48 filmų

2023 liepos 21

Barbė gyvena nuostabioje šalyje kur kiekviena diena yra kaip šventė. Ten visai šalia – jūra, visuomet šviečia saulė, visi šoka, dainuoja ir linksminasi. Barbė turi daugybę draugių: Barbę daktarę, Barbę rašytoją, Barbę teisėją, Barbę žurnalistę, Barbę prezidentę ir dar daugybę kitų, su kuriomis leidžia savo nepriekaištingas, neužmirštamas ir pačias nuostabiausias dienas. Deja, staiga tobulas jos gyvenimas tampa ne toks tobulas ir Barbė panyra į egzistencinė krizė. Ieškodama atsakymų, ji patraukia į Tikrąjį Pasaulį. Prie jos prisiplaka ir ištikimai tarsi šunytis iš paskos sekiojantis Kenas (vaidina Ryan Gosling). O žmonių pasaulyje Barbės jau laukia tokie išbandymai, kokių nei ji pati, nei jos draugės negalėjo net įsivaizduoti. Negana to, kad žmonės atrodo ir elgiasi visiškai ne taip, kaip tobuluose namuose– netrukus Barbė ir Kenas tampa tikrais taikiniais.

2020 gegužės 22

Turtingos ir galingos šeimos patriarchas staiga miršta, palikdamas žmonai ir dukrai šokiruojantį slaptą palikimą, grasinantį išardyti ir sunaikinti jų gyvenimus.

Po sunkaus gimdymo miršta moteris ir ką tik pasaulį išvydęs sūnus, bet lieka gyva jo dvynė sesuo Pai. Prislėgtas naujagimės tėvas Porourangis išvyksta iš Naujosios Zelandijos į Vokietiją, tad mergaitės likimu belieka rūpintis seneliui Koro.

Jis yra maorių genties vadas. Pagal tūkstantmetes tradicijas jo įpėdiniu gali būti tik dabartinio vado vyriškos giminės palikuonis, bet sūnus visai nenori imtis didžiulės atsakomybės. Užtat mažoji Pai yra tvirtai įsitikinusi, kad ji galėtų būti genties lydere. Koro prieštarauja šiam sumanymui, nenori sulaužyti papročių ir vis kartoja, kad ji yra tik mergaitė. Tačiau Pai ryžtasi įrodyti, kad gali važnyčioti banginius.

2020 birželio 24

A child bride grows up to be an enigmatic woman presiding over her household, harboring a painful past as supernatural murders of men plague her village.

2020 kovo 20

In Poland, behind the gates of an exclusive housing estate, the life of its wealthy residents is regulated by an old code of honor, due to which the Kowalskis and the Nowaks have been embroiled in a bloody family feud for years.

2021 kovo 9

The imprint of the past is made present by the return of three migrants to a community in the upper Mixteca region of Oaxaca, where the three stories intersect.

2017 liepos 21

Four ordinary women, inflicted by silly societal norms, have to steal, lie, cheat and hide in order to lead the lives that they rightfully deserve.

2023 rugsėjo 15

A group of women fight patriarchy and societal values. Prem Kaur, a new police officer, uncovers dark secrets and becomes a beacon of hope for the womenfolk.

Simon Eskenazy is a gay Parisian clarinet player who lives his single life to the fullest. One day, he receives a very tempting offer from his homophobic uncle, looking to continue the family legacy – if he gets married and has a child, he will receive ten million francs and inherit his uncle's luxurious mansion. After meeting Rosalie Baumann at his cousin David's wedding, and with some convincing on his mother's part, Simon sees an opportunity to fulfill his uncle's wishes and the pair go ahead and get married, but not before traveling to New York to meet Rosalie's Orthodox Jewish family. As Simon tries to develop real feelings for Rosalie, he struggles with his feelings for his newlywed cousin David.

2020 birželio 1

Two sisters in a bathroom debate their different approaches to the patriarchy.

2017 rugsėjo 28

It is the 1980s. Jens and his brothers live in a single-family house in Risskov, a suburb of Aarhus, Denmark. Here, the family's patriarch psychologist and self-appointed God, Uffe, rules the roost in his dressing gown and underwear. Changes threaten the peace when Uffe decides to write his memoirs.

Gaby is expelled from school after a married teacher commits suicide after telling her he can't live without her. Though she has done nothing, she is punished for his act.

2017 rugsėjo 29

A Cape Town couple, Katherine and Hugh, are headed to their private mountain getaway, when they pick up a hitchhiker, Liza, who carries a gun. Liza is invited for lunch, but soon the couple can't get rid of her.

A Japan-set battle-royale comedy over a vial of sperm is centered around three women on the verge of a nervous breakdown from hearing their biological clock ticking away: a doctor and manager of a sperm bank, Sana Kobayashi, a single mother, Maron Kuribayashi, and an alluring receptionist, Mayumi Kujō. Unknowingly, the three shared a beloved partner and a sperm donor, Makoto, but lost him in a sudden accident. The night of Makoto's funeral they are shocked to discover each other in his room. In a rage of screaming, thrashing, and boasting about their own sexual prowess with Makoto, more fierce emotions erupt once Sana's plan to self-inseminate is exposed, but this leads to unexpected consequences. They affirm their real love for Makoto and reveal his true wishes.

2019 gegužės 8

In 1930’s British India, sixteen-year-old Indira finds herself torn between true love, her duty to follow through with an arranged marriage, and the powerful allure of a mysterious guru. Through her heartbreaking journey to self-discovery, long-held secrets are brought to light and Indira discovers the strength within herself to break free.

Successful architect Robert has a one-night stand with a mysterious lady in red. The next day they meet again, but Carolin is now a corporate lawyer working on a major contract for Robert ...

2020 rugpjūčio 20

A DJ encounters a beautiful woman at a club, goes back to her home, and finds himself thrust into a nightmare odyssey of ritual magic, patriarchal death customs, and family conflict most unusual.

A gripping and intense thriller about honour, loyalty, and the courage to fight for what you believe.

After a long journey in search of the murderer of his father, a man abuses a beautiful girl next to marry.

2007 gruodžio 15

A grandmother dies and leaves behind hours of secret film and audio recordings as well as an envelope with the words “Must read after my death,” which reveal a dark history for her family to discover.

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