10 elokuvaa

7 toukokuu 2013

The evil Brand X joins a supermarket that becomes a city after closing time.

19 toukokuu 1961

American GI Ernie Williams, admittedly weak-kneed, has an uncanny resemblance to British Colonel MacKenzie. Williams, also a master of imitation and disguise, is asked to impersonate the Colonel, ostensibly to allow the Colonel to make a secret trip East. What Williams is not told is that the Colonel has recently been a target of assassins. After the Colonel's plane goes down, the plan changes and Williams maintains the disguise to confuse the Nazis about D-Day.

Stan and Ollie have set up their own electrical appliance store but, unfortunately for them, the grocery right next door is run by the man and wife whom they encountered in "Them Thar Hills" (1935). Stan and Ollie go and visit to offer the hand of friendship, but the grocer again becomes convinced that Ollie and his wife are fooling around.

1 kesäkuu 1979

The director of a failing summer camp decides to invite campers from ten years ago for a free weekend event, hoping that he can trick them into fixing up the place and also get their families to provide them some financial support. The boys and girls return to the camp and play pranks on each other and try to score with the other campers and the staff.

24 huhtikuu 2008

Ezra discovers he has a unique ability to make food appear in his hands. He quickly uses his new super powers to impress his friends and to become popular around school for the first time in his life.

This ensemble comedy follows the Pullham University Bluecocks, a small liberal arts college with a Division III football program (the lowest division in the NCAA). When the head coach unexpectedly dies, the future of the flailing football program is in jeopardy, as they have not had a winning season in decades. In a desperate attempt to create some media attention for the athletic program and the university, President Georgia Anne Whistler hires known lunatic and felon, Coach Rick Vice, for what could be the football programs final season.

15 helmikuu 2019

After experiencing her first heartbreak, Anais declares war on all the boys in 6th grade.

1 tammikuu 1987

Night club bikini wrestling in food (a salad, spaghetti noodles...) shot before a live audience and hosted by Garrett Adkins. Filmed at the legendary Whiskey A Go-Go on the Sunset Strip.

19 joulukuu 1999

This story explains what happens when a donut takes on a personlality of its own and gives the cops a run for their money.

A young Catholic school student tries to get kicked out of school.

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