Die Menschheit befindet sich im Krieg: Gegen die echsenartigen Dracs kämpfen sie um die Herrschaft über ein Planetensystem. Nach einem Kampfschaden landet der irdischer Raumjägerpilot Willis Davidge auf einem fremden Planeten, allerdings stellt er bald fest, dass er nicht der einzige Überlebende der Schlacht ist – Jeriba Shigan ein Soldat der feindlichen Dracs, hat auch überlebt. Nach anfänglichem erbitterten Kampf entwickelt sich schließlich eine Freundschaft zwischen den Beiden, als Jeriba Willis‘ Leben rettet. Bald erwartet der Drac ein Kind und spürt, dass es bei der Geburt Probleme geben könnte ... Willis verpflichtet sich liebevoll für das Kind zu sorgen und es zu einem Stammesmitglied der Dracs zu erziehen. Wohlwissend, dass Menschen Dracs gewöhnlich fangen und als Sklaven halten ...

Ein kleines weißes Kamel versucht verzweifelt an die Zitzen der Mutter zu kommen. Aber die stößt das Junge rüde weg. Da erinnern sich die Hirtennomaden an ein altes Ritual. Sie holen einen Musiker aus der Stadt, und dann geschieht ein Wunder: Mit den Klängen seiner Geige versetzt er die Kamelmutter in einen Zustand der Trance. Sie vergießt Tränen und nimmt den Nachwuchs wieder an.

Overwhelmed and extra-sensitive, Katrine has a hard time coping when her more relaxed boyfriend, Andreas, takes a business trip just days after the birth of their first child. The fussy baby has difficulty breastfeeding, and vulnerable, insecure Katrine feels like a failure. When Katrine’s emotionally withholding mother Lise consents to stay for a few days, the two quickly fall into what are clearly familiar dysfunctional behavior patterns.

To support her family, Maria works as a trafficker of surrogate mothers, transporting them from place to place along a river — but when one disappears, Maria is left with the task of finding her and must enter deeper into a world she wishes to escape.

13. Dezember 2009

In Louisiana, in the wicked Whateley House, Lavina delivers two babies whose fate is written. Ten years later, three scholars of the occult discover that one page of the “Necronomicon,” the unspeakable book, is missing and the Black Brotherhood has summoned the ancient gate keeper to free legions of evil gods and monsters from the dimension of chaos.

20. Dezember 2009

Georgie Godwin is the fattest man in Britain. A tourist attraction, thanks to greedy 'agent, cabbie Morris. Devoted neighbour Janice is Georgie's only other regular outside contact until he meets Amy, a pregnant teenager fleeing a violent boyfriend ,whom he takes in as a lodger. Amy tries to help Georgie change his lifestyle, but Morris is more than keen to stop her ruining his tourist attraction.

2. Januar 2022

While living in his brothers house, Murph tries to keep his brother and his brother's fiancée from seeing the pictures he photoshops of her giving birth to him.

Alfonso is a man who lives immersed in his work and in his own distractions. On the day of his son's birthday he decides to buy him a gift, however, a series of complications will make him understand the true meaning of affection.

26. Oktober 2022

In a land where the birth of twins is taboo, a king and queen come into conflict with the gods and each other when they have twins of their own.

5. Mai 2007

"A Walk to Beautiful" tells the story of five women in Ethiopia suffering from devastating childbirth injuries. Rejected by their husbands and ostracized by their communities, these women are left to spend the rest of their lives in loneliness and shame. The trials they endure and their attempts to rebuild their lives tell a universal story of hope, courage, and transformation.

22. September 2021

When desperate times call for desperate measures, 9-1-1 Emergency Communications Officers are available to help with the complexities of childbirth and the delivery of babies.

Upcoming horror project from DuHBuu FiLMS.

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