1995 年 05 月 26 日

一旦電腦發展到可以和人腦結合的時候,世界會是一番怎樣的景象?強尼(基努李維飾)是一個透過生化科技改造的人類,在他的頭腦裡有一個移植矽晶片,而他就是利用這項工具做為傳遞訊息的信差。 一日,在他決定做完此生最後一筆生意時,卻捲入了一場悠關人類生存的秘密,於是在邪惡雙方勢力的對抗下,他被迫帶著儲存在腦中的訊息逃亡,並設法解開這個機密……

2005 年 08 月 31 日

駐肯亞的英國外交官賈斯汀昆伊爾(雷夫范恩斯 飾)的律師愛妻泰莎(瑞秋懷玆 飾)慘遭謀殺,由於死因不明,賈斯汀堅持找出真相,他不顧身旁的人勸阻,展開調查愛妻命案中的種種疑點,在發掘真相的過程中,越深入調查竟陷入更多的謎團。賈斯汀發現愛妻似乎和當地政客還有大型製藥企業有著某種不尋常的關聯,愛妻生前似乎蒐集了大筆有關製藥商運用人體或豬禽進行非法實驗的相關證據資料,接二連三調查下來,還有更多致命的危機,正衝著他而來……。

2022 年 07 月 29 日


2018 年 05 月 04 日

故事講述正直的國際律師杜秋(張涵予 飾)任職於知名藥廠,他在自己離職的惜別晚會後,突然被指控殺害同公司的女同事,杜秋憑著法律知識及矯健身手從現場逃跑。個性火爆的辣手神探矢村聰(福山雅治 飾)奉命追捕杜秋,辦案經驗豐富的他多次掌握到杜秋的行動,卻被巧妙逃脫,不甘心之外也暗暗佩服杜秋的機智。但他越深入調查此案,矢村對命案的證據越覺得懷疑,開始思考杜秋被陷害的可能性,於是二人協力尋找真相。

2012 年 07 月 27 日

製藥公司小職員醫學博士出身的宰赫(金明民飾)早些年被弟弟宰弼(金烔完飾)勸誘炒股,結果賠得精光,如今委身于一家毫無前景的製藥公司做推銷員,在外低聲下氣,看客戶臉色行事,心中的鬱結只有向家中妻兒宣洩。與此同時,漢江流域附近接連發現數十具屍體,死者全身皆如乾屍,死狀恐怖。這一事件波及甚廣,連宰赫身邊的人也無法倖免。經調查發現,死者體內無一例外寄居著本應存在於昆蟲身上的鐵線蟲,鐵線蟲會刺激宿主食欲大增以吸收養分,等到繁殖期時令宿主神志不清,投水自殺,再進入水中大量繁殖。 面對這一新型變種,人類束手無策,無計可施,死亡人數呈幾何數增加,韓國上下亂作一團,有如末日。原本為生計奔忙已焦頭爛額的宰赫,該如何保護家人倖免于難...

2011 年 02 月 11 日

Extraordinary behind-the-scenes access reveals a drug company's fevered race to develop the first FDA-approved Viagra for women - and offers a humorous but sobering look inside the cash-fueled pharmaceutical industry.

2003 年 05 月 13 日

The murder of the ex-wife of Doctor Sam Charney (Rutger Hauer) leads Detective Della Wilder (Pam Grier) to uncover a series of women's murders somehow linked to a big pharmaceutical company.

A farmaceutical salesman is involved in the spiral of corruption in the medical assistance of the welfare state system.


2017 年 02 月 26 日

About the insane personal and professional lives of five pharmaceutical sales reps and their conniving manager.

An upright Ayurveda practitioner is hounded by big pharma giants for his age-old formula called Vajra Kawach that cures everything from pimples to impotency. But how long can he keep this magic pill only for the poor?

In the last 10 years, the landscape of the pharmaceutical industry has changed. A handful of multinationals control the manufacture of most of the drugs.

1990 年 08 月 03 日

A man takes a job testing an new drug that eliminates pain, with bloody results. Early short film by Chris Gore

2019 年 07 月 28 日

REDEMPRATOL is a new drug that helps people to forgive. Queues formed on the day of its release, but the Pharmaceutical Pioneer behind it struggles to take her own medicine.

2010 年 03 月 12 日

Narrator and director Michael Schaap's confessional style and general goofiness bring levity to an awkward topic: "erectile dysfunction" and the little blue pill that treats it.

2005 年 10 月 06 日

Shot over the course of 18 months in New York City's Lower East Side, METHADONIA sheds light on the inherent flaws of legal methadone treatments for heroin addiction by profiling eight addicts, in various stages of recovery and relapse, who attend the New York Center for Addiction Treatment Services (NYCATS).

Life is about choice. What we eat, what we read, who we elect; every day we make choices that determine how we want to live.

But what if these choices are just an illusion?

In an era where regulations and red tape rule every industry, where lobby groups and big businesses wield more influence than ever before, our daily choices have become increasingly limited. And with all our options so deliberately handpicked, are we really making a choice at all?

Freedom From Choice examines the current state of life and personal choice today. Experts from many different fields offer a frank and startling look at the hidden limitations in our daily lives. Focusing on key areas such as food, medicine, finance, and media, Freedom From Choice provides viewers with a glimpse at the myriad of ways their lives are being dictated and tells us who stands to gain.

2003 年 01 月 01 日

Every year many new drugs come to market which offer hope to the sick and dying. This documentary film investigates just how far drug companies are prepared to go to get their drugs approved, what they will do to make sure they get the prices they want, and what happens when profits are put before people.

2014 年 07 月 12 日

Freedom From Choice explores the endless layers of backroom dealing that is the US lobbying industry. Through a series of thought-provoking interviews, experts from numerous industries explain in simple terms how the political 'revolving door' creates unfair regulations which affect their industry. Supplemented by recent news clips and archival footage, the experts paint a startling picture of the overregulation of modern American life.

Psychotropic drugs. It’s the story of big money-drugs that fuel a $330 billion psychiatric industry, without a single cure. The cost in human terms is even greater-these drugs now kill an estimated 42,000 people every year. And the death count keeps rising. Containing more than 175 interviews with lawyers, mental health experts, the families of victims and the survivors themselves, this riveting documentary rips the mask off psychotropic drugging and exposes a brutal but well-entrenched money-making machine. Before these drugs were introduced in the market, people who had these conditions would not have been given any drugs at all. So it is the branding of a disease and it is the branding of a drug for a treatment of a disease that did not exist before the industry made the disease.

Director Owain Hollett's debut film is a science fiction anti-humor satire about the United States' over-perspective drug and opioid crisis. Set in the year 2099, the pharmaceutical companies govern the world. They've forced drugs down every citizen's throats from birth, and now everyone is a customer. Only Owen2 can prevent this future from unfolding by sending a documentary about the future to the past. However, is this "future" that different form the present...?



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