16 sarjaa

17 tammikuu 2016

Paul Giamattin ja Damian Lewisin tähdittämä Billions on 2000-lukulainen tutkielma amerikkalaisen unelman perässä juoksemisen hyödyistä ja haitoista. Keskiössä on kaksi vastakkaista hahmoa: aggressiivinen, siniverinen ja poliittisia yhteyksiä omaava yhdysvaltalainen asianajaja Chuck Rhoades ja nerokas, laskelmoiva, työväenluokasta ponnistava miljardööri ja hedge-rahastojen kuningas Bobby Axelrod.

In the early 1990s, a recently widowed, impoverished Orlando water park employee schemes and cons her way up the ranks of the multi-billion dollar pyramid scheme which ruined her financially in the first place.

1 marraskuu 2000

The $treet is an American television drama series about a small brokerage house called Belmont Stevens located in New York and the lives of its employees. Freddie Sacker was one of the most notable characters played by Rick Hoffman.

1 helmikuu 1996

Traders is a Canadian television drama series, which was broadcast on Global Television Network from 1996 to 2000.

Set in the Toronto-based investment house Gardner/Ross, "Traders" explores the intimate lives and loves of investment bankers whose high-stakes decisions and sizzling alliances can have grave international consequences.

1 maaliskuu 2018

Bad Banks kuvaa kiehtovasti rahoitusalan kulissien takaista maailmaa. Se on adrenaliinin ohjaamaa valtapeliä, jossa manipulaatio, taloudelliset intressit, poliittinen tarkoituksenmukaisuus, henkilökohtaiset ambitiot ja vaihtuvat lojaliteetit kohtaavat. Selvitäkseen tässä valtapelissä on ylitettävä itsensä ja oltava valmis ylittämään rajoja.

17 huhtikuu 2020

After being implicated in a deadly scandal, a trader at a leading London bank fights to clear his name, but instead uncovers an intercontinental conspiracy masterminded by powerful forces operating in the shadows.

12 syyskuu 2022
14 tammikuu 2008

Pierre, Raphael and Jules are golden boys and longtime friends. Pierre, the most flamboyant of them, is in great financial difficulty. He hid all his problems from his wife Alex. Soon Alex will, to repay the debts inherited from her husband, return to the palace Brongniart by the door, in the midst of stock market turmoil in the 90s. Flames, friendships, betrayals, insider trading, tax havens, money laundering, in a macho environment devoted to the cult of secrecy ...

22 heinäkuu 2017

Beauty and the Baller is a single-camera TV comedy series about a pro athlete, his hot wife and what their life is like off of the court. Despite their fame and fortune, at the end of the day John and Deena Castle are just like any other couple when it comes to resolving problems, managing family and friends, and making sure the love that brought them together keeps them together.

3 helmikuu 2016

The rise and fall of Bernie Madoff, who's Ponzi scheme bilked $65 billion from unsuspecting victims.

Real estate expert and TV presenter Sarah Beeny meets with clever property owners who share their colorful stories about living mortgage free.

The Suze Orman Show helps people make the connection between self worth and net worth. In a format that's fast-paced, down-to-earth and entertaining, Suze Orman candidly tells her audience the truth about money so viewers can change the course of their financial destiny — to have more and be more. They will also gain Orman's insight on how to protect themselves financially, resulting in personal empowerment that's exemplified in their bank accounts.

2 lokakuu 2012

Two-part documentary series which goes inside the fast and fiercely competitive world of financial traders to meet the men and women who play the markets in London, New York, Chicago and Amsterdam.

4 toukokuu 2021

Entrepreneur Eric Collins offers his expertise, unrivalled business acumen and his own capital investment to small, struggling British businesses, to help turn their fortunes around.

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