13 部电影

2004 年 01 月 16 日

鲁本(本·斯蒂勒 Ben Stiller饰)的职业名称简直在讽刺他的性格——风险分析师。因为,鲁本是一个平凡甚至有点窝囊的人,不敢冒一丁点生活的险,可以说,他就像一辆僵直的列车,规规矩矩沿着铁轨开往人生终点。 这样的人,生活还是要给他一点打击。本来可以和新娶的老婆平平静静过两口子生活,不料蜜月期就遭到婚变,可怜的鲁本亲眼看到老婆和一个法国肌肉男缠绵悱恻。懦弱的他,默默的回到自己原本一个人的生活,过去的阴影令这个男人更加灰心。波莉(詹妮弗·安妮斯顿 Jennifer Aniston饰)的出现,在他糟糕的人生里投下了一缕明快的阳光。 波莉带着他尝试着这个世上种种的精彩之事,这些疯狂的举动,鲁本过去连想像的勇气的没有。如今,他像一个刚刚见识到世界如何缤纷多彩的孩子,在波莉的带领下重新发现了生活的乐趣,二人的爱意也在迅速萌芽。


2006 年 08 月 20 日

古董商弗朗西斯(丹尼尔•奥特尤尔饰)为人刻板,只有在买卖时才能燃起热情。同事凯瑟琳(朱莉•盖特饰)尖刻地认为,他没有真正的朋友。而其他人也赞同此观点,认为他自私,傲慢。弗朗西斯完全不能接受,并与凯瑟琳打赌——如果他在十天之内不能把自己的最好的朋友介绍给凯瑟琳,就高价买下希腊古董花瓶输给她。在几天的寻找中,弗朗西斯遇到了为人和蔼可亲却同样孤独的出租车司机布鲁诺(丹尼•伯恩饰),并劝说布鲁诺扮演他的好朋友。然而,短短的几天相处,却让弗朗西斯重新认识了友谊的真谛。 ©豆瓣

2002 年 06 月 11 日

Two teams are in a heated race for the money and the honor that comes with breaking the land speed world record.

1976 年 01 月 01 日

A high-speed drive through the streets of Paris.

2017 年 10 月 01 日

A group have signed up to a mysterious lottery with disturbingly high stakes, where their thirst for dominance blinds them to the risk they take.

2019 年 03 月 22 日

He's looking for a way out of the city. But his only escape is through a woman looking for revenge.

2018 年 01 月 01 日

这部由Jens Hoffmann执导的获奖纪录片,介绍了定点跳伞和自由式滑雪运动员Karina Hollekim的职业生涯。整个纪录片的拍摄历时5年,记录了极限运动的精彩绝伦,同时也展示了奥地利Red Bull运动员Karina追求极限过程中复杂的心理活动,以及为何会有人愿意为了“短暂”的快乐付出一切。

2023 年 08 月 25 日

Another Great Night follows Lia as she walks home alone after a night out, a journey fraught with risk and harassment. This film shows a condensed version of the many hazards that can befall women as they navigate often unfriendly and dangerous terrain, simply wishing to make their way home. Another great night? Well, that depends on your perspective.

1963 年 08 月 01 日

While in Canada Timmy and Lassie encounter a downed hot air ballonist. By accident they end up in the balloon which takes them into the wilderness. The young boy and his dog must find a way to survive even fending off a wild pig.

A film about the fearless photographers and photojournalists who documented strikes, demonstrations, protests etc during the Chilean military regime of Augusto Pinochet, sometimes risking their very lives.

2017 年 08 月 27 日

Gritty independent action/thriller set in Manchester, UK starring Michael L. Knight.

2010 年 04 月 09 日

A haunting, visceral exploration of addiction and one contemporary man's fearless and determined quest for healing and redemption through the ancient wisdom of the Bwiti and their 'magical' plant, Iboga. For those seeking a path out of darkness, this film is not to be missed.



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