38 部电影


曾由威爾史密斯擔綱演出的外星人動作片系列,這次交由克里斯漢斯沃(Chris Hemsworth)化身H探員出任務!卡司還有泰莎湯普森(Tessa Thompson)、連恩尼遜(Liam Neeson)、艾瑪湯普遜(Emma Thompson)。 MIB星際戰警永遠捍衛地球免於宇宙無賴的危害,在新展開的冒險篇章中,他們將要面對另一個巨大危機,MIB中有內鬼出現。 劇情描述,H探員 與M探員 在看似平常捍衛地球免於外星人威脅的任務中,竟意外發現有敵人的魔爪已滲入MIB總部,引起前所未見的巨大危機⋯這一次,為了維護MIB的使命,兩位探員將潛入世界各地,聯手突破重重挑戰才能解開真相、拯救一切回歸秩序!

2005 年 04 月 08 日

冒險家德克彼特(馬修麥康納 飾)是美國國家水底暨海洋機構(National Underwater and Marine Agency)的調查員,他在埃及尼羅河一帶進行尋寶任務時,拯救了差點被暗殺的伊娃蘿雅絲(潘妮洛普克魯茲 飾)。 優雅迷人的她是聯合國世界衛生組織的科學家,奉命率領研究團隊調查一種恐怖傳染病的起因,此病已在北非迅速蔓延,造成數千名感染者陷入瘋狂、開始吃人肉、最後死亡。 他們發現傳染病的肆虐,係因環境遭到空前廣泛的污染,污染源指向西非獨裁者的核廢料工廠。再不阻止這場浩劫,全球的海洋生物都將滅絕。德克彼特和他的夥伴艾爾(史帝夫贊恩 飾)駕駛高科技遊艇與時間競賽,熾熱的沙漠帶來嚴厲考驗,他們除了要對抗殘暴嗜殺的西非獨裁者,背後還有詭計多端的億萬富翁要應付。 在滾燙移動的撒哈拉沙漠中,他們發現一處由奴隸開採的金礦,還意外揭開兩個遠久秘密的真相。身處重重危機的他們,必須打贏這場戰爭,因為這個世界輸不起。 本片改編自美國冒險小說之王--克萊夫卡斯勒(Clive Cussler)的同名小說【撒哈拉】,這是作者以德克彼特(Dirk Pitt)為男主角的第一部小說,全系列共15本,本本雄踞紐約時報暢銷排行榜,譯成40種語言,1973年迄今暢銷逾百萬本,銷售量遠遠超越【獵殺紅色十月】作者湯姆克蘭西、【侏儸紀公園】作者麥可克萊頓、【007情報員】作者伊恩佛萊明的系列作品。 本片是布雷克艾斯納執導的第一部電影。他是美國高收視率科幻電視影集【The Invisible Man】、【Steven Speilberg presents Taken】的導演,父親是華特迪士尼的總裁兼最高執行長麥克艾斯納(Michael Eisner)。

1987 年 05 月 15 日

Two terrible lounge singers get booked to play a gig in a Moroccan hotel but somehow become pawns in an international power play between the CIA, the Emir of Ishtar, and the rebels trying to overthrow his regime.

1965 年 12 月 15 日

A cargo aircraft crashes in a sandstorm in the Sahara with less than a dozen men on board. One of the passengers is an airplane designer who comes up with the idea of ripping off the undamaged wing and using it as the basis for a replacement aircraft they need to build before their food and water run out.

2017 年 02 月 01 日

A young cobra and his scorpion best friend go on a journey across the Sahara desert to save a new-found love.

1965 年 10 月 03 日

North Africa, World War II. British soldiers on the brink of collapse push beyond endurance to struggle up a brutal incline. It's not a military objective. It's The Hill, a manmade instrument of torture, a tower of sand seared by a white-hot sun. And the troops' tormentors are not the enemy, but their own comrades-at-arms.

2009 年 10 月 01 日

In the Sahara desert, a sandstorm batters a deserted drilling station. A security patrolman battles through the high winds to investigate why all contact with the station has been lost. Originally built for gas exploration, and then abandoned, the site had recently been taken over by a multi-national research team intent on drilling deeper into the earth’s crust than ever before.

1984 年 05 月 11 日

In 1911, a willful and determined man from peasant stock named Charles Saganne enlists in the military and is assigned to the Sahara Desert under the aristocratic Colonel Dubreuilh.

2019 年 03 月 01 日

To find Joseba, a dying friend, and see him reunite with his daughter Ely, two old friends, Jean Pierre and Tocho, embark with her on a road trip through the Sahara desert, from Spain to Mali.

1977 年 09 月 08 日

Just after World War I, Major Foster is incorporating new recruits into his French Foreign Legion platoon when he is sent to his former remote outpost located in the French Morocco to protect an archaeological excavation from El Krim, a Rifian leader who intends to unite all local tribes to fight the colonial government…

1968 年 10 月 15 日

Bertram Oliphant 'Bo' West wants to clear his unjustly smeared reputation, so he joins the Foreign Legion—with Simpson his manservant in tow. But the fort they get posted to is full of eccentric legionnaires, and there's trouble brewing with the locals too. Unbeknown to Bo, his lady love has followed him in disguise.

1990 年 12 月 12 日

An American couple drift toward emptiness in postwar North Africa.

1958 年 11 月 04 日

A small British army team is sent deep behind enemy lines to destroy a German petrol dump as part of the preparation for a major attack in the North African campaign. Sea of Sand was distributed in the US in a shortened version, Desert Patrol.

1953 年 05 月 08 日

A commander in the Foreign Legion romances a mysterious and exotic princess.

Despite her friends' warnings, a woman travels to the Sahara, determined to find her missing archaeologist father and the magical tower he was searching for. Aided by a mysterious prince, she battles outlaws and the desert's harsh conditions.

1957 年 12 月 17 日

American ne'er-do-well Joe January is hired to take Paul Bonnard on an expedition into the desert in search of treasure.

1971 年 10 月 25 日

At the end of the Spanish civil war, Fando, a boy of about ten, tries to make sense of war and his father's arrest. His mother is religious, sympathetic to the Fascists; his father is accused of being a Red. Fando discovers that his mother may have aided in his father's arrest. Sometimes we witness Fando imagining explanations for what's going on; sometimes we see him at play, alone or with his friend Thérèse. Oedipal fantasies and a lad's natural curiosity about sex and death mix with his search for his mother's nature and his father's fate. Will Fando survive the search?

In one of the tribes of the Algerian Sahara, everyone awaits the arrival of the hero who will defend the rights of the poor. A man decides one day to put the mark of the "hero" on his newborn son and the whole tribe celebrates the arrival of this eagerly awaited messiah who came to save them. This false hero then grows up by assuming his role of savior. Filled with cynicism, he crosses the countryside and has a number of adventures.

1960 年 10 月 10 日

A sublime documentary on childhood and bereavement that’s one of several shorts the filmmaker completed while working in Algeria for Georges Derocles’s company Les Studios Africa, for whom he would shortly make his breakthrough feature The Olive Trees of Justice.



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