painstakingly organized world. A subtle friendship develops between the two strong willed women.

In a poor neighborhood of Athens, next to the coffee shop of Spyros (Mimis Fotopoulos) is a coffee shop that has gained a great reputation and is preparing to move to Kolonaki as it has made a lot of money by telling the cup. In the same neighborhood is a laundress, Kalliopi (Georgia Vassiliadou), who makes a living by force. One day, after an incident in which a customer (Kostas Mentis) humiliates Kalliopi and Spyros intervenes, he comes up with an idea: for Kalliopi to run the coffee shop, since the other one has left.

15 helmikuu 2019

After experiencing her first heartbreak, Anais declares war on all the boys in 6th grade.

It is refreshing to see classic film styles in today’s movies. Seemingly normal conversations with a few elements of mystery makes the movie strange but interesting.

1 kesäkuu 2022

Locked out of the school art room, a creative non-binary teen named Frog grapples with anxiety as they seek a new place to eat lunch. Imagination blurs with reality in this hybrid work of live action and animation about finding a place to belong.

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