10 elokuvaa

26 tammikuu 2006

Huo Yuan Jia became the most famous martial arts fighter in all of China at the turn of the 20th Century. Huo faced personal tragedy but ultimately fought his way out of darkness, defining the true spirit of martial arts and also inspiring his nation. The son of a great fighter who didn't wish for his child to follow in his footsteps, Huo resolves to teach himself how to fight - and win.

14 kesäkuu 1967

A British Guianese engineer starts a job as a high school teacher in London’s East End, where his uninterested and delinquent pupils are in desperate need of attention and care.

15 syyskuu 2017

Brad elää mukavaa elämää Sacramenton esikaupungissa mukavan vaimonsa ja poikansa kanssa. Reissulla vanhaan opiskelukaupunkiinsa, Bostoniin, Brad ei malta olla vertaamatta elämäänsä opiskelukavereihinsa. Yksi on Hollywood-moguli, toinen hedgerahastosijoittaja, kolmas teknologiayrittäjä ja neljäs poliittinen asiantuntija ja bestsellerkirjailija. Brad kuvittelee mielessään heidän hohdokkaat elämänsä ja yhtäkkiä mukavan keskiluokkainen elämä alkaa näyttää mitättömältä. Niin mitättömältä, että on pakko alkaa esittää suuria kysymyksiä elämästä.

19 tammikuu 1940

When Jack, an assistant District Attorney, takes Lee, a shoplifter caught in the act, home with him for Christmas, the unexpected happens and love blossoms.

9 helmikuu 2008

This is the story of Isa, who grows up in a Hamburg suburb. It might be one of the world's richest cities but every beast has its belly and here, in the very underbelly, Chiko lives in a world where violence, staking and keeping a claim, and drug taking are the norm. Where down is not an option, Chiko is determined to rise to the top, whatever and whomever it costs.

13 helmikuu 2021

On the surface it seems Jade has it all, including a successful marketing career, a heart surgeon husband who is admired and respected in the community, and a young daughter they both dote on. However, behind closed doors, her life is far from perfect.

A benefit concert and telethon organized by George Clooney and broadcast uninterrupted and commercial-free by the four major television networks just 10 days after the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon to raise money for the victims and their families,

Bruno, a young Frenchman, is frustrated by his girlfriend's constant lack of punctuality. He decides to end their relationship the next time she is late again.

Ivan the Gorilla was brought from Africa to a Tacoma, Washington mall to attract shoppers. Eventually, after public outcry, Ivan was moved to a Zoo in Atlanta. From the Congo to America, and from a local business attraction to a national symbol of animal welfare, Ivan the Shopping Mall Gorilla traveled an astonishing distance in miles and in impact. This is the true story and includes photographs and facts.

1 marraskuu 1998

Behind the stage action. Three ballet girls. A janitor using rough manners to approach the girls, without success. He gets advice from a colleague to treat the girls with more respect.

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