24 部电影

2015 年 09 月 25 日

勞勃狄尼洛所飾演的70歲鰥夫班(Ben Whittaker)年輕時曾是事業有成的生意人,退休後決定不甘寂寞決定重返職場,以高齡實習生的身份加入了茱兒(安海瑟威飾)所創辦的時尚購物網站! 一開始班的存在似乎與整公司的年輕人顯的有點格格不入,但人生歷練豐富的班漸漸以他善解人意又好相處的性格,開始贏得同事間的好感與信賴。年紀輕輕就背負公司成敗的公司創辦人茱兒,被工作與家庭的負擔壓的喘不過氣,面臨失衡的生活與公司董事會的質疑,歷盡滄桑的班會如何協助茱兒認識自我的真正價值呢?

本片延續自歷史悠久的星艦系列影集,在電影版中,畢凱艦長率領新的企業號再度出發,這次的任務是要阻撓半人半機械的凶猛博格人毀滅地球。 本片由影集「銀河飛龍」原班人馬演出,以更刺激的聲光效果,將星艦精神原汁原味呈現在大螢幕上。

2001 年 01 月 12 日

米羅(Ryan Phillippe 飾)是一位電腦高手,他和好友泰迪(Yee Jee Tso 飾)正信心滿滿的準備開設自己的公司。就在這個節骨眼上,電腦行業裡的傳奇人物加里(蒂姆·羅賓斯 Tim Robbins 飾)找到了米羅,希望米羅能夠幫助他完成他宏大的願景。經受不住高額報酬誘惑的米羅答應了加里的請求,曾經答應過泰迪的事情自然是付之東流。

認識了美麗性感的搭檔麗莎(Rachael Leigh Cook 飾)之後,米羅開始了新工作。隨著時間的推移,在事業上大獲成功的米羅逐漸開始懷疑起了加里經營公司的真正目的。當初加里為什麼偏偏找到了米羅?加里極力隱藏的秘密又究竟為何?米羅展開了調查。

2018 年 04 月 04 日

Gaston is a new guy at the Peticoin start-up. With his delusional inventions, he will change the lives of his colleagues. Cat, seagull, cow, and gaffophone will be at the center of the mishaps of this genius laidback handyman who wants only to do good, but has the gift of annoying Prunelle, his boss. Can those Gaston's gaffes galore prevent the buy-out of the Peticoin by Mr. de Mesmaeker?

1998 年 12 月 25 日

Jan Schlickmann is a cynical lawyer who goes out to 'get rid of' a case, only to find out it is potentially worth millions. The case becomes his obsession, to the extent that he is willing to give up everything—including his career and his clients' goals—in order to continue the case against all odds.

Inspired by a true story, this uplifting drama focuses on a young Thai entrepreneur's incredible business success, despite obstacles and self-doubt.

1935 年 08 月 23 日

In the lower-middle-class Adams family, father and son are happy to work in a drugstore, but mother and daughter Alice try every possible social-climbing stratagem despite snubs and embarrassment. When Alice finally meets her dream man Arthur, mother nags father into a risky business venture and plans to impress Alice's beau with an "upscale" family dinner. Will the excruciating results drive Arthur away?

2019 年 05 月 09 日

A tale of how the great vision and epic failure of General Magic, the "greatest dead company in Silicon Valley", changed the lives of billions.

2001 年 01 月 21 日

Friends since high school, 20-somethings Kaleil Isaza Tuzman and Tom Herman have an idea: a Web site for people to conduct business with municipal governments. This documentary tracks the rise and fall of govWorks.com from May of 1999 to December of 2000, and the trials the business brings to the relationship of these best friends. Kaleil raises the money, Tom's the technical chief. A third partner wants a buy out; girlfriends come and go; Tom's daughter needs attention. And always the need for cash and for improving the site. Venture capital comes in by the millions. Kaleil is on C-SPAN, CNN, and magazine covers. Will the business or the friendship crash first?

2016 年 09 月 23 日

Generation Startup takes us to the front lines of entrepreneurship in America, capturing the struggles and triumphs of six recent college graduates who put everything on the line to build startups in Detroit. Shot over 17 months, it's an honest, in-the-trenches look at what it takes to launch a startup. Directed by Academy Award winner Cynthia Wade and award-winning filmmaker Cheryl Miller Houser, the film celebrates risk-taking, urban revitalization, and diversity while delivering a vital call-to-action-with entrepreneurship at a record low, the country's economic future is at stake.

2018 年 06 月 10 日

Billie #hatesherjob and quits mere months before getting married. She meets a ragtag group of women also looking for employment, and finds herself juggling her upcoming wedding with launching a new tech start-up.

2023 年 03 月 05 日

This timely documentary chronicles the tech-fueled rise and Fyre-style fall of HQ Trivia, the revolutionary "game show on your phone" app that went viral, swept the nation, then crashed and burned. The global live-play game sensation drew millions of daily users to its frenetically fun trivia challenges and cash prizes, attracting celebrity fans including Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Neil Patrick Harris, Jimmy Kimmel, and Kelly Clarkson. But its success was undone by corporate clashes, cast changes, and a tragic death. Told through the eyes of former host Scott Rogowsky and other first-person players from inside and outside the company, the film documents the real-life comedy and tragedy that unfolded in front of and behind the cameras.

2019 年 09 月 13 日

The movie tells a story of a journey of two start-up entrepreneurs from their "garage" to Silicon Valley.

Only 38% of people are smart enough to understand this movie about a tech entrepreneur who attempts to secure funding for his startup in order to hold off a buyout from a threatening competitor - all in a single day.

2000 年 03 月 02 日

Cheated on by his successful girlfriend for lacking ambition and business-mindedness, an artist sets out to get rich quick by starting a one-man company as a friend for hire.

Iva is a girl who receives a small digital video camera for her fourteenth birthday. Delighted by her new toy, the girl immediately starts taping everything around her, recording a series of events surrounding her birthday celebration on her first tape. These ninety minutes form the film What Iva Recorded on October 21st, 2003.

Chandrabose becomes an alcoholic after his wife's death. His life, however, takes an interesting turn after he dissuades a young IT professional from committing suicide.

2016 年 05 月 31 日

The strugggle experienced by Andrew Dervish (played by Albert Halim) and Ken Dean Lawadinata (played by Dion Wiyoko) in building Kaskus, the no. 1 online discussion forum in Indonesia. Kaskus, which stands for whispered gossips, initially started from college assignments and were made from a free software. In this film, Indonesian film lovers will not only be entertained by the story of the friendship of two friends whose personality contradict each other, but also learn how friendship can be a capital base to build a successful business.

1992 年 07 月 22 日

Two business students hatch a perfect plan: buy their own school.

2020 年 01 月 30 日

Finnish award-winning barista Kalle Freese travels to San Francisco with his girlfriend to start an instant coffee start-up with big goals. At stake are Kalle's health, relationship and the newly formed start-up.



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