Thriller über ein geheimes FBI-Team, das sich nach Riad begibt, um einen tödlichen Terroranschlag von al-Qaida auf in Saudi-Arabien lebende Amerikaner zu untersuchen.

26. Juni 2009

Sara and Brian live an idyllic life with their young son and daughter. But their family is rocked by sudden, heartbreaking news that forces them to make a difficult and unorthodox choice in order to save their baby girl's life. The parents' desperate decision raises both ethical and moral questions and rips away at the foundation of their relationship. Their actions ultimately set off a court case that threatens to tear the family apart, while revealing surprising truths that challenge everyone's perceptions of love and loyalty and give new meaning to the definition of healing.

23. Februar 1996

Seattle medical examiner David Krane is obsessed with solving his wife's murder. A possible solution presents itself in an experimental "memory" serum designed by a neurobiology professor, which has the ability to transfer memories from one person to another, but with potentially fatal consequences.

7. September 2006

A young pathology med student suspects that the spirit of a dead cadaver in the hospital morgue where she works is killing off all those who handle or desecrate the body.

31. Oktober 2006

Two hospitalized young people discover that things can get even worse when the dilapidated institution is stranded by a severe storm and a maniac stalks the corridors butchering the patients and staff.

Ayalum Njanum Thammil is a story of a committed senior doctor and an irresponsible junior doctor and through their relationship, a picture of the medical profession is drawn vividly. Prathap Pothan portrays the doctor who, by his absolute devotion to his profession, lives a lonely life and Prithviraj appears as the junior doctor.

2. Juni 2003

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