39 部电影

2014 年 12 月 19 日

贾古(安努舒卡·莎玛 Anushka Sharma 饰)意外邂逅了名为萨弗拉兹(苏翔特·辛·拉哈普特 Sushant Singh Rajput 饰)的男子,趣味相投的两人很快走到了一起。然而,萨弗拉兹是巴基斯坦人,他的国籍和信仰令这段恋情遭到了贾古家人的极力反对。不仅如此,贾古父亲信仰的教主塔帕斯维(沙鲁巴·舒克拉 Saurabh Shukla 饰)更是预言萨弗拉兹注定要欺骗和抛弃贾古。为了证明预言的荒谬,贾古决定同萨弗拉兹闪婚,然而,婚礼当天,贾古等到的却是一封分手信。心碎的贾古回到了家乡,成为了一名记者。一次偶然中,贾古遇见了名为PK(阿米尔·汗 Aamir Khan 饰)的男子,让贾古感到惊讶的是,PK竟然声称自己是一名外星人,因为宇宙飞船的钥匙被人抢走,所以流落至地球。刚开始,贾古以为PK在胡言乱语,不过,之后发生的种种令贾古开始相信PK所言,贾古甚至决定帮助PK寻找返回他的星球的方法。

2013 年 12 月 27 日

Mahabharat is considered as the greatest and the longest epic in world literature It has all the possible elements that a story could have - conflict, duty, sacrifice, heroism, truth, justice, romance, adventure, fantasy and relationships - making it truly an all-encompassing fascinating saga.

印度著名女演员索娜姆·卡普尔(Sonam Kapoor)将在她的最新电影作品《遇见女孩的感觉》(Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga)中饰演一位女同性恋者。该片剧情呈现女女之爱,被印度媒体认为是宝莱坞首部以同志为主题的主流电影。该影片讲述索娜姆饰演的女生拒绝了追求她的所有男生,只因她真正喜欢的是女生,而为了追求自己真正的爱情,她最终勇敢向亲友出柜的故事。

2005 年 09 月 08 日

  20世纪30年代的印度,妇女没有人权和自由,她们不过是作为男性的附庸而存在。8岁的小女孩楚娅(Sarala 饰)早早变成了寡妇,她只能被迫剃掉头发,在一个专门为寡妇准备的庭院中度过余下的漫长人生。在这个院子里,生活着恍如天上仙子的年轻女性,也有黄土半埋的枯槁老人,更有处心积虑赚取不义之财的刁蛮之妇。   楚娅的明天会怎样?苦命女人的未来又将如何?   本片为印度女导演迪帕•梅赫塔(Deepa Mehta)“要素三部曲”的第三部,分别荣获2006年曼谷国际电影节最佳影片;2006年加拿大吉尼金像奖最佳摄影、最佳配乐和最佳女主角(Seema Biswas)三项大奖;2006年美国国家影评奖最佳表现奖;2005年瓦雅多丽国际电影节青年评委会大奖;2006年温哥华影评人协会奖最佳女主角(Lisa Ray)和最佳导演奖;2007年青年艺术家奖最佳青年演员奖(Sarala)。 ©豆瓣

1997 年 08 月 22 日

由加籍印裔女导演迪帕.梅塔执导,曾获芝加哥国际影展奖。因内容表现在打破传统的 “性禁锢"方面,所以公映时竟触发狂潮,成为众矢之的,导演本人亦遭受恐吓。剧情介绍新德里一个年轻美貌姑娘嫁入中产店主家庭后,因丈夫沉缅于香港功夫,并迷恋于中国艳女而受到冷落。而不育的大嫂亦因丈夫参与 “灵修"倍感寂寞,两人同病相怜遂成闺中好友,并发展成床上鸳鸯。后来东窗事发,迫使两人离家出走。该片在印度来讲,内容较为惹火,但比起香港片,似乎仍显平谈,而且剧情颇为噱头,算不上佳作。不过对女性情欲描写极为细致,有一定的文艺剧情趣味。该片还入选香港 “印度多面睇"十大印度影片。

萨米尔(萨尔曼·汗 Salman Khan 饰)拜在娜蒂尼(艾西瓦娅·雷 Aishwarya Rai Bachchan 饰)的父亲门下跟他学习音乐,在此期间,萨米尔同娜蒂尼相爱了。然而,在印度的传统文化中,自由恋爱是被禁止的,所以,当娜蒂尼的父亲撞破了女儿和萨米尔在一起恩恩爱爱的场面后,他愤怒的赶走了萨米尔,并将女儿嫁给了名为瓦拉杰(阿贾耶·德乌干 Ajay Devgan 饰)的男人。


2012 年 09 月 06 日

Based on the life of Indian guru Shirdi Sai Baba (Nagarjuna Akkineni), who taught love, forgiveness, charity and devotion.

2009 年 02 月 28 日

本片分为两条线,讲述古代神话和现代都市中女性恋爱的悲剧; 1,14世纪,阿逾陀国的王子罗摩即将继承王位,由于后母的谗言,他不得不到深山老林中隐居14年,陪同他的只有美丽善良的妻子西妲。某天外出打猎,椤伽国国王拉伐那趁机虏走西妲。被囚禁期间,西妲守身如玉,一心等待罗摩的营救。然而罗摩在杀死拉伐那后,却质疑西妲的忠贞,倔强的女子不惜跳入火中证明自己的清白…… 2,现代,美国旧金山。因工作调动原因,戴夫不得不告别同居女友妮娜,只身前往印度半年。半年后,戴夫的工作将延长一年,思念爱人的妮娜决心前往印度,与爱人生活在一起。然而,短短半年时间,他们的爱情已发生变化……

A genetic engineering student tries to bring back the skills of a legend of the past and use his skills to save India from a deadly virus attack by China.

