30 部电影

2019 年 11 月 06 日

本片由曾入圍奧斯卡金像獎的電影人諾亞·包姆巴赫(Noah Baumbach)執導,以深刻卻體恤人心的目光,檢視一段婚姻如何走向破裂,家庭在這過程中又是如何分而不散、團結凝聚。

入圍金球獎最佳劇情片、最佳編劇、最佳男女主角、最佳女配角獎與最佳配樂獎等六項大獎。以深刻卻體恤人心的目光,檢視一段婚姻如何走向破裂,家庭在這過程中又是如何分而不散、團結凝聚…… 故事聚焦在妮可(Scarlett Johansson 飾)和查理(Adam Driver 飾)這對夫婦身上,查理是一個獨立的戲劇導演,而妮可是一個有著遠大抱負的女演員,夫妻兩人的藝術追求卻導致彼此越走越遠。問題到底出在哪裡?妮可去洛杉磯參加拍攝一部電視劇,也正是這時候開始,他們兩人商量要離婚。 兩人有一個兒子,而身在紐約的查理對兒子的探視權和監護權就成了問題。種種問題導致這對夫婦走上了一條激烈爭吵和付諸法律手段的道路。  《婚姻故事》是一部發人深省而內在沉重的影片,儘管關於離婚和監護權這個話題帶有濃厚的感情色彩,但該片並沒有走這類電影的老套路線。貫穿整部影片始終的是激烈的爭吵,而且情節的節奏非常緊湊,電影畫面帶有一種抽像拼貼風格。該片向觀眾全面展示了沮喪、憤怒和矛盾等各種複雜情緒,不過也還帶有一些幽默感和人性關懷。

1998 年 12 月 11 日

魏斯安德森執導,榮獲1998年紐約、洛杉磯、國家影評人協會最佳男配角,1999年獨立精神獎最佳導演、男配角等。傑森薛茲曼、比爾墨瑞主演。 一個情感早熟、性格古怪、特立獨行的青少年,他的學校生活該是什麼模樣?尤其讀的又是個菁英、古板、嚴格、制式的貴族學校。初登銀幕的傑森薛茲曼,飾演才華洋溢的熱血少年麥斯,在各類社團如魚得水,卻讓學業成績岌岌可危。因緣際會,他和比爾墨瑞飾演的商業大亨,成為忘年之交。然而這一切,在愛上他的女老師,兩人成了情敵後終結。 青春何以無敵?不外乎敢於冒險,也勇於堅持。即使外人看你瘋瘋癲癲,依然行得理直氣壯,就算最後鼻青臉腫也沒關係。這恐怕不是拿道德去丈量愛情的某些大人所能理解,儘管他們往往自詡真理。 好萊塢影星比爾墨瑞曾表示,讀到劇本時只有一個念頭,即使沒有片酬,他都非演不可。

一台乘載妻子記憶的車,兩個孤獨的人相遇...... 知名的舞台劇演員及導演家福裕介 (西島秀俊 飾) 與妻子過著幸福美滿的生活,卻因愛妻驟逝而灰心喪志,妻子遺下的一盒卡式帶成為他思憶舊日時光的媒介。

意外喪妻兩年後,家福裕介被邀請為廣島戲劇節製作舞台劇。在那裡,因工作關係需要聘請一位汽車代駕,家福遇見了沈默寡言的美沙紀(三浦透子 飾),兩人在一趟趟安靜的車程中,漸漸瞭解了彼此的過往,也解開了自己難解的心結,更發現了心愛妻子生前的秘密......

故事講述一位劇場導演(菲力普西蒙霍夫曼飾),正苦心構思他的新戲,但他平淡的生活與面臨瓶頸的創作生涯,正漸漸走向崩解的邊緣…凱登的老婆艾黛兒(凱瑟琳基納飾)帶著女兒離開他,前往柏林追求自己繪畫方面的理想;凱登與迷人的海柔(莎曼珊莫頓飾)之間若有似無的曖昧關係,不幸面臨早夭的命運;而凱登的心理醫師瑪德琳(琥珀戴維絲飾)完全無視於凱登遭遇的種種問題,只顧行銷自己的新書卻無心給予凱登任何諮商。此時,凱登竟又發現自己得了莫名的怪病,他的生理自主機能正一一喪失,突如其來的死亡陰影緊緊籠罩著凱登。 憂懼於死亡的威脅,凱登決心要把握僅有的時光,完成一齣畢生傑作。他在曼哈頓的一座倉庫裡搭建了紐約縮影模型,並召集了一批演員共同製作一部貼近他真實人生的劇碼,試圖忠實而赤裸地呈現人生中殘酷、溫暖與令人心碎的片段,但隨著倉庫裡縮小版的紐約市日漸成型,凱登的人生卻逐漸偏離常軌,更多的問題接踵而至。演員們的演出,與凱登的現實世界產生相互影響的複雜交疊,現實與舞台的模糊界線,更突顯出人生如戲的一面。經過了多年,凱登愈形埋首於這部嘔心瀝血之作,但無論現實生活或舞台創作都已使他心力交瘁,此時女演員米莉森(黛安薇絲特飾)的出現,將可能是凱登撥雲見日的唯一契機… 名編劇查理考夫曼以《王牌冤家》、《蘭花賊》與《變腦》等片聞名,首次執導便入選坎城影展金棕櫚獎競賽片,幾位實力派影后級演員,蒂妲絲雲頓、凱瑟琳基納與琥珀戴維絲等都將在片中現身。 影片歷時兩年創作,以充滿創意、幽默並略帶幻想的方式,深入探索人生必經的難題與過程,死亡、病痛、孤獨與愛情關係等看似嚴肅而沉重的主題,都在考夫曼巧妙的編導安排之下,呈現出一股夢境般的超現實魔力。

