233 部电影


2023 年 06 月 02 日

故事根據導演 Celine Song 親身經歷改編。講述一對有著深厚友誼的兒時好友——女主角 Nora(Greta Lee 飾)以及青梅竹馬的 Hae Sung(劉台午 飾),因女主角隨著家人移民美國而分開。二十年後兩人在紐約重逢,面對命運和愛情的抉擇,然而此時 Nora 已擁有新的身份,並已和 Arthur(John Magaro 飾)建立了家庭。

2023 年 12 月 22 日

One night in his near-empty tower block in contemporary London, Adam has a chance encounter with a mysterious neighbor Harry, which punctures the rhythm of his everyday life. As a relationship develops between them, Adam is preoccupied with memories of the past and finds himself drawn back to the suburban town where he grew up, and the childhood home where his parents appear to be living, just as they were on the day they died, 30 years before.

2018 年 03 月 29 日

2045年,地球正陷崩潰邊緣。此時,人類找到救星 – 由天才設計師James Halliday (馬克懷倫斯 飾)創造的宏偉虛擬世界OASIS。Halliday逝世前,將他豐厚的遺產化作彩蛋藏於OASIS中,第一個找到彩蛋的人可盡得遺產,引發全球爭奪。電玩少年Wade Watts (Tye Sheridan 飾)決定加入競爭,他要在這個神秘又危險的虛擬世界,進行有望改變命運的驚險尋寶遊戲。

1993 年 10 月 01 日

Set in the Bronx during the tumultuous 1960s, an adolescent boy is torn between his honest, working-class father and a violent yet charismatic crime boss. Complicating matters is the youngster's growing attraction - forbidden in his neighborhood - for a beautiful black girl.

對時裝設計充滿熱情的少女Eloise(湯瑪仙麥簡絲),從鄉效走到倫敦時裝學院,一圓夢寐以求美好心願,並居住在聲色犬馬的蘇豪區內。一個晚上,她回到60年代的蘇豪,並邂逅神秘女子Sandy(安雅泰萊采兒 )。Sandy像她一樣,擁有熱情與夢想,希望可以成為一位出人頭地的歌手。她倆的相遇、時空錯亂改變了Eloise原本生活,表面看來五光十色璀璨奪目背後,暗藏更多詭異恐怖⋯⋯最終更目睹一宗驚悚殺人案!Eloise的世界開始分裂,她相信謀殺案確實曾發生過,而且殺手還在逍遙法外。她可以阻止事情發生?還是迎來更多可怕後果?

荷李活劇作家Gil(奧雲韋遜 飾)跟未婚妻Inez(麗素麥阿當絲 飾)即將拉埋天窗,剛巧Inez的家人要到巴黎傾生意,她一心打算與未來老公搭順風車去這個浪漫之都預支蜜月,豈料這次巴黎之旅卻令美滿婚事節外生枝!Gil 雖然算得上是個名成利就的劇作家,但不安現狀的他雄心壯志地執筆寫起他的第一本小說來,Inez及其他人則對他發小說家夢看不順眼。當眾人於花都盡情享受人生之時,Gil卻玩離群獨自去找寫作靈感。在一個偶然機會下,他發現只要他每逢午夜於巴黎街頭漫步,便會遇上一輛神奇的汽車,這輛車能將他帶往一個魔幻的國度!在那裡,他遇見及接觸到多個已經不存在於世上的著名文豪及藝術家,更迷上一名美麗的謎樣女子Adriana(瑪莉安歌迪娜 飾)。Gil每逢午夜就姿姿整整獨自去散步,令Inez生疑,更派私家偵探跟蹤他,但卻連偵探也離奇失蹤!巴黎的午夜,越發神秘和迷離。

2004 年 10 月 29 日

《2046》是王家衛導演的一部電影,普遍被認為是王家衛的電影前作《花樣年華》及《阿飛正傳》的續集。故事講述住在東方酒店2047號房間的作家周慕雲(梁朝偉飾)遇到了住在2046號房間的幾個女人,包括白玲(章子怡飾)及王靖雯(王菲飾),而使周慕雲以「《2046》」和「《2047》」為名寫下兩個充滿幻想的故事。 此電影的部分情節靈感來自劉以鬯的小說《酒徒》。

1983 年 09 月 30 日

Seven old college friends gather for a weekend reunion after the funeral of one of their own.

