25 elokuvaa

19 heinäkuu 1995

Cher on 15-vuotias Beverly Hillsin lukion oppilas, jonka mielessä ovat shoppailu ja pojat - enimmäkseen kuitenkin shoppailu. Mukana ovat myös homssuinen siirto-opiskelija, hänen kumppaniehdokkaansa sekä Cherin herkkä velipuoli.

27 heinäkuu 1990

Ben Healy and his social climbing wife Flo adopt fun-loving seven year old Junior. But they soon discover he's a little monster as he turns a camping trip, a birthday party and even a baseball game into comic nightmares.

17 marraskuu 2009

Los Angelesissa asuva kuusitoistavuotias Poppy Moore on ökyrikas ja itsekeskeinen hemmoteltu kakara. Hurjien juhlien mennessä pahasti penkin alle Poppyn isä päättää lähettää tytön englantilaiseen sisäoppilaitokseen parantamaan tapojaan. Poppy haluaa epätoivoisesti paeta, ja yrittäessään tulla erotetuksi koulusta amerikkalaisprinsessa kohtaa vertaisensa: brittitytöt ja -opettajat, jotka eivät suvaitse hänen oikkujaan. Vihdoin Poppy tajuaa, että pahan tytön keinoilla ei pitkälle pötkitä. Uusien ystävien ja kämppistensä avulla hän ryhtyy toteuttamaan lopullista pakosuunnitelmaansa. Samalla hän huomaa, että hänen olisikin syytä jäädä...

3 heinäkuu 1991

Junior and his father, Ben, move from Cold River to Mortville. Junior becomes threatened by Ben's desire to date again and find a new mother for Junior, and sabotages each of his dates.

Nicholas Meyerin 1960-luvulle sijoittuvassa riemukkaassa komediassa Lawrence Bourne III (Tom Hanks) on rikkaan perheen pelihimosta kärsivä perillinen. Kuten jokainen nuori mies jonka nimeä täydentää roomalainen numero, Lawrence on ylimielinen kukkoilija - ja tarpeeksi typerä hävitäkseen vedonlyönnin valmistumispäivänään. Nuorukaisen isä (George Plimpton) saa tarpeekseen eikä maksa enää poikansa kasvavia pelivelkoja. Lawrence pakenee velkojiaan thaimaalaiseen pikkukylään vapaaehtoisten rauhanjoukkoihin, mutta pelihimo ja vastoinkäymiset seuraavat häntä magneetin tavoin. Avustustyöntekijöiden tehtävänä on rakentaa silta läheisen joen yli, mutta hiljalleen heille alkaa selvitä, että vasemmistosissit, huumekonnat ja CIA:n agentit tarvitsevat siltaa paljon enemmän kuin paikalliset asukkaat.

A hard-working mother inches towards disaster as she divorces her husband and starts a successful restaurant business to support her spoiled daughter.

13 toukokuu 1995

Now a pre-teen, Junior has fallen head over heels for a classmate who doesn't even notice him, but does notice three other boys – a child star, a hockey player and a Boy Scout – who are rivals to Junior. This means war!

The billionaire is tired of the whims of his own children and decides to teach them a lesson. He announces to them that he has become bankrupt. Now spoiled teenagers will have to do what they have never done: go to work, learn to love and value life.

24 maaliskuu 2006

In order to learn how to be responsible, two wealthy teen sisters are forced to work in the family business by their exasperated father. When company funds goes missing, it's up to the girls to save the day.

25 kesäkuu 1937

Harvey, the arrogant and spoiled son of an indulgent absentee-father, falls overboard from a transatlantic steamship and is rescued by a fishing vessel on the Grand Banks. Harvey fails to persuade them to take him ashore, nor convince the crew of his wealth. The captain offers him a low-paid job, until they return to port, as part of the crew that turns him into a mature, considerate young man.

18 maaliskuu 1936

Martha and Karen graduate from college and turn an old Massachusetts farm into a school for girls. The friends are aided in their venture by local doctor Joe Cardin, who begins a relationship with Karen, and a prominent woman whose granddaughter, Mary, later enrolls in the new school. Mary soon reveals herself to be a spiteful child and tells a scandalous lie about Martha and Joe that threatens to destroy the lives of all involved.

18 kesäkuu 2004

An aimless, jobless, irresponsible grown man joins the army and matures into a battlefield hero.

17 lokakuu 2017

Kevin has sworn off sex to win back his former fiancée when he meets a beautiful escort named Zade. Over the course of a legendary party, Zade just might provide the spark that this heartbroken idealist needs to turn his life around.

11 heinäkuu 2018

A young man hatches a diabolical plan to cover-up his Grandma's death.

1 elokuu 1951

The spoilt young son of a wealthy railroad owner manages to get himself lost in the middle of nowhere. He is found by a cowboy on a cattle drive and the lad must start learning the hard lessons of working in a team if he wants to make it to San Diego.

21 huhtikuu 1996

Harvey Cheyne, Jr., second richest person in the world, orphaned and spoiled rotten, encounters a cigar and the sea on his way to England for boarding school. Seasick, over the rail for real, rescued by Dan Troop of a Gloucester fishing sailboat. Three months at sea, under a firm but fair Captain Troop (fair wages of $10.50 a month, if you don't work you don't eat). A hard life and a dangerous one, and a lot of growing up to do through hardship and tragedy.

16 maaliskuu 1989

One day, Carmen Müller realizes that her husband Werner has been unemployed for months and has accumulated debts of 80,000 DM in their bank account. She comes up with a plan to rob her bank. When the branch manager and neighbor Lothar Fuchs, whom Carmen has always envied for his beauty and wealth, recognizes her, she takes him hostage. In their hideout in the Allgäu, the banker falls in love with the housewife, just as Werner and Fuchs' mistress Gabriele grow closer. The quartet form an alliance and defraud the bank together. Having come into money so suddenly, the Müllers don't feel comfortable either and secretly distribute their fortune around the neighborhood.

30 elokuu 2016

CHOPPING BLOCK follows a group of corporate guys who get laid off. Desperate times call for desperate measures. They decide to kidnap their ex-boss's daughter for ransom. Things take a bloody turn, when the boss's daughter just happens to be the only survivor of a masked psychopath. A masked psychopath still out for blood. Hilarity & bloodshed ensue...

Vishwa, an idler, gets the job of his constable father after the latter is killed during a police operation. Will Vishwa, who is glad that his father is dead, go after his dad's murderers?

16 tammikuu 2010

Grace, Daniel and Eamon, their hyperactive son, spoiled by his mother, envied by his father, go on vacation to an Irish coastal town for a few days, without money but plenty of hidden feelings inside them that they are unable to express.

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