107 filmų

2017 birželio 23

Pakistane gimęs komikas Kumailas Nanjianis ir absolventė Emilė Gardner įsimyli vienas kitą, bet susiduria su kultūrų skirtumu. Kai Emilė suserga paslaptinga liga, Kumailas yra priverstas stoti į akistatą su savo įnirtingais tėvais, savo šeimos lūkesčiais ir tikrais jausmais.

Alpinistų ekspedicijai kelią pastoja pūga. Jos sukelta lavina priverčia slėptis ledo oloje. Likę tik trys dar gyvi žmonės – geriausi pasaulyje alpinistai Ana, Eliotas ir sunkiai sužeistas Tomas – atsiduria giliame sniego ir ledo kalėjime. Čia jie galės išgyventi ne ilgiau kaip parą...

Jauną prancūzų žurnalistę Afganistane pagrobia Talibano kovotojai. Prancūzijos vyriausybė atsisako paklusti keliamoms pagrobėjų sąlygoms. Po šio vyriausybės atsisakymo talibai internete patalpina šiurpų video filmą su įjungtu atgaliniu laikmačiu iki jos mirties. Norėdami išgelbėti merginą, vyriausybės įsakymu, išsiunčiamas elitinis Prancūzijos ypatingųjų pajėgų būrys. Tačiau maža įveikti pagrobėjus ir išvaduoti auką, tačiau reikia saugiai sugrįžti namo. Ši kelionė tampa žūtbūtine kova ir žurnalistei ir patyrusiems ypatingųjų pajėgų kariams.

2012 gruodžio 19

Šaltakraujiška, užgrūdinta ir bebaimė CŽV tyrėja Maja (aktorė Jessica Chastain, "Gyvybės medis", "Tarnaitė", "Virš įstatymo") yra tvirtai įsitikinusi, kad Osama Bin Ladenas tikrai nesislapsto kažkur olose. Ji neabejoja, kad net patį ieškomiausią teroristą įmanoma susekti ir surasti. "Aš nužudysiu Bin Ladeną", - pasižada daugybę išdavysčių ir melagingos informacijos pasėkmių ištvėrusi Maja. Esminė filmo veikėja grindžiama realiame gyvenime egzistuojančios moters portretu, kurį iš perskaitytų dokumentų detaliai nupiešė buvęs žurnalistas ir scenaristas Markas Boalas. "Maja" gali būti netgi tikras Osama's Bin Ladeno medžioklei ilgus metus slapta vadovavusios CŽV pareigūnės slapyvardis.

2007 gruodžio 21

The true story of Texas congressman Charlie Wilson's covert dealings in Afghanistan, where his efforts to assist rebels in their war with the Soviets had some unforeseen and long-reaching effects.

Squadron Leader Veer Pratap Singh, a pilot in the Indian air force, rescues the stranded Zaara, a woman from Pakistan, following a bus accident, and their lives are forever bound.

2002 metų sausio 23 dieną Marianos Pearl (ak. A. Jolie) pasaulis pasikeitė. Jos vyras Danielis Pearlas (akt. D.Futtermanas) - laikraščio „The World Street Journal“ Azijos filialo vadovas - prieš išvykdamas į susitikimą su vienu iš daugelio savo informatorių, pasakė, kad vėluos vakarienės. Jis niekuomet nebegrįžo namo...


1991 lapkričio 22

They call it the savage mountain. 27 people have perished trying to reach the summit on K2, the world's second highest peak. A U.S. climbing team, funded by millionaire Clairborne is determined to conquer K2.

Paslaptingas vyras, vardu Džėjus (akt. Dev Patel), iš Didžiosios Britanijos vyksta į Pakistaną. Jo kelionės tikslas – vestuvės, o pagrindiniai jo daiktai – lipni juosta ir ginklas. Pasižymintis šaltu protu ir iš anksto apskaičiuotais sprendimais, Džėjus pakliūna į visiškai nekontroliuojamų įvykių virtinę, o jo kruopščiai suplanuotą kelionę keičia įtampos kupinas bėgimas per pavojingiausias Pakistano ir Indijos vietas.

