19 Filme

7. Oktober 2021

Der Journalist Johann Hellström und seine Frau Lucia ziehen sich in einem autoritär geführten Deutschland im Jahr 2029 in ihr Zweithaus zurück. Da ein Artikel von Johann nach hinten losging, muss er eine Berufspause machen. In dem Smarthome mischt sich allerdings die künstliche Intelligenz immer mehr in ihr gemeinsames Leben ein. Als zwei vom Regime gesuchte Terroristen auf ihrer Fußmatte stehen, geraten die Fronten aneinander und die Situation eskaliert völlig.

Im Jahr 1974 lernt die 27 Jahre alte Haushälterin Katharina Blum auf einer Karnevalsfeier Ludwig Götten kennen und verliebt sich in ihn. Sie verbringen gemeinsam die Nacht in Katharinas Wohnung. Götten wird verdächtigt, einen Bankraub und Mord verübt zu haben. Er wird deshalb von der Polizei beschattet, die seine Kontaktpersonen ermitteln will. Am Morgen stürmt die Polizei Katharina Blums Wohnung. Da diese Götten in der Nacht zur Flucht verholfen haben soll, wird sie vorläufig festgenommen und verhört …

24. Januar 2023

Belgrad, 2022: Eine Fotojournalistin wird in Serbien von rechtsextremen Gruppierungen bedroht, woraufhin sie mit ihrer Tochter nach Deutschland flieht. Doch dann erlebt sie auch in ihrer neuen Heimat stärker immer werdende Bedrohung.

Der 12-jährige Storm lebt im niederländischen Antwerpen des Jahres 1521. Es sind die ersten Jahre der Reformation und die Unterstützer von Martin Luthers Lehre werden von der katholischen Kirche noch als Ketzer, die einem falschen Glauben anhängen, betrachtet und verfolgt. Storms Vater Klaas Voeten, der Buchdrucker ist, gehört jedoch zu Luthers Anhängern und nutzt seinen Beruf, um dessen verbotene Lehre zu verbreiten.

3. März 2023

The campaign to free Julian Assange takes on intimate dimensions in this documentary portrait of an elderly man’s fight to save his son. Arguably the world’s most famous political prisoner, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is a figure pretty much everybody has an opinion about; perhaps more importantly, he serves as the emblem of an international arm wrestle over freedom of journalism, government corruption and unpunished war crimes. For his family members who face the prospect of losing him forever to the abyss of the US justice system, however, this David-and-Goliath struggle is personal – and, with his health declining in a British maximum-security prison and American government prosecutors pulling out all the stops to extradite him, the clock is ticking.

10. September 1932

A New York gossip columnist feuds with a singer and enjoys the power of the press.

23. Februar 2019

Tommy Robinson goes on the offensive by documenting how his own “hit piece” on his character was being constructed by the taxpayer-funded BBC for their popular investigative news special “Panorama.” In the film he manages to capture footage of the blackmailing of his former employees to invent stories, along with an organization—known as “Hope not Hate”—on set with the BBC, intimidating ex-employees of Robinson during interviews. The host of “Panorama” at the time of filming is caught on camera casually using racist and homophobic slurs during a £220 champagne lunch with the same ex-employee they had planned to coach for a fake interview in which the BBC would possibly edit in which to make it appear as, “a gender, a sexual thing against Tommy Robinson,” according to the host. Within 24 hours of releasing the film, social media giant Facebook made a public statement of their own and removed Tommy Robinson’s accounts permanently.

24. April 2019

OBAIDA, a short film by Matthew Cassel, explores a Palestinian child’s experience of Israeli military arrest. Each year, some 700 Palestinian children undergo military detention in a system where ill-treatment is widespread and institutionalized. For these young detainees, few rights are guaranteed, even on paper. After release, the experience of detention continues to shape and mark former child prisoners’ path forward.

10. Oktober 2010

The story of a Kurdish newspaper whose journalists are under the constant threat of being abducted and killed by the state security forces.

Doaa el-Adl, the first woman to be awarded the esteemed Journalistic Distinction in Caricature, serves as a catalyst for transformation within the predominantly male-dominated realm of Egyptian political cartoonists. Challenging patriarchal norms, she routinely confronts censorship, harassment, and even threats to her life. In a remarkable fusion of documentary, cartoons, and animation, Egyptian director Nada Riyadh breathes life into el-Adl's most renowned works. This dynamic and fearless presentation delves into the issue of violence against women, stretching the boundaries of freedom of speech in a society often characterized by restrictions. Through her exceptional talent, el-Adl not only champions women's rights but also serves as an inspiration for societal change.

