335 Filme

22. Oktober 2021

Paul Atreides, a brilliant and gifted young man born into a great destiny beyond his understanding, must travel to the most dangerous planet in the universe to ensure the future of his family and his people. As malevolent forces explode into conflict over the planet's exclusive supply of the most precious resource in existence-a commodity capable of unlocking humanity's greatest potential-only those who can conquer their fear will survive.

25. Dezember 1926

During America’s Civil War, Union spies steal engineer Johnny Gray's beloved locomotive, 'The General'—with Johnnie's lady love aboard an attached boxcar—and he single-handedly must do all in his power to both get The General back and to rescue Annabelle.

14. Dezember 1984

In the year 10,191, the most precious substance in the universe is the spice Melange. The spice extends life. The spice expands consciousness. The spice is vital to space travel. The spice exists on only one planet in the entire universe, the vast desert planet Arrakis, also known as Dune. Its native inhabitants, the Fremen, have long held a prophecy that a man would come, a messiah who would lead them to true freedom.

19. Oktober 1988

A secret military project endangers Neo-Tokyo when it turns a biker gang member into a rampaging psychic psychopath that only two teenagers and a group of psychics can stop.

Frodo and Sam are trekking to Mordor to destroy the One Ring of Power while Gimli, Legolas and Aragorn search for the orc-captured Merry and Pippin. All along, nefarious wizard Saruman awaits the Fellowship members at the Orthanc Tower in Isengard.

Spanien, 1944: Nachdem der Bürgerkrieg schon seit fünf Jahren vorbei ist, kämpfen in den Bergen Nordspaniens immer noch republikanische Partisanen gegen das faschistische Franco-Regime. Die elfjährige Ofelia zieht mit ihrer schwangeren Mutter Carmen in die umkämpfte Region, da ihr Stiefvater Hauptmann Vidal seine neue Frau bei sich haben will, wenn sie das Kind bekommt. Der sadistische Hauptmann ist von der Regierung mit der Zerschlagung des Widerstandes beauftragt worden und geht mit grausamen Methoden gegen die Rebellen und vermeintliche Sympathisanten vor. Ofelia flüchtet sich währenddessen in die Fantasiewelt ihrer Bücher, die von Elfen und andere Kreaturen bevölkert ist. Eines Tages erscheint ihr in einem Labyrinth in der Nähe des Landsitzes ein Pan, der ihr offenbart, dass sie in Wirklichkeit eine Königstochter aus einem unterirdischen Königreich sei. Er erlegt Ofelia drei Mutproben auf, die sie bestehen muss, um in das Reich ihres Vaters zurückkehren zu können.

19. Juli 2017

Im Mai 1940 beginnen Soldaten und Zivilisten auf dem Land-, See- und Luftweg mit der Evakuierung der eingekesselten britischen Armee und deren Verbündeten aus Dünkirchen.

In 1940, Winston Churchill and Ian Fleming form a clandestine combat organization for Britain's military that changes the course of World War II and prefigures the modern black ops unit through its unconventional and entirely ‘ungentlemanly’ fighting techniques against the Nazis.

1. September 2006

To test its top-secret Human Hibernation Project, the Pentagon picks the most average Americans it can find - an Army private and a prostitute - and sends them to the year 2505 after a series of freak events. But when they arrive, they find a civilization so dumbed-down that they're the smartest people around.

7. November 1997

Set in the future, the story follows a young soldier named Johnny Rico and his exploits in the Mobile Infantry. Rico's military career progresses from recruit to non-commissioned officer and finally to officer against the backdrop of an interstellar war between mankind and an arachnoid species known as "the Bugs".

24. Juli 1998

As U.S. troops storm the beaches of Normandy, three brothers lie dead on the battlefield, with a fourth trapped behind enemy lines. Ranger captain John Miller and seven men are tasked with penetrating German-held territory and bringing the boy home.

10. März 1995

A deadly airborne virus finds its way into the USA and starts killing off people at an epidemic rate. Col. Sam Daniels' job is to stop the virus spreading from a small town, which must be quarantined, and to prevent an over reaction by the White House.

Im Jahr 2018 hat die Apokalypse längst ihren Lauf genommen und die Welt, wie wir sie kennen, existiert nicht mehr. Die Menschen werden von den Maschinen Skynets geknechtet und nur ein kleiner Teil unter der Führung von John Connor führt erbittert Widerstand gegen die Riege der Terminatoren. Unterstützung erhält die Gruppe um Connor von dem mysteriösen Fremden Marcus Wright.

11. Januar 2019

Following the roguish terrorist attacks at Uri Army Base camp in Kashmir, India takes the fight to the enemy, in its most successful covert operation till date with one and only one objective of avenging their fallen heroes.

To save their Kingdom from an army of undead, a group of warriors must travel through the forbidden lands fighting the fearsome beasts that call The Dark Kingdom their home.

23. März 2018

It has been ten years since The Battle of the Breach and the oceans are still, but restless. Vindicated by the victory at the Breach, the Jaeger program has evolved into the most powerful global defense force in human history. The PPDC now calls upon the best and brightest to rise up and become the next generation of heroes when the Kaiju threat returns.

While the Civil War rages on between the Union and the Confederacy, three men – a quiet loner, a ruthless hitman, and a Mexican bandit – comb the American Southwest in search of a strongbox containing $200,000 in stolen gold.


9. März 2007

An den Thermopylen führt König Leonidas von Sparta 300 seiner fähigen Krieger in eine legendäre und blutige Schlacht gegen die einmarschierenden Truppen von König Xerxes.

11. November 2011

Ein mutiger und von Zeus höchstpersönlich ausgewählter Krieger muss einen skrupellosen König aufhalten, der mit einer Superwaffe die Welt erobern will.

15. August 1979

At the height of the Vietnam war, Captain Benjamin Willard is sent on a dangerous mission that, officially, "does not exist, nor will it ever exist." His goal is to locate - and eliminate - a mysterious Green Beret Colonel named Walter Kurtz, who has been leading his personal army on illegal guerrilla missions into enemy territory.

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