13 metų brandintas Oliverio Stone'o svajonių kūrinys apie galingąjį Aleksandrą Makedonietį, kuris sugebėjo užkariauti didžiulius Europos, Azijos ir Afrikos plotus. Istoriniuose šaltiniuose, jis yra vadinamas karo taktikos genijumi, kitus įkvepiančiu dvasiniu lyderiu, politikos gigantu, nenugalimu užkariautoju ir negailestingu žudiku, nuo kurio rankos ar įsakymo anapilin iškeliavo tūkstančiai žmonių...

Nuo Honkongo iki Kenijos, nuo Velso iki Graikijos, nuo Afrikos savanos iki Sibiro platybių - šį kartą nepailstanti nuotykių ieškotoja keliauja per pasaulį, ieškodama mistinės relikvijos - Pandoros skrynios. Ilgos, netikėtumų ir šokiruojančių atradimų kupinos kelionės metu herojė atskleidžia savo sugebėjimus meistriškai valdydama ne tik žirgus, bet ir sportinius motociklus bei galingus lėktuvus. Kiekviename žingsnyje tykantys pavojai Larai - ne naujiena, tačiau šį kartą jai teks įvaldyti moderniausius ginklus ir prietaisus, o svarbiausia - visus savo neeilinius sugebėjimus: sumanumą, jėgą ir, žinoma, moterišką žavesį, kuris jos priešams bus lemtingas.

1956 kovo 28

An engrossing spectacle set in the 4th-century BC, in which Alexander of Greece leads his troops forth, conquering all of the known world, in the belief that the Greek way of thinking will bring enlightenment to people. The son of the barbaric and ruthless King Philip of Macedonia, Alexander achieved glory in his short but remarkable life.


1999 gruodžio 28

Deep in the mind of Steven Colin (Daniel Bernhardt) the secret of an ancient martial arts power lay dormant. In a former life, Colin wielded the forceful sword of Alexander the Great. Now in 2003, his enemies are back and are determined to seek the man who would be king and destroy him for all eternity.

Friends, contemporaries and even enemies of Alexander the Great gather in a tent to tell his tale through their eyes.

2010 gruodžio 1

The coming of age of young Alexander, future world conqueror, from his boyhood in Greece to his assumption of Regent of the Land, after proving his worth to his father, the demanding King Phillip.

Prince Alexander, son of King Philip, and heir to the Macedonian empire, must fend off political saboteurs, assassins, and the jealousy of his own father to ascend to the position of king. Once there, he begins his quest to conquer all nations and become known as the Great King, though an ancient prophecy foretells that he will be the destroyer of the world and forever remembered as the Devil King.

Bettany Hughes goes in search of this lost civilisation, revealing the story of a city founded out of the desert by Alexander the Great in 331 BC to become the world's first global centre of culture. The documentary also looks at the role of astronomer and philosopher Hypatia, and incorporates stunning footage from the feature film 'Agora'.

1968 sausio 26

An historical film that follows the life of Alexander the Great, the Macedonian king that united all ancient Greek tribes and led them against the vast Persian Empire. Alexander conquered most of the then-known world and created a Greek empire that spanned all the way from the Balkans to India.

The film is a historical story, based on the 3rd century BC Maurya Emperor Chandragupta Maurya and his mentor Chanakya. It begins with the Greek invader Alexander intruding on our borders, Magadha as his last step of sovereignty. Discerning it, fear-defying scholar Chanakya is under trace of the dynamic King to hinder it.

2009 rugsėjo 14

Michael Wood travels through Syria and Iraq to uncover the story of Alexander the Great's decisive battle against the might of the Persian Empire in 331 BCE. Ancient writers agreed that it was fought somewhere near the city of Irbil in northern Iraq, but the exact location has never been discovered. Using dramatic new finds in the UK - a cuneiform clay tablet in the British Museum and a papyrus dug up in Egypt - Michael sheds new light on the course of events. Then to reconstruct the campaign, he follows Alexander's route through Damascus and Aleppo to the river Euphrates in Syria and travels into Northern Iraq with the British and US military.

Visionary warrior, ambitious youth, angry son, ruthless conqueror. Such words have been used to describe Alexander the Great. But who exactly was this proclaimed man? When he set out to conquer the world way back in the 4th Century BC, not even the erstwhile philosophers of Ancient Greece could have predicted that the 20 year old would bend the course of history to his will, and make a name for himself that was never to be forgotten.

An intriguing story about a girl with a lot of problems and three men trying to make a film.

2007 sausio 1

Alexander, a student of the brilliant philosopher Aristotle, worshiped the god Amun which he believed to be his father. He suffered from epilepsy and was gay, when his partner died he sacrificed all 5,000 inhabitants of a village for him. Alexander's legacy was that a man could be a god, by he has many peoples, cultures and beliefs influenced his vast empire. Alexander the Great had a vision: one civilized world with him as absolute leader! An ambition which had all districts with enormous bloodshed as a result. His craving for power was so great that in our modern world has no equal! While his influence is still noticeable, we know still very little about him. Greek and English archaeologists searching for years for one of the world's greatest mysteries:. the last resting place of Alexander the Great and his golden sarcophagus Alexander The God King is a fascinating journey through time and separate the truth from the legends. The ambition of one man, the course changed our history!

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