This John Nesbitt's Passing Parade short tells the story of John Peter Zenger, who in Colonial New York was tried for sedition based on what he printed in his newspaper.

Der Film erzählt die Geschichte von Doshd, dem letzten unabhängigen Fernsehsender in Russland. Der Titel ist ein Zitat aus der Live-Reportage eines Doshd-Reporters vom Maidan-Platz in Kiev, als die Polizei auf die Demonstranten schießt. Beim verdeckten Einmarsch in den Donbass verneint Putin im Staatsfernsehen, dass russische Soldaten in der Ukraine sind. Währenddessen berichtet Doshd aus dem Donbass und interviewt dort gefangengenommene russische Soldaten. Der ukrainische Präsident Selenski wendet sich kurz nach dem Einmarsch der russischen Truppen auf Doshd TV direkt an das russische Volk – möglicherweise das endgültige Aus für den Sender.

11. April 1949

This MGM Passing Parade series short presents how separate events led to the creation of three provisions - freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and prohibition of the infliction of cruel and unusual punishments - in the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights.

25. März 2022

In the 1990s, some newspapers were not allowed to enter the Diyarbakir region, under a state of emergency at that time, although they were legal. Children like Bawer and Hebûn, who were part of the distribution group, would secretly collect these newspapers from outside the city at a previously agreed location and take them to the planned meeting place in the city. There, the children changed their clothes and went out to distribute them, under the guise of other work. But they were constantly followed by those who saw the newspaper as dangerous and wanted to prevent its dissemination. Çerx is a testament to the conditions under which these newspapers were distributed to readers and the difficulties encountered.

14. Oktober 2022

A young investigative journalist and his fiancée are brutally murdered in their home in Slovakia. Their deaths inspire the biggest protests in Slovakia since the fall of communism. The story takes an unexpected turn when a source leaks the secret murder case file to the murdered journalist’s colleagues. It includes the computers and encrypted communications of the assassination’s alleged mastermind, a businessman closely connected to the country’s ruling party. Trawling these encrypted messages, journalists discover that their country has been captured by corrupt oligarchs, judges and law enforcement officials. A reckoning awaits.

This film explores the evolution of propaganda and public relations in the United States, with an emphasis on the elitist theory of democracy and the relationship between war, propaganda and class. Includes original interviews with a number of dissident scholars including Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Michael Parenti, Peter Phillips (Project Censored), John Stauber (PR Watch), Christopher Simpson (The Science of Coercion) and others. A deep, richly illustrated study of the nature and history of propaganda, featuring some of the world’s most insightful critics, Psywar exposes the propaganda system, providing crucial background and insight into the control of information and thought.

1. Januar 2007

Good Copy Bad Copy is a documentary about copyright and culture in the context of Internet, peer-to-peer file sharing and other technological advances.

On the 10th anniversary of his band Rall Tide’s debut album, artist Peter Kotas takes you on a flowering multimedia tour of Detroit musicians trying to survive in a world where you can’t even enjoy a baseball game without supporting The Bay of Pigs. Along the way he shows you how the band’s abrupt break-up led to his career as a political journalist peeking behind the curtains of Kansas to find diplomatic wizard Mike Pompeo, Trump’s CIA Director and Secretary of State, wears no clothes. Iowa Writer’s Workshop hero Kurt Vonnegut (or some entity that knows all about his life) hosts this documentary as the ideal human from his 1985 novel Galapagos: a penguin with flippers unable to pull triggers or press buttons to bomb and kill people.

4. Februar 2022

Matthew Leung Ming-hong had been working as a breaking-news reporter for six years in Hong Kong but recently emigrated to the United Kingdom because of concerns about growing restrictions on journalists working in the city. Three Hong Kong media outlets popular with the opposition have folded in just six months, following the introduction of a controversial national security law in Hong Kong on June 30, 2020, raising fears about the future of press freedom in the city. The 29-year-old is starting a new life in Britain’s northern city of Manchester and plans to eventually resume his journalism career in Europe.

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