49 Filme

5. Dezember 1997

When professors discover that an aimless janitor is also a math genius, a therapist helps the young man confront the demons that are holding him back.

21. Dezember 2001

In a decades-spanning biopic, brilliant mathematician John Forbes Nash Jr. makes history in his field as schizophrenia sets in.

Ein Mathematikgenie arbeitet im 2. Weltkrieg mit seinem Kryptoanalystenteam unermüdlich daran, den berüchtigten Enigma-Code der Deutschen zu dechiffrieren.

Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, born in the stench of 18th century Paris, develops a superior olfactory sense, which he uses to create the world's finest perfumes. However, his work takes a dark turn as he tries to preserve scents in the search for the ultimate perfume.

Die gesamte USA wird von einem bisher unvorstellbaren Akt des Terrorismus bedroht, der sich innovativster Techniken bedient und mittels Computerkraft das Land ins Chaos zu stürzen vermag. Die IT-Infrastruktur des Landes wird komplett außer Kraft gesetzt, Kommunikation und Bankwesen liegen lahm und die überraschten Behörden wissen zunächst nichts entgegen zu setzen. Nur ein Mann kann den Terror aufhalten: Der New Yorker Polizist John McClane hält nichts von modernem Schnickschnack und macht sich auf seine eigene Art auf die Jagd nach dem Drahtzieher des spektakulären Coups. Unterstützt wird er dabei von dem jungen Greg, den McClane eigentlich nur von New Jersey nach Washington bringen sollte. Doch mal wieder ist der alte Haudegen zur falschen Zeit am falschen Ort.

5. Juli 1996

An ordinary man sees a bright light descend from the sky, and discovers he now has super-intelligence and telekinesis.

7. August 1985

Chris is the top brain who just wants to party, Mitch is the 15-year-old college wiz kid. Supposedly hard at work on a lab project with a mysterious deadline, they still find time to use their genius to discover new ways to have fun.


10. Juli 1998

A mathematical genius discovers a link between numbers and reality, and thus believes he can predict the future.

21. Dezember 2001

Jimmy Neutron is a boy genius and way ahead of his friends, but when it comes to being cool, he's a little behind. All until one day when his parents, and parents all over Earth are kidnapped by aliens, it's up to him to lead all the children of the world to rescue their parents.

Adventurer/surgeon/rock musician Buckaroo Banzai and his band of men, the Hong Kong Cavaliers, take on evil alien invaders from the 8th dimension.

15. Februar 2019

Everyday teen hero Kim Possible and her best friend Ron Stoppable embark on their freshman year of high school, all while saving the world from evil villains. While Kim and Ron have always been one step ahead of their opponents, navigating the social hierarchy of high school is more challenging than the action-hero ever imagined. With Drakken and Shego lurking in the wings, Kim must rely on her family and Team Possible—Ron, tech-genius Wade, new friend Athena, and Rufus, a Naked mole-rat.

31. März 2017

Awkward, isolated and disapproving of most of the people around her, a precocious 19-year-old genius is challenged to put her convictions to the test by venturing out on to the NYC dating scene.

Die zwölfjährige Maddy kann klettern wie ein Affe. Und dieses Talent hat sie von ihrem Vater Tom geerbt, der früher Bergsteiger war. Mittlerweile betreibt er ein Go-Kart-Center, und führt mit seiner Frau Molly, Maddy und dem zweijährigen Max ein zufriedenes Leben. Das ändert sich schlagartig, als eine alte Rückenverletzung ihn wieder einholt und er praktisch arbeitsunfähig wird. Heilung könnte nur eine kostspielige Operation bringen und für die fehlt der Familie schlichtweg das Geld. Doch Maddy kann dem Leiden ihres Vaters nicht länger tatenlos zusehen und entwirft einen Plan: Sie will den Tresor genau der Bank ausrauben, für die ihre Mutter ein hochkompliziertes Sicherheitssystem entworfen hat.

14. Dezember 2007

Professor of language and philosophy Dominic Matei is struck by lightning and ages backwards from 70 to 40 in a week, attracting the world and the Nazis. While on the run, the professor meets a young woman who has her own experience with a lightning storm. Not only does Dominic find love again, but her new abilities hold the key to his research.

12. März 1999

Scientist hold talking, super-intelligent babies captive, but things take a turn for the worse when a mix-up occurs between a baby genius and its twin.

1. Oktober 1999

A corporate raider and his henchman use a chanteuse to lure a scientific genius away from his employer and family.

A male corpse is discovered with a smashed face and burned hands. Strangely, the cause of death is determined to be strangulation. When Detective Kaoru Utsumi attempts to corroborate the victim’s ex-wife’s alibi she discovers the mysterious neighbor and only a few small clues to help her disprove a seemingly "airtight" alibi...

Four mathematicians who do not know each other are invited by a mysterious host on the pretext of resolving a great enigma. The room in which they find themselves turns out to be a shrinking room that will crush them if they do not discover in time what connects them all and why someone might wish to murder them.

23. September 1968

An experiment on a simpleton turns him into a genius. When he discovers what has been done to him he struggles with whether or not what was done to him was right.

5. August 2014

After the disappearance of a young scientist on a business trip, his son and wife struggle to cope, only to make a bizarre discovery years later - one that may bring him home.

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