192 部电影

2001 年 10 月 26 日

美國維珍尼亞州郊區,1988年的某一天,16歲的唐尼眼前突然出現了一個身高6呎的凶眼白兔人。幾分鐘後,一架飛機引擎直闖唐尼家的屋頂,當場墮毀。僥倖避過一劫的唐尼卻自此患上嚴重夢遊症,並不時產生幻覺。 學校老師、醫生、家人以至女友都對唐尼的情況深感不妙。在一股神秘力量的驅使下,唐已進入一段為期28日的自我毀滅、自我反省旅程!他不單要重新思考人生的意義,更要按照白兔人的指示而作出種種奇怪行動,否則28日後,同樣的墮機厄運會再次降臨於他的身上!

2013 年 10 月 04 日


2016 年 11 月 11 日

神秘的太空船在全球多地降落現身,更發放不明訊息,人類安危遭受突發威脅!在無法辨別是敵是友的情況下,美國政府和軍方尋求語言學專家Louise(艾美亞當絲 飾)及科學家Scott(謝洛美維納 飾)的協助。二人必須在外星人再有行動前分析、拆解箇中玄機,然而過程中Louise腦海浮現出許多零碎的奇怪片段,當他們逐漸歸納出外星人來訪地球的真實目的,Louise赫然發現這些片段原來別有用意……徘徊在世界存亡邊緣的人類,能否逃過一劫?


2024 年 02 月 02 日

While caring for her brother along with her audacious mother, a teenager strikes up an unlikely friendship with an eccentric activist who is protesting one of the most landmark medical cases of all time.

2019 年 11 月 15 日


紐約廣告界巨子 (韋史密夫 飾演) 遭遇人生巨變,令他封閉自己。當他的朋友嘗試再與他聯繫之時,他透過寫信給愛、時間和死亡,向宇宙尋求答案。直至他得到出人意表的回應,他才開始理解愛、時間和死亡如何交織出豐盛的人生,即使失去摰愛也有意義和美麗的時刻。

2014 年 04 月 16 日

The true story of the 4-year old son of a small-town pastor who, during emergency surgery, slips from consciousness and enters heaven. When he awakes, he recounts his experiences on the other side.

1999 年 10 月 08 日

The Limey follows Wilson, a tough English ex-con who travels to Los Angeles to avenge his daughter's death. Upon arrival, Wilson goes to task battling Valentine and an army of L.A.'s toughest criminals, hoping to find clues and piece together what happened. After surviving a near-death beating, getting thrown from a building and being chased down a dangerous mountain road, the Englishman decides to dole out some bodily harm of his own.

2022 年 04 月 22 日

A former burlesque dancer turned author discovers a second chance at life and redemption when she risks everything to rescue her young neighbor after he witnesses his parents’ murder. Now on the run from the local crime boss, who happens to be her longtime ex, she makes a desperate attempt to get the boy to safety.

1998 年 05 月 29 日

Birdee Pruitt has been humiliated on live television by her best friend, Connie, who's been sleeping with Birdee's husband, Bill. Birdee tries starting over with her daughter, Bernice, by returning to her small Texas hometown, but she's faced with petty old acquaintances who are thrilled to see Birdee unhappy -- except for her friend Justin. As he helps Birdee get back on her feet, love begins to blossom.

1998 年 12 月 11 日

A father, who can't keep his promises, dies in a car accident. One year later, he returns as a snowman, who has the final chance to put things right with his son before he is gone forever.

2015 年 05 月 15 日

A sudden loss disrupts Carol’s orderly life, propelling her into the dating world for the first time in 20 years. Finally living in the present tense, she finds herself swept up in not one, but two unexpected relationships that challenge her assumptions about what it means to grow old.

1987 年 08 月 23 日

The men of Bravo Company are facing a battle that's all uphill… up Hamburger Hill. Fourteen war-weary soldiers are battling for a mud-covered mound of earth so named because it chews up soldiers like chopped meat. They are fighting for their country, their fellow soldiers and their lives. War is hell, but this is worse. Hamburger Hill tells it the way it was, the way it really was. It's a raw, gritty and totally unrelenting dramatic depiction of one of the fiercest battles of America's bloodiest war. This happened. Hamburger Hill - war at its worst, men at their best.

2000 年 12 月 08 日

The Empire of Izmer is a divided land: elite magicians called “mages” rule while lowly commoners are powerless. When Empress Savina vows to bring equality and prosperity to her land, the evil mage Profion plots to depose her.

1998 年 03 月 20 日

西 ( 北野武 飾 ) 是一名警察,兒子死去,妻子患上血癌,在某次行動,有同僚殉職,也有同僚從此半身不遂,他如何面對如此荒謬的人生?

2005 年 01 月 07 日

An architect's desire to speak with his wife from beyond the grave using EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon), becomes an obsession with supernatural repercussions.

1997 年 07 月 18 日

Advertising executive Nick Beame learns that his wife is sleeping with his employer. In a state of despair, he encounters a bumbling thief whose attempted carjacking goes awry when Nick takes him on an involuntary joyride. Soon the betrayed businessman and the incompetent crook strike up a partnership and develop a robbery-revenge scheme. But it turns out that some other criminals in the area don't appreciate the competition.

2006 年 01 月 20 日

Charles Price may have grown up with his father in the family shoe business in Northampton, central England, but he never thought that he would take his father's place. Charles has a chance encounter with the flamboyant drag queen cabaret singer Lola and everything changes.

2022 年 03 月 04 日

When his young daughter's beloved companion — an android named Yang — malfunctions, Jake searches for a way to repair him. In the process, Jake discovers the life that has been passing in front of him, reconnecting with his wife and daughter across a distance he didn't know was there.



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