32 部剧集

1999 年 01 月 31 日


1989 年 09 月 22 日


厄克尔是怪胎/书呆子的缩影,戴着又大又厚的眼镜,穿着由吊带撑起的 "高水位或洪水位 "裤子,穿着多色开衫毛衣,声音高亢。他在节目中的主要互动是他对劳拉-温斯洛的单相思,他对她的父亲卡尔的永久烦扰,以及他与她的哥哥埃迪之间似乎是单向的 "好兄弟 "关系。在家庭的其他成员中,哈里特、瑞秋和 "母亲 "埃斯特尔-温斯洛对厄克尔的接受度和关心度都比较高。

在整个系列的运行过程中,厄克尔是该系列许多反复出现的噱头的核心,主要是由于他的发明出了问题或他完全的笨拙而造成的无偿财产损失和/或人身伤害。他因在发生一些幽默的不幸事件后说出的几句口头禅而闻名,包括 "我摔倒了,我爬不起来了!"、"是我干的吗?"、"现在看看你干了什么。"他的口头禅 "是我干的吗?"实际上是柯利在1934年的《三傻大闹天宫》短剧《醉拳》中说的。厄克尔还以其独特的笑声而闻名,这笑声由一个响亮的咯咯声和一个鼻音组成。

2000 年 10 月 05 日

 罗蕾莱(劳伦·格拉汉姆 Lauren Graham 饰)未婚先孕,年仅十六岁便生下了女儿洛瑞(阿丽克西斯·布莱德尔 Alexis Bledel 饰),为此,她不惜与母亲艾米丽(Kelly Bishop 饰)和父亲理查德(爱德华·赫曼 Edward Herrmann 饰)决裂,离开了富有的家庭,靠着自己的倔强和努力独自抚养女儿。




1989 年 12 月 17 日


2009 年 09 月 30 日

 弗兰基和迈克居住在印第安纳州的一个名为贾斯珀的工业小镇上,弗兰基是一名二手车销售员,而迈克的工作地点则是镇上的采石场。这样一对平凡的夫妻,他们生命中的一切都只能用“比上不足比下有余”来形容 。 夫妻两人共有三个孩子——艾克索、休和布瑞克,这三个年龄和个性迥异的孩子制造起麻烦来却不相上下,处于青春期的艾克索尔看啥都不顺眼,毫无存在感的休在寻找存在感的努力中屡屡败北,布瑞克小小年纪却是个没有朋友满脑子奇怪念头的怪咖。在这样一个“中不溜秋”的家庭中,会发生怎样有趣的故事呢?

1954 年 10 月 03 日

Family man Jim Anderson copes with the everyday problems among his wife Margaret and their three children as they experience day-to-day changes.

2001 年 01 月 10 日

高中刚毕业,Seam Finnerty就让他的女朋友Claudia怀孕了。 现在她是他的妻子,年仅 32 岁的他不知何故发现自己带着 14 岁的女儿Lily和两个小男孩,并且在他需要负责任和不负责任的迫切渴望之间不断挣扎。 他挑剔的父亲Walt和关心魔鬼的兄弟Eddie根本没有帮助。 当他们聚在一起时,故事总是开始飞扬。 当然,Sean的家人绝对不会让他讲完一个故事; 他们打断,他们辩论,他们出轨,他们为自己辩护; 就像任何一个好家庭一样。


1985 年 09 月 14 日

A housewife sits on the stoop of her apartment building in a black neighborhood of Washington, D.C., and discusses all manner of things with her neighbors.

