64 部电影

1987 年 11 月 20 日

溥儀(尊龍 飾)從童年登基,歷經清末,民國、偽滿洲、共產黨執政,時代更迭,戰火紛飛,他如同傀儡一般,被權力捉弄擺佈。時代浪潮席捲而來不容喘息,個人在其中難以自主顛沛流離,故而音樂也時而恢宏,時而低迷,將幾十年歷史鬧劇終結於在無盡的傷感欷歔之中。

奧斯朋·考克斯(Osbourne Cox,尊·麥高維治 飾)是一名中央情報局分析師,他在因為酗酒問題被降職後辭去工作。他決定開始撰寫在中情局期間的回憶錄。他的妻子凱蒂·考克斯(Katie Cox,蒂達·史雲頓 飾)想要和奧斯朋離婚,在與離婚律師開會時,她從奧斯朋的電腦中拷貝了所有的個人財務資料,同時也包括了他正撰寫到一半的回憶錄。存有這些資料的光碟輾轉來到「硬漢健身房」,在此工作的查德·菲爾德海墨(Chad Feldheimer,畢·彼特 飾)發現了這片光碟,並企圖要勒索考克斯..

2016 年 12 月 21 日


2020 年 07 月 03 日

康城金棕櫚獎得主是枝裕和首度進軍歐洲影壇,率領法國兩大國寶級女星嘉芙蓮丹露及茱麗葉庇洛仙大鬥演技,更邀得《情留半天》系列型男伊芬鶴基同場鬥戲。法國影后(嘉芙蓮丹露 飾)剛出版了回憶錄,大爆個人事業、感情及家庭生活。就在她女兒(茱麗葉庇洛仙 飾)一家回到巴黎為她慶祝之際,溫馨家庭聚會驟變戰場。女兒發覺母親的回憶錄謊話百出,竟將自己描寫成一個關愛家庭的完美女神,憤怒的編劇女兒忍不住與演員母親大鬥法,一次過將醖釀多年的母女情仇爆發出來……

2016 年 12 月 21 日

十八如花的Julieta 坐上火車,尋找教職,在窗外的景色快速倒退的時候,她竟然在車上上映了人生啟蒙的第一課,奉獻了自己的所有給他,那個她的一生至愛。一切來得如此措手不及,轉眼間她已經成為人妻,定居於小漁村,一切安好,唯獨女兒一天忽然人間蒸發,不留一絲痕跡,究竟她是因為母女間的嫌隙而離家出走?還是與小女同學雙雙私奔?女僕人究竟說了些什麼?是愛還是恨?撲朔迷離,意外中還隱藏意外,行雲流水的劇本將母親的悔咎表演得淋漓盡致。音樂、攝影、美指全是艾生的頂尖呈獻,再加上久違了的馬面女露絲狄龐馬,恰似一場與艾生久別重逢的相遇。 競逐康城影展最高榮譽金棕櫚獎提名。

2014 年 04 月 11 日

1942年,二次世界大戰發生期間,數以千計英國年輕士兵成為日本皇軍戰俘,當年只有21歲的艾力勞瑪士Eric Lomax不幸被日軍俘虜,被送往泰國興建死亡鐵路(即泰緬鐵路)。在惡劣修建鐵路的工作環境下,疾病威脅又加上被日軍虐待,令不少戰俘及工人死亡。 二次大戰結束後,艾力幸存回到本國,數十年後,已擁有美滿家庭,娶了賢慧妻子柏蒂 的艾力,他一直擺脫不了當年慘受虐待的夢魘,而涉及在內的日本軍官名為永瀬高史,他現身在泰國介紹當年歷史,艾力決定前往當地,為纏繞自己多年的心魔作個了斷......

Young Jeremiah lives in a stable environment with loving foster parents until the day his troubled mother, Sarah, returns to claim him. Jeremiah becomes swept up in his mother's dangerous world of drugs, seedy hotels, strip joints and revolving lovers. Salvation comes in the form of the boy's ultrareligious grandparents, but soon Jeremiah's mother returns. Maternal love binds the pair together on the road until Sarah's desperate and depraved lifestyle finally consumes her.

2011 年 09 月 23 日

An adaptation of celebrity chef Nigel Slater's bestselling memoir, 'Toast' is the ultimate nostalgic trip through everything edible in 1960's Britain. Nigel's mother was always a poor cook, but her chronic asthma and addiction to all things canned does not help.

2015 年 02 月 18 日

An Englishman who grew up in London during World War II joins the military to fight in the Korean War.

Based on the journey of the legendary Telugu actor, filmmaker and ex-Chief Minister Late Taraka Rama Rao Nandamuri.

2017 年 04 月 23 日

An animated telling of Kobe Bryant's titular poem, signaling his retirement from the sport that made his name.

1998 年 05 月 20 日

Nanni Moretti takes another look at the ebbs and flows of life in April 1996, as he becomes a father for the first time and seems unable to focus on his documentary about the upcoming national elections.

2005 年 06 月 03 日

Joaquín Góñez, a novelist in his sixties recalls his emotions, his wild years in Buenos Aires, the memories of old friends, the meaning of loyalty and the intimate relationship with his mother, Roma.

2018 年 05 月 09 日

Mahanati depicts the life and career of one of Telugu cinema's greatest and most iconic starlets, the first Indian female super star, Savitri.

2011 年 04 月 27 日

The lives of the late Bradford playwright Andrea Dunbar and Lorraine, one of her daughters, and the community of Bradford, in the 30 years since the 18-year-old Andrea penned a play about growing up in the community titled "The Arbor".

1988 年 09 月 06 日

A Senegalese platoon of soldiers from the French Free Army are returned from combat in France and held for a temporary time in a military encampment with barbed wire fences and guard towers in the desert. Among their numbers are Sergeant Diatta, the charismatic leader of the troop who was educated in Paris and has a French wife and child, and Pays, a Senegalese soldier left in a state of shock from the war and concentration camps and who can only speak in guttural screams and grunts.

2020 年 10 月 05 日

After 40 years, Tom Cruise continues to push the envelope in film. Exposing one's heart to the world through their work is not only risky business, as far as Cruise is concerned, it is the only way to achieve an end that feels complete.

1973 年 04 月 10 日

Sequel to "Summer of '42" reunites Hermie, Oscy and Benjie as they graduate from high school. Benjie departs shortly to war while Hermie and Oscy go on to college and experience fraternity hazings, cheating on exams, sex scandals and other unsavory college activities. Hermie grows apart from his childhood friend Oscy and begins a relationship with Julie that allows him to settle down into maturity.


昭和末年,銀座的除夕夜,才華洋溢的「南」,在燈紅酒綠的舞廳和俱樂部穿梭,當爵士樂淪為權貴的 BGM,他只能老調重彈;少年「博」滿腔熱情,渴求演奏機會,矢志成為藍色巨星。被黑道之王所禁絕的《教父》主題曲徐徐響起,整個不夜城落入失序的律動。怪才導演富永昌敬改編爵士樂家南博的回憶錄,池松壯亮不幪面,更加英姿勃勃,一人分飾兩名鋼琴師,肉體與靈魂跳出時空因果,即興合奏爵士樂和人生不是黑白的真諦。



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