7 elokuvaa

To be closer to his children following his divorce, Laurent Monier, a history and geography teacher in a peaceful provincial high school, accepts a position in a sensitive college in the Paris suburbs. He is assigned the hardest class, the fourth techno, and he finds an apartment in the Cité des Muriers, a particularly difficult district.

Coming from outer space, an intergalactic cow invites BoOzy’ OS to join the biggest animation film festival of the universe. BoOzy’ imagines himself winning the competition and decides to seek the famous "Cristal" of Annecy, with the help of OSmic the Hedgeh' OS and other cool dudes. But the dark paunchy Mari' OS is determined to recover the loot before him.

14 lokakuu 2023

Two hapless drifters, Frank and Bruno, team up with Linde to recover her land and trek across 1870's Southern Arizona to find an elusive frontier musician. The complex quantum time theory is blended with philosophical musings about art as the way we understand our history and memories, with gunfights, horses, dance halls, cacti, and saloons!

Annecy is no tourist destination for three working-class Algerian brothers and their father, in the months after their mother has died. Marc is deeply troubled: he tries to stiff drug dealers and then plots revenge. Christophe is released from jail, lands a job, and must overcome various temptations in order to keep it. Olivier, nearing 18, may be falling in love with Hicham...

8 kesäkuu 2017

Backstage of a traditional Chinese opera, the staff and performers are bringing a play to life: "The Legend of the White Snake."

8 kesäkuu 2017

In a martial arts boarding school in northern China, a little girl fights to be a champion.

8 kesäkuu 2017

On a renovation site in Shanghai in the 80’s, workers are waking up from their daily nap and going back to work.

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