59 elokuvaa

Stressaantunut äiti Tess Coleman ja hänen teini-ikäinen tyttärensä Anna pitävät aivan eri asioista ainakin vaatteiden kampausten ja poikien suhteen. Välejä rassaavat myös tyttären unelmat rokkitähteeydestä ja äidin uusi miesystävä, jonka kanssa hän on menossa naimisiin. Pari päivää ennen häitä Tess ja Anna ottavat yhteen kiiinalaisessa ravintolassa. Kaksi kiinalaista ennenkeksiä aihetuttaa kuitenkin pienen onnettomuuden; seuraavana aamuna äiti herää tyttärenä ja tyttären peilistä katsoo vastaan äiti. Kaikki huipentuu todella pahaan perjantaipäivään...

10 helmikuu 2008

David Rice on nuori mies, joka ei tunne rajoja. Hän on Jumper – hyppääjä, jolla on synnynnäinen lahja siirtyä teleportaation avulla hetkessä minne tahansa maapallolla. Kun hänelle selviää, että hänen kaltaisiaan on useampia, hänet syöstään keskelle ikivanhaa sotaa ja hänen jäljillään on verenhimoinen paladiinimetsästäjien joukko, joka on vannonut tuhoavansa kaikki hyppääjät. Davidin synnyinlahja on nyt hänen ainoa toivonsa pelastua.

13 huhtikuu 1994

Beverly is the perfect happy homemaker, along with her doting husband and two children, but this nuclear family just might explode when her fascination with serial killers collides with her ever-so-proper code of ethics.

1 toukokuu 1998

In 19th century France, Jean Valjean, a man imprisoned for stealing bread, must flee a relentless policeman named Javert. The pursuit consumes both men's lives, and soon Valjean finds himself in the midst of the student revolutions in France.

21 marraskuu 2007

Lyla and Louis, a singer and a musician, fall in love, but are soon compelled to separate. Lyla is forced to give up her newborn but unknown to her, he grows up to become a musical genius.

A man named Farmer sets out to rescue his kidnapped wife and avenge the death of his son – two acts committed by the Krugs, a race of animal-warriors who are controlled by the evil Gallian.

12 maaliskuu 1958

In 19th century France, Jean Valjean, a man imprisoned for stealing bread, must flee a relentless policeman named Javert. The pursuit consumes both men's lives, and soon Valjean finds himself in the midst of the student revolutions in France.

1 maaliskuu 2006

Tapaa aivan erityinen tyttö, jolla on rutkasti sisua. Penelopella on syntymästään saakka ollut pesunkestävä kirous, satujen tapaan: suuri siankärsä keskellä kauniita kasvojaan! Pojat juoksevat kiljuen karkuun, mutta Penelope on vakaasti päättänyt löytää suuren rakkauden!

16 kesäkuu 2000

Ryan and Jennifer are opposites who definitely do not attract. At least that's what they always believed. When they met as twelve-year-olds, they disliked one another. When they met again as teenagers, they loathed each other. But when they meet in college, the uptight Ryan and the free-spirited Jennifer find that their differences bind them together and a rare friendship develops.

27 joulukuu 1978

In 19th century France, Jean Valjean, a man imprisoned for stealing bread, must flee a relentless policeman named Javert. The pursuit consumes both men's lives, and soon Valjean finds himself in the midst of the student revolutions in France.

McCoy on pankkiryöstöihin erikoistunut mestarivaras. On vain yksi pankki, johon hänen ei ole onnistunut murtautua. Edellinen yritys sulki hänet vuosiksi telkien taakse. Vankilasta vapauduttuaan McCoy vannoo pysyvänsä kaidalla polulla, mutta gangsteripomo Jack Schmidtillä on muita suunnitelmia. Mies kidnappaa McCoyn pojan kiristääkseen tämän vielä yhdelle keikalle - ryöstämään samaa pankkia, joka vei kuusi vuotta hänen elämästään. Vastassa on massiivinen teräsrakennelma, 20 raskaasti aseistautunutta vartijaa ja maailman edistyksellisin turvajärjestelmä.

20 lokakuu 1982

Jean Valjean, a Frenchman imprisoned for stealing bread, must flee a relentless policeman named Javert. The pursuit consumes both men's lives, and soon Valjean finds himself in the midst of the student revolutions in France.

29 elokuu 2013

During the late 1990s, a busy working-class Singaporean couple hires a Filipino woman as a maid and nanny to their young son.

9 elokuu 2004

Corinne is a single mother of twin 5-year-old boys, Steven and Phillip, who are diagnosed with autism. Public school officials threaten to remove them from school due to their behavior, but through therapy, the boys are able to make major strides in their capabilities. A decade later, teens Steven and Phillip seek to prove they can handle high school while still struggling with their disorder.

After his gay cousin dies from hepatitis, young Laurent, who lives with his best friend Carole, falls in love with Cedric, a plant scientist. He's afraid to inform his conservative parents that he is gay.

27 joulukuu 2014

Liz, just returned home after a mental breakdown, has to welcome a relative stranger into her home when Caitlin, a young, vivacious woman, claims to be her husband's daughter.

12 joulukuu 2015

On the day of her wedding, as Selena Jackson comes to terms with the long-lost love she's never quite gotten over, many of her guests, including her best friends and her own mother, also struggle with past loves, past regrets and past mistakes.

Romantic Comedy

25 marraskuu 1991

Surya, a courageous man who was raised in the slums, fights for the rights of the poor and befriends Deva, who hires him as his commander and changes his life completely.

A young girl lives in a van with her little brother & her mom. Tired of the embarrassing situation which was promised to be temporary, she decides to try to fix it all on her own. But how to get the money needed first? One day, the girl comes across a flyer offering a reward for a lost dog. Under the mistaken impression that a house could also really cost just that much, she then plots to do exactly that- with the additional help of her best friend, little brother & some others, they'll find a "missing" spoiled pup, return him & get a new home just in time for her birthday! Or at least, that's the plan.. what could go wrong?

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