18 部电影

2001 年 12 月 07 日

當全校最受歡迎的大帥哥被他的壞女友甩了,他會做些什麼事呢?答案是他會開始跟人打賭,他能把醜小鴨變成天鵝,他把他的焦點,轉移到怪女孩珍妮身上。這個改造計劃看來似乎無望,因為珍妮實在太怪異了! 雖然有他的前女友和妹妹百般阻撓,傑克卻有如鬼斧神工,把那怪胎改頭換面;同時,傑克的死黨急於想在高中畢業前失去貞操。有人想要改造別人,有人想當絆腳石,有人則想趕快變成男人。

2012 年 04 月 13 日


2004 年 04 月 09 日

一位將進入知名大學高中資優生馬修(艾米里·荷許)發現住家隔壁新來了一位面容身材超誘人的年輕女孩丹妮爾(伊麗莎·庫斯伯特),在一次不小心看到丹妮爾更衣的情況下,引來她的捉弄,之後,漸漸成為男女朋友。馬修的死黨卻發現她是位知名的AV女優,並拿片給馬修。雖馬修一時很難接受,但仍正視他與丹妮爾的感情,不把女友當作玩物看待。之後,丹妮爾受AV製片老闆之邀而復出。而馬修為了追回女主角而改變以前不做瘋事的「好孩子」的個性,跑到拉斯維加斯的脫星大會,並利用AV製片老闆之間的恩怨不合而進行條件交換。 最後,AV製片商在馬修的高中校園辦畢業舞會的時間,進入校園拍攝「性教育」真人實況教學影片。而這一部成為最熱銷的性教育教學影片,片商與馬修都大賺一筆。


2007 年 07 月 19 日

胖女孩特蕾西(Nicole Blonsky 飾)生長在60年代的一個普通美國家庭。她迷上了一個電視選秀的舞蹈節目,並夢想能站到舞台上發光發亮。然而特蕾西的母親,自小因為肥胖而缺乏自信,常常擔心肥胖是特蕾西的絆腳石。不料特蕾西在節目中的出色表現,令她的前途頓時開闊。甚至大家對她的喜歡,勝過了本來非常得寵的艾姆伯小姐(Brittany Snow 飾)。歡喜之餘,特蕾西卻迎來了事業的急劇轉折。一方面,艾姆伯為了保住地位,不惜用盡卑劣手段力挽狂瀾,甚至不惜勾引特蕾西的父親,使得其家庭不和。另一方面,當時社會嚴格實行種族隔離,特蕾西還陷入了一場種族鬥爭之中,危險的形勢隨時會把她的事業前途毀於一旦。


2018 年 01 月 23 日

A group of friends vow to open their college acceptance letters at the same time during the big end-of -year party.

如月學園剛剛結束了一年一度的文化祭圓滿落下帷幕,高二學生中島直美(生駒裡奈 飾)和青梅竹馬持田哲志(池岡亮介 飾)等人還留在教室裡,大家依依不捨,都想在學校裡多待一會兒。這時,突然響起一個炸雷,嚇得大家連忙堵住耳朵,而電閘似乎也出現了問題。超自然迷女孩筱崎亞由美(前田希美 飾)找來鬼屋用到的蠟燭,於是順帶提議玩一玩“幸福的幸子”的靈異遊戲。如月學園的前身是發生過可怕事件的天神小學,當初有一名保健老師摔下樓梯身亡,更有兩名學生被殺,學校由此變得恐怖森然。雖然“幸福的幸子”傳說是可以召喚幸福的遊戲,可當大家玩過之後,卻墜落在一個隔絕的廢氣校舍中,可怕的故事接連上演……   本片根據同名遊戲改編

2001 年 06 月 29 日

Six teenagers decide to spend the night at an old abandoned school where 27 years ago a horrible massacre occurred. The kids run afoul of the vicious crazed security guard who committed the brutal killings.

1992 年 12 月 11 日

High school student Mikaela is attracted by her Swedish teacher Göran and writes an erotic novel for his class.

2024 年 09 月 19 日
2014 年 06 月 15 日

In Sara's class, the popular kids, also known as the kings and queens, are subjected to daily humiliations, which include having their pants pulled down or water thrown on them, but this is only a sign of their elevated status. Sara is the only blond and blue-eyed girl in her class, and she is completely overlooked by the kings and queens who do not have blond hair and blue eyes. She has a secret crush on one of the kings, who is way out of her league, and she doesn't have any friends either, but would like to become friends with Karen, also an outsider who aspires to a better status. One day, Sara eyes an opportunity to boost her popularity by humiliating herself and thereby become queen. Karen instantly becomes her friend, she seems to catch the eye of her kingly crush and popularity appears within her reach. However, her happiness is short-lived, and in the end she learns a far more valuable lesson than how to be queen for a day.

2017 年 06 月 06 日

When the fifteen year old Bram meets Florian at a house party, he immediately falls for him. There's only one problem: nobody knows Bram is gay.

2003 年 01 月 12 日

"Graduation Night" is a coming-of-age comedy about four high school seniors and their wild adventures. Life has many unexpected twists and turns in store for each of them as their lives will forever be changed.

2020 年 02 月 14 日

Three best friends have to attend funeral, organize a stag party and to be on time for wedding. Personal problems and close time draw three friends into crazy adventures.

2019 年 06 月 04 日

"A socially anxious college student reluctantly heads to a party attempting to make new friends. Nande Walters directs “Who Are You Really?”, an experimental portrait of insecurity characterized by a raw, youthful energy. Anya walks into the room and immediately feels like everyone is judging her. Eventually she strikes up a conversation with a young man, but neither really knows what to say and it doesn’t go anywhere. After struggling through the awkward night, she’s surprised to learn that an extroverted friend didn’t fare much better. Walters is only 19 years old, one of the youngest we’ve ever featured on NoBudge, and her film is the work of an artist still learning her craft but she clearly knows the feeling she’s after and captures it with pops of style and a touching closing monologue." -Kentucker Audley

While hooking up at a party, two high schoolers unearth a dark secret leading to an unexpected catharsis.

2021 年 01 月 11 日

A self-pitying drummer, a young couple, a passionate political activist, a mistreated ice cream worker, two love/hate best friends, and a party-goer each follow their own stories that blend into each other over the course of a single summer day.



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