2010 sausio 14

Drama about the tragic Nanga Parbat expedition by the two Messner brothers in 1970, on which Reinhold Messners younger brother Günther died.

2007 lapkričio 5

Sohail is an ambitious law undergraduate who signs up with MI5 and, eager to play a part in protecting British security, begins an investigation into a terrorist cell. His sister Nasima is a medical student in Leeds who becomes increasingly alienated and angered by Britain's foreign and domestic policy after witnessing at first hand the relentless targeting of her Muslim neighbours and peers. With action set in Pakistan, Eastern Europe, London and Leeds, both feature-length episodes detail a tragic sequence of events from two distinct perspectives. At the heart of this thought-provoking drama is a revealing examination of British Muslim life under current anti-terror legislation. Britz ultimately asks whether the laws we think are making us safer, are actually putting us in greater danger.

1998 lapkričio 7

Biography of Mohammed Ali Jinnah, the founder of modern Pakistan is told through flashbacks as his soul tries to find eternal rest. The flashbacks start in 1947 as Jinnah pleads for a separate nation for the Muslim minority, infuriating Lord Mountbatten. Mountbatten then tries to enlist Gandhi & Nehru to persuade Jinnah to stop his efforts. Gandhi sides with Jinnah, which upsets Nehru. However, Jinnah turns down the offer to become prime minister and the film takes another slide back to 1916, which reveals all of the political implications that have occurred.

A woman in Pakistan sentenced to death for falling in love becomes a rare survivor of the country's harsh judicial system.

2003 balandžio 10

Arun Khanna is a spy for the Indian government whose aid is enlisted to stop ISI Chief Ishak Khan. Khan is trying to build a nuclear bomb with which he can liberate Kashmir from the Indians. A battle of wits ensues. When Khan detonates a bomb at Khanna's engagement party to a fellow spy, Khanna's resolve is only strengthened. Now not only does he have to fight Khan, but he also has to track down his missing fiancee.

2012 kovo 8

Every year hundreds of people - mostly women - are attacked with acid in Pakistan. Follow several of these survivors, their fight for justice, and a Pakistani plastic surgeon who has returned to his homeland to help them restore their faces and their lives.

2003 spalio 22

In the days leading up to Partition, a Hindu woman is abducted by a Muslim man. Soon, she finds herself not only forced into marriage, but living in a new country as the borders between India and Pakistan are drawn

2019 kovo 22

SherDil follows it's lead character Haris Mustafa, as he journeys from the academy to becoming a Flt Lt in the PAF, chasing his goals that are layered with personal and professional challenges.

2008 spalio 18

American-born Ray Rehman comes home one night to find his Pakistani father on his doorstep. Ray's Caucasian mother threw him out. It's an awkward time for his father to move in as Ray just proposed to his Caucasian girlfriend - who hasn't given him an answer. While trying to get his parents back together, Ray meets a South Asian girl of mixed descent, just like him, and must decide where his identity truly lies.

2017 gegužės 12

Lahoriye is the story of love. The love which does not see boundaries, the love which does not see nations. Kikar Singh (Amrinder Gill) is a clerk at DTO office and his family holds a piece of land which is right at the LOC. The people living in Border areas are familiar with the situation. Right across the land in Pakistan is a Kinnow farm where Ameeran (Sargun Mehta) works and live with her family. Kikar falls for Ameeran and slowly slowly even Ameeran falls for Kikar. What follows next is a tale of romance which is worth watching on the big screen.

2022 lapkričio 25

A secret agent named, Zarrar (Shahid) has gone rouge after his homeland. With time running out, Zarrar must act fast in terminating the greatest threat Pakistan has come up against since its inception.

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