45 部电影

2006 年 10 月 19 日


2016 年 06 月 10 日

自從劫富濟貧並智取FBI後消失整整一年,四騎士再次華麗現身,原來他們遭要脅須執行一項不可能的奪寶任務,最後關頭卻被過一戙,四騎士淪為眾矢之的,再一次要逃避警方通緝追捕… 自己聲譽自己救,四騎士唯有作出一個史無前例的魔術大匯演,行動目標直指神秘的幕後黑手!

2015 年 02 月 27 日

力克 (韋史密夫 飾) 是個幻術老千,跟新手騙子謝絲 (瑪歌羅比 飾) 發展出曖昧關係。力克在教謝絲各種竅門技倆時,發現兩人關係瀕臨越界,令他毅然斬纜。3年後,力克這位舊情人已搖身一變為熟練的蛇蠍美人,在布宜諾斯艾利斯一場賽車大賽中現身。她圓滿地完成了力克正在處理那極為危險的任務,並將這位高手踢出局外。

2016 年 12 月 02 日

When a U.S. Marine returns home from Afghanistan, he finds that the place he once called home is no better than the battlefields he fought on overseas. Accompanied by his best