2014 年 10 月 10 日

The first of four installments in the groundbreaking Heartbeat of the World anthology film series. Comprised of several short films by some of the world's most exciting directors, Words with Gods follows the theme of religion - specifically as it relates to an individual's relationship with his/her god or gods...or the lack thereof. In Words with Gods, each director recounts a narrative centered around human fragility, as well as environmental and cultural crises involving specific religions with which each has a personal relationship; including early Aboriginal Spirituality, Umbanda, Buddhism, the Abrahamic faiths, Hinduism, and Atheism. An animated sequence by Mexican animator Maribel Martinez is woven through each of the film segments, with each segment narratively connected as a feature-length film.

1990 年 04 月 27 日

One of the great masterpieces of world literature comes to vivid life in an elaborate production from acclaimed theater and film innovator Peter Brook. This collection of ancient Sanskrit stories (composed into the longest book ever written) comprises a series of enlightened fables at the heart of countless beliefs, legends, and teachings; indeed, its very title means "the great story of mankind." Brook and writer Jean-Claude Carriere worked for eight years to develop this epic concerning two sides of a royal family, the Pandavas and the Kauravas, whose struggle leads to a fascinating voyage of emotions, passion and vision of glory. Briefly, the Mahabharata is a tale of two rival sets of brothers, cousins to eachother, each born into royalty and with divinely guided paths in life. The result, however, is a great war, death, destruction - a vast epic.

2013 年 11 月 21 日

A filmmaker's insight into the biggest gathering on earth -the Kumbh Mela.

2006 年 04 月 07 日

Banaras: A Mystic Love Story is the name of an Indian Bollywood film directed by Pankaj Parashar released in 2006. The film takes place in the Hindu holy city of Varanasi (the city, once known as Banaras, serves as a destination for the pilgrimage of millions of Hindu worshippers annually) and is centered around the relationship of a young woman with her parents and her lover. The storyline also has a strong religious dimension. Most of the film was shot in Varanasi, with some scenes shot in Mauritius.


影片以两个相对极端的例子探讨了印度女性的生存状态,年轻漂亮的 Ankita和Ruhi参加选美大赛试图走上成功之路,另一位印度女性Durga Vahini,则致力于培养符合正统印度教教义的传统女性。

「印度小姐」选美比赛的美丽参赛者,以及激进教派训练营中接受军事化教育的其他年轻女孩有什么不同? 看似极端对立的两种女性,在印度社会快速现代化的当下,不论是积极拥抱西方资本主义价值观,或是坚守传统宗教规范,其实怀抱的都是同一种寄望...

By drawing a parallel between the Indian Durga Puja festival and other forms of celebrating the divine feminine, Santa Shakti reveals the Sacred Power beyond languages and religions.

2016 年 09 月 10 日

  喜玛拉雅山的出尘美景因天灾而骤然色变,阿肯德邦山区偏乡“圣地”的世俗旧习却冰封于时间长河。离乡四十载的游子,失明前回归故里,发现乡亲旧恨未消,把他拒诸门外。兄长怨他当年欲与贱民通婚是伤风败俗,令家族蒙羞。历史阴魂不散,如今少女被迫放弃学业嫁作人妇,悲剧轮回。种姓歧视、封建婚姻的观念一直顽如磐石,女性从来命途多舛。柏斯卡渣域治(《破晓时光》,37 届)以诗意镜头念天地之悠悠,怜万物为刍狗。借泰戈尔诗歌寄意,让希望留在人间。

2021 年 04 月 21 日

Windfall of Grace is a humble tribute to the great Neem Karoli Baba (1900-1973), who is a marvelous metaphor of the exalted beings that India is treasured for. The film explores the enigma that Maharajji (as he is popularly known) was and continues to be, as it journeys across places saturated in his aura, meeting people who inexorably emanate his fragrance, and in this way hopes to facilitate his darshan: an experience of his loving presence. Director: Japna Tulsi; Recipient of the Outstanding Achievement Award (Debut Filmmaker), Druk International Film Festival, Bhutan 2020; Best Documentary Film, Indus Valley International Film Festival 2020; Award of Recognition, Impact Docs Award, USA 2020; among others. Available for free viewing on https://windfallofgrace.com/watch-film

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success – A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams is a 1994 self-help, pocket-sized book from author and physician Deepak Chopra, published originally by New World Library, freely inspired in Hinduist and spiritualistic concepts, which preaches the idea that personal success is not the outcome of hard work, precise plans or a driving ambition, but rather of understanding our basic nature as human beings and how to follow the laws of nature.

2010 年 09 月 14 日

Jonas Elrod woke up one day with the ability to see and hear angels, demons and ghosts. Filmed over the course of three years, this documentary follows Jonas and his girlfriend as they try to understand the phenomenon.

A recluse indifferent to everything around him seeks pleasure in one thing: a steaming, hot shower. One day, his heating goes off.



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