39 部电影

大衛(傑森蘇戴西斯飾)身為一名大麻的藥頭,做生意超憑「良心」,他的客戶們幾乎都是家庭主婦和廚師,不賣給年輕人是他的一份堅持,因此日子過的還安穩。未料有一天,大衛在想要提供當地的青少年一些幫助的時候,竟然遭到三名小混混的惡意對待,偷走了他全部的貨與現金,還讓他欠了大藥頭布萊德(艾德赫姆斯飾)很多的錢。 為了還債,大衛接受了布萊德給他的一個機會,就是將一小批大麻從墨西哥偷渡進美國,不但欠的錢不用還,大衛還可以拿到十萬美金的酬勞。於是,大衛不惜下重金請他的鄰居加入他的計畫。加入的鄰居包括了尖酸刻薄的脫衣舞孃蘿絲(珍妮佛安妮斯頓飾)、想體驗一下吸大麻的宅男肯尼(威爾普爾特飾),以及翹家的失學少女凱西(艾瑪羅伯茲飾)。大衛打算和這三位鄰居假裝成一家人,開著休旅車、聲稱是到南部邊界渡過美國獨立紀念日的週末假期,希望能夠取得海關和緝毒組的信任,平安過邊界;於是,「米氏一家人」出發了。 只不過,完全出乎他們預料的是,大藥頭布萊德口中的「一小批大麻」,數量竟然多到可以裝滿整輛休旅車;而他們還不知道的是,這批大麻其實是布萊德黑吃黑國際毒梟所得來的,而緝毒組也掌握到可靠線索,一路找到了他們……。「米氏一家人」將會遇到什麼樣的狀況呢?他們能夠有辦法全身而退嗎?

2019 年 08 月 16 日

今年才十二歲大的六年級小學生麥斯(Jacob Tremblay 飾)第一次受邀參加舌吻趴,結果被嚇到差點失禁,因為他根本就不會舌吻,更別說親吻女生了。為了偷偷學習,麥斯和他的兩個好麻吉索爾(Brady Noon 飾)和盧卡斯(Keith L. Williams 飾)就決定偷用麥斯老爸不准他碰的無人機,偷拍住在他家隔壁,正在舌吻的一對青少年情侶。但是當事情出了天大的差錯,麥斯老爸的寶貝無人機全毀之後,這三個六年級小學生為了趕在麥斯老爸回家之前找到一個替代品,於是就決定翹課,從此展開一場驚險刺激的冒險之旅。但是他們做出一些糟糕的決定,害他們不小心偷走一些毒品、跟一群兄弟會大學生玩漆彈遊戲,並且急著逃離警察伯伯和兩個可怕的青少女的追逐。

2022 年 10 月 21 日


2007 年 07 月 20 日

藝術學院學生本(肖恩•比格斯代夫Sean Biggerstaff飾)在被女友蘇芝甩了之後,夜夜無法入睡。在經歷了兩週的不眠之夜後,本決定到超市去上夜班以打發這額外的8小時。   在超市上夜班,本遇到了形形色色的人,包括喜歡惡搞的同事巴里和馬特、超級迷戀中國功夫的布萊恩,還有收銀員莎倫(艾米麗雅•福克斯Emilia Fox飾)。在這裡,本發現了自己有能停止時間的能力。他一次次在上夜班時停止時間,用自己的畫筆去描繪各式女子。   不知不覺間,本發現自己喜歡上了莎倫,並且不再失眠。就在本準備展開愛情攻勢的時候,誤會一個個接踵而至,本又開始失眠了。

改編自韓國電影《觸不到的戀人》,基努李維、珊卓布拉克主演。,兩人多年前合作《捍衛戰警》後,再度攜手合作,談起一段浪漫的時空分隔的戀情。 一名寂寞的醫生(珊卓布拉克)偶然來到湖畔小屋與鄰居一名落魄建築師(基努李維)交換情書,然而當他們發現彼此竟然相隔兩年之遙時,他們必須想盡辦法見上一面解開疑惑...

2015 年 05 月 14 日

Summer vacation. Mika is overjoyed to see Windstorm again. But then she discovers strange wounds on the belly of Windstorm, for which no one has an explanation. Yet this is Kaltenbach verge of bankruptcy! With a heavy heart Mika decides to participate in a variety tournament in which beckons a high prize money. But during training affects Windstorm distracted, often he runs away easily. Mika pursued the black stallion until deep into the forest and is quite surprised: From the thicket a seemingly magical gray mare appears and the two horses dance around lovingly. Suddenly, a strange boy named Milan appears, who says the mare had escaped him. He claimed that he could Help Mika to win the tournament. But is there still time to save Kaltenbach?

1999 年 01 月 29 日

The world of a young housewife is turned upside down when she has an affair with a free-spirited blouse salesman.

When her social-climbing father is relocated from small-town North to his native Rome, 12-year-old Caterina enrolls to his old school, finding herself at sea with an environment where students sort themselves by social class and their parents' political affiliation.

2018 年 06 月 15 日

A popular high school hunk Johnny takes a late-night dip with cute loner Ben. Fifteen years later, these two men — who haven’t seen each other since a late-night tryst in high school — bump into each other unexpectedly.

After his wife died a man refuses to go out and doesn't want to talk to his only son. Life has no meaning for him. One day his son finds a baby pelican and decides to leave the bird at home. Pelican helps the boy find his father again and revive him back to life ...

2010 年 04 月 24 日

A frizzy-haired, pink-cheeked outcast named Spork navigates her way through the annals of junior high.

2018 年 10 月 19 日

A determined teenage boy struggles to find acceptance within the Jr. Lifeguards of Hermosa Beach while juggling relationships and challenges in the summer of 1986.

2014 年 11 月 12 日

A boy from a small town has never kissed a girl. One day he and his friends decide to go to the 'big city' to see if they have more luck there. In the city, the boys get much more than they bargained for.

2007 年 09 月 27 日

A 12-year-old boy who is yet to feel the first trembles of love. He is shy when a girl calls him for a bike ride and then at the beach it becomes clear that he is a bit embarrassed of his body, as he struggles behind a towel to change into his swimming suit.

2022 年 05 月 24 日

A young AI prodigy gets rejected from a world-renowned robotics lab and does what any rational teenager would do -- steals a van and drive cross-country to Minnesota to track down the professor who turned him down.

2011 年 03 月 24 日

Ashley was raised in a picture perfect all-American family with two moms, two grandpas, two uncles, and a little brother. But Ashley has a problem, she has a crush on a boy at school, which is against everything this world has ever taught her.

2009 年 12 月 09 日

A mysterious man with missing memories asks some very personal questions of a beautiful woman he just met.

In a dark, velvety theatre, there is a first kiss between Pietro and Tommaso. When the lights come back on, however, the two students have different expectations of what might follow. The chaos of awakening desire in its complexity and sensuality is told and made almost physically tangible through looks and gestures, approach and retreat, hope and fear.

Julien, a boy in the sixth grade, was badly depressed by the divorce of his parents. But he soon found that half of the class had come from broken families.

2004 年 04 月 02 日

Things are going great on Penny and Judah's first date. They're lounging on her bed and they lean in for a kiss. Then he stops and asks her if she minds going over a sexual consent form. She has no objections, but asks if he minds if her lawyer looks it over. Soon, over each of their shoulders, their lawyers are in full negotiation.



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