2021 年 04 月 07 日

  ABC拿下Michael Colton及John Aboud合作编写的家庭喜剧项目《家庭经济学 Home Economics》,这喜剧灵感来自Michael Colton的家庭,以三个兄弟姐妹的竞争来表达出「金钱」的主题,剧中三人一个是1%里的富人﹑一个是中产家庭,一个则算是一贫如洗。

2005 年 09 月 11 日

When Dave and Vicky were growing up, their parents had it easy. Back then, there were no “time-outs,” no one had any “boundaries,” and “parenting” wasn’t even a word. Parents had no idea what their kids were really up to and ignorance truly was bliss. Now Dave and Vicky have teenagers of their own, and anything their kids might even think about doing, Dave and Vicky have already done… at least twice.

1976 年 11 月 15 日

The Sullivans is an Australian drama television series produced by Crawford Productions which ran on the Nine Network from 1976 until 1983. The series told the story of an average middle-class Melbourne family and the effect World War II had on their lives. It was a consistent ratings success in Australia, and also became popular in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Netherlands, Gibraltar and New Zealand.

2012 年 03 月 26 日

  女主角丽塔是一个重组家庭的孩子,父母离异,跟着父亲,之后父亲和继母结婚。有一天她发现继母卡米拉为了抢走父亲的钱正在和自己的同伴筹划背叛父亲,正在卡米拉要行动之时,丽塔的父亲在巴西大道这条路上被在足球赛中凯旋归来的巴西著名球星大风发现,说了几句话就这么去世了,便去世了。从 此丽塔被 送进贫民窟遇到了各种社会底层的人,被罪恶,贫穷,饥饿包围着,开始过上地狱般的生活。


1973 年 01 月 09 日

Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads? is a British sitcom which was broadcast between 9 January 1973 and 9 April 1974 on BBC1. It was the colour sequel to the mid-1960s hit The Likely Lads. It was created and written, as was its predecessor, by Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais. There were 26 television episodes over two series; and a subsequent 45-minute Christmas special was aired on 24 December 1974.

The cast were reunited in 1975 for a BBC radio adaptation of series 1, transmitted on Radio 4 from July to October that year. In 1976, a feature film spin-off was made. Around the time of its release, however, Rodney Bewes and James Bolam fell out over a misunderstanding involving the press and have not spoken since. This long-suspected situation was finally confirmed by Bewes while promoting his autobiography in 2005. Unlike Bewes, Bolam is consistently reluctant to talk about the show, and has vetoed any attempt to revive his character.

2005 年 09 月 18 日

Life with Derek is a Canadian television sitcom that aired on Family and VRAK.TV in Canada and on Disney Channel in the United States. The series premiered on Family on September 18, 2005, and ran for four seasons, ending its run on March 25, 2009. The series starred Michael Seater and Ashley Leggat as the two oldest children in a stepfamily. It ended with 70 episodes and one spin-off television film, entitled Vacation with Derek.

2006 年 06 月 19 日

Steve Coogan plays Tommy Saxondale: an ex-roadie with anger management issues and a pest-control business. Tommy is a little arrogant, a little egotistical and feels the world owes him more respect than it typically shows him. He has an assistant named Raymond who lives in a spare room in Tommy's house, a live-in girlfriend named Magz who owns a T-shirt business, and a receptionist named Vicky who has a tendency to drive him up the wall.

2017 年 11 月 07 日

Sitcom about navigating the trials and traumas of middle-class motherhood, looking at the competitive and unromantic side of parenting.

1979 年 09 月 30 日

Sitcom about the love-hate relationship between upper-class Audrey fforbes Hamilton and Richard DeVere, the nouveau rich businessman who buys her manor house when she can no longer afford to keep it.

2002 年 09 月 30 日

After 18 years of marriage, high school sweethearts Bill and Judy Miller still make each other laugh and try to keep their marriage intact, even when their family pulls them in different directions. Since Bill has a far more immature approach to marriage and raising their three children than Judy does, they work at striking a balance and remembering why they love each other, quirks and all.

2016 年 11 月 05 日

This show revolves around a middle-class Sharma family. There's a gossip-loving grandmother, a hardworking father, a sanskaari mom, and two grown up kids who are dealing with their middle-classness in the best way possible.



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