2022 年 11 月 16 日


2007 年 12 月 26 日

Marcelline is an actress. Forty, single and childless, she begins rehearsals for Turgenev’s A Month in the Country. Denis, the director, admires her greatly and promises he’ll make her happy on stage — she will shine. But things don’t go to plan.

1933 年 11 月 24 日

Janie lives to dance and will dance anywhere, even stripping in a burlesque house. Tod Newton, the rich playboy, discovers her there and helps her get a job in a real Broadway musical being directed by Patch. Tod thinks he can get what he wants from Janie, Patch thinks Janie is using her charms rather than talent to get to the top, and Janie thinks Patch is the greatest. Steve, the stage manager, has the Three Stooges helping him manage all the show girls. Fred Astaire and Nelson Eddy make appearances as famous Broadway personalities.

1999 年 04 月 02 日

Conflict arises in the small town of Holly Springs when an old woman's death causes a variety of reactions among family and friends.

2004 年 03 月 04 日

It all starts with a bang. The car breaks through the crash barrier and falls off the bridge. The lights go out. After that, he is not able to see anymore. His optic nerve is severed, from now on the young stage-director Jakob is blind. His life will change and nothing will ever be the same. Jakob cannot handle the idea of never being able to see again and screams at the only woman who is able and willing to help him, Lily. A rehabilitation teacher, she helps the blind deal with the darkness. Lily has been living with it since birth, she too is blind.

2020 年 02 月 13 日

30 years ago, Switzerland was shaken by a scandal that seems to have already been forgotten: more than 900,000 people were surveilled because of their political convictions. Against the backdrop of this "secret files scandal," Micha Lewinsky sets his film. Conscientious policeman Viktor Schuler is tasked by his superior to infiltrate the Schauspielhaus, a renowned Zurich theatre, in order to keep an eye on its leftist scene. However, Viktor finds himself quite taken with the artist's life and falls in love with the subversive actress Odile Lehmann.

2023 年 10 月 05 日

A dark comedy thriller about a director driven to madness during a regional production of Julius Caesar.

A ring passes between a lot of different people, giving the bearer or someone close a new meaning to life. Actors, embezzlers, old ladies and cheated husbands all seem to gain temporary hope from misery and disillusionment.

2013 年 03 月 03 日

Turmoil becomes the order of the day when a Mexican theatrical company begins its rehearsals of absurdist philosopher Albert Camus's “Caligula” for an influential upcoming international theater festival.

1995 年 11 月 22 日

Helena Mora, the head of an eccentric theatrical family, has decided to sell her large estate in the Hamptons because of her recent money troubles. Before she completes the sale, she wants to have one last gathering of family and friends, with dramatic performances. Bringing everyone together, though, creates rivalries and tension, especially for Oona, a temperamental but successful movie actress who seeks the approval of her creative peers.

2018 年 04 月 21 日

When he started as a comedy writer for the Late Show with David Letterman, Steve Young had few interests and not many friends outside of his day job. But while gathering material for a segment on the show, Steve stumbled onto a few vintage record albums that would change his life forever.

1999 年 01 月 10 日

A widowed theatre director moves to a small Connecticut town where he gets involved in solving the murder of a millionaire, who was the most despised man in town.

1946 年 01 月 26 日

Stuffy amateur director Eddie Dolan decides to mount a show for the well-connected patrons of a posh country club. Eddie and his girlfriend, actress Ann Stallings, hope the production will launch their legitimate Broadway careers. But complications arise when Maxine Whitaker, daughter of a wealthy rival club owner, becomes romantically interested in charming Eddie.

2018 年 04 月 21 日

The lives of a French theater director, her ex-boyfriend, and the two actors playing them intersect dramatically.

2022 年 04 月 06 日

A struggling actress becomes entangled in an abusive relationship with her idol at a cult-like New York theatre company.



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