22 filmų

1956 spalio 5

Escaping death, a Hebrew infant is raised in a royal household to become a prince. Upon discovery of his true heritage, Moses embarks on a personal quest to reclaim his destiny as the leader and liberator of the Hebrew people.

I-asis pasaulinis karas pačiame įkarštyje. JAV vyriausybė pasamdo mokytoją archeologą Indianą Džounsą (tai jo slapyvardis, nes tikrojo vardo niekas nežino), kad šis surastų kažkur džiunglėse tarp antikinių statinių paslėptą dingusios sandoros skrynią.Keliautojas ryžtasi sudėtingai ekspedicijai po Nepalą, Kairą ir kitas egzotiškas šalis nors puikiai žino, kad teks susidurti su labiausiai nekenčiamais priešais - gyvatėmis ir naciais.

Briusas (Jim Carrey) – nuolat burbuliuojantis ir gyvenimu besiskundžiantis televizijos reporteris, kuriam atrodo, kad dėl visų nesėkmių jo gyvenime yra kaltas TIK… Dievas (Morgan Freeman). Po vienos itin sunkios dienos, kai Briusą atleidžia iš darbo, jis sudaužo mašiną, o kieme jį sumuša skustagalviai, Briusas pratrūksta ir išrėkia Dievui visą prakeiksmų tiradą! Dievas jį išgirsta ir nusprendžia pamokyti – Jis vienai savaitei patiki Briusui savo Dieviškas galias ir leidžia tapti pasaulio valdovu Briusu Visagaliu!

Kvapą gniaužianti istorinė drama, apie legedinį Mozę – pranašą, išvadavusi izraelitus iš Egipto vergovės ir atvedusi juos per dykumą iki Kanaano sienos. Filme iš naujo pažvelgiama į istoriją, kai Mozė dykumoje pamatė liepsnojantį, tačiau nesudegantį krūmą. Netrukus šis prabilo Dievo balsu ir liepė Mozei keliauti į Egiptą ir paprašyti faraono, kad jis paleistų iš nelaisvės izraelitų tautą. Faraonui nesutikus, egiptiečius ištiko dešimt nelaimių – vanduo virtęs krauju, varlių antplūdis, kūdikių mirtys... Galiausiai Mozė išsivedė izraelitus į daugybę metų trukusią, iššūkių ir sunkumų kupiną, tačiau vilties persunktą kelionę, kuri tapo viena įspūdingiauių istorijų žmonijos atmintyje.

Animacinio filmo „Egipto princas” siužeto centre – biblijinė istorija apie pranašą Mozę. Tai romantiškas nuotykių ir stebuklų kupinas epas apie vergo sūnų Mozę, išaugusį galingojo faraono Seti rūmuose kartu su išdidžiuoju princu Ramziu, pamilusį nuostabiąją Tziporą, išlaisvinusį iš vergijos hebrajų tautą ir išvedusį ją į Pažadėtąją žemę.

1981 birželio 12

An uproarious version of history that proves nothing is sacred – not even the Roman Empire, the French Revolution and the Spanish Inquisition.

1996 balandžio 7

When Pharaoh Rameses II begins to tighten the noose on his Jewish slaves, Israelite Moses, called upon by God, leads his people to freedom.

1923 lapkričio 23

The first part tells the story of Moses leading the Jews from Egypt to the Promised Land, his receipt of the tablets and the worship of the golden calf. The second part shows the efficacy of the commandments in modern life through a story set in San Francisco. Two brothers, rivals for the love of Mary, also come into conflict when John discovers Dan used shoddy materials to construct a cathedral.

2007 spalio 19

This vibrantly animated feature recounts the biblical epic of the Hebrew prophet Moses and the Ten Commandments. Led by the word of God, Moses challenges the ominous Egyptian pharaoh, performs miracles and guides the chosen people on a 40-year journey through the desert to free them from captivity and lead them to the Promised Land.

1980 birželio 13

Harvey and Zoey, two tourists in Israel, discover an ancient scroll about Herschel, the man who was almost Moses. Herschel receives the command from God to free his people from slavery, but Moses keeps getting all the credit.

2001 spalio 1

Disappointed with humanity, God wants to revoke his contract with humanity and wants to take back the stone tablets containing the ten commandments. To this end an angel is sent out to affect the personal lives of three humans so an appropriate child may be conceived.

A live stage recording of the musical based on DreamWorks Animation's 1998 film adapted from the biblical story of Moses, from his being a prince of Egypt to his ultimate destiny of leading the Children of Israel out of Egypt.

1909 gruodžio 4

Released in five parts (The Persecution of the Children of Israel by the Egyptians, Forty Years in the Land of Midian, The Plagues of Egypt and the Deliverance of the Hebrews, The Victory of Israel, The Promised Land), 4 December 1909 to 19 February 1910. A Vitagraph advertisement in the Moving Picture World (31 Dec. 1909) refers to The Life of Moses as a "Biblical Film-de-Luxe". It is preserved in the Library of Congress collection.

2004 balandžio 25

“Joshua and the Promised Land” comes as a heartwarming tale for the whole family in the tradition of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien – about the courage one learns from trusting God – and as a result, finding the ability to overcome many of life’s problems. Join young Joshua Carter on an epic dream-adventure – from the parting of the Red Sea as the Hebrews escape from Egypt, through forty years in the wilderness, finally to the fall of the sinful city of Jericho.

2018 birželio 11

Loosely following a traditional Passover Seder, events from the Book of Exodus are retold by Moses, Aharon, the Angel of Death, Jesus, and the director's own father. But there's another side to this story: that of the Goddess, humankind's original deity. Seder-Masochism resurrects the Great Mother in a tragic struggle against the forces of Patriarchy.

2002 lapkričio 5

The Old Testament book of Exodus tells the story of Moses leading the Hebrews out of Egypt. This documentary explores this exodus and Moses to find proof that he really did exist. Records found in Egypt, recent scientific discoveries, and research propose that he did live. Learn how a distant volcano and flooding of the Nile could be related to the ten plagues and the parting of the Red Sea.

1998 sausio 1

Heroic characters, memorable songs and thrilling deeds weave an unforgettable story of faith and courage amid the splendors of ancient Egypt in this brilliantly animated Enchanted Tale!

The adopted prince of Egypt, Moses eventually learns the truth behind his identity, and must make a decision whether to follow his heart away from Egypt, or remain as prince.

2021 birželio 24

The life of Moses as told through the Book of Exodus, the imagination of a dying boy, and the ballads of his father.

2010 vasario 8

'Ungrateful' is a romantic drama that takes place at the time of Moses and charts the stories, alliances and feuds between a number of Jewish tribes. Among other stories and subplots, it tells the story of two Jewish cousins, Ameel and Ashel, who both want to marry Anael, the beautiful girl of the tribe. But a murder disturbs the peace of their Jewish tribes. This film is inspired by the famous story of Moses' sacrificial cow.

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