2024 年 05 月 03 日

Teenager Owen is just trying to make it through life in the suburbs when his classmate introduces him to a mysterious late-night TV show — a vision of a supernatural world beneath their own. In the pale glow of the television, Owen’s view of reality begins to crack.

某一日裡,春日部突然有人舉辦了「20世紀博覽會」,大人們都沉浸在舊時的電視節目和電影、日常生活裡,不過小新等小孩子們感到趣味索然。當大人們從博覽會回來後,每個人都開始變得懶散,不僅不再做家事、也不再到公司裡去上班,每天只知沉迷在舊時的電視節目、或是玩耍裡,並且開始對小新等小孩子們視若無睹。有一天突然出現一輛電動三輪車,把所有大人載走,只留下春日部裡的所有小孩。原來這一切都是一個名為「yesterday once more(昨日重現)」的組織所為…

1987 年 01 月 30 日

The Narrator tells us how the radio influenced his childhood in the days before TV. In the New York City of the late 1930s to the New Year's Eve 1944, this coming-of-age tale mixes the narrator's experiences with contemporary anecdotes and urban legends of the radio stars.

1999 年 07 月 16 日

In the panicky, uncertain hours before his wedding, a groom with prenuptial jitters and his two best friends reminisce about growing up together in the middle-class African-American neighborhood of Inglewood, California. Flashing back to the twenty-something trio's childhood exploits, the memories capture the mood and nostalgia of the '80s era.

2020 年 10 月 02 日

Victor, a disillusioned sexagenarian, sees his life turned upside down on the day when Antoine, a brilliant entrepreneur, offers him a new kind of attraction: mixing theatrical artifices and historical reconstruction, this company offers his clients a chance to dive back into the era of their choice. Victor then chose to relive the most memorable week of his life: the one where, 40 years earlier, he met the great love.

1993 年 04 月 23 日

A group of childhood friends, now in their thirties, reunite at Camp Tamakwa. Only a few of the original campers show up, but they still have a good time reminiscing. The people share experiences and grow while at the camp. They are dismayed to discover that the camp's owner, Unca Lou, is going to close the camp down.

2011 年 09 月 23 日

An adaptation of celebrity chef Nigel Slater's bestselling memoir, 'Toast' is the ultimate nostalgic trip through everything edible in 1960's Britain. Nigel's mother was always a poor cook, but her chronic asthma and addiction to all things canned does not help.

The whole clique of Cruchot's police station is retired. Now he lives with his rich wife in her castle - and is bored almost to death. He fights with the butler, because he isn't even allowed to do the simple works. But when one of the clique suffers from amnesia after an accident, all of the others reunite and kidnap him, to take him on a tour to their old working places and through their memories. In their old uniforms they turn St. Tropez upside down.

1982 年 05 月 21 日

Juliet Forrest is convinced that the reported death of her father in a mountain car crash was no accident. Her father was a prominent cheese scientist working on a secret recipe. To prove it was murder, she enlists the services of private eye Rigby Reardon. He finds a slip of paper containing a list of people who are 'The Friends and Enemies of Carlotta'.

2011 年 03 月 02 日

In this town, since who knows when, rain has never stopped. Residents moved out to suburbs and high ground around. People’s memories are now deeply submerged. But into this forgotten rainy town sometimes, someone wanders.

The war between the Levamme Empire and the Amatsukami Imperium has been raging for years. In the midst of this struggle, the prince of the Levamme Empire declares his love for Juana del Moral and vows to end the war in one year, as part of his marriage proposal. When the Amatsukami catch wind of this, they assault the del Moral residence, targeting Juana's life. As a last-ditch effort to bring the prince his bride, the San Maltilia Airforce employs a mercenary of mixed blood—a bestado—to fly Juana to the prince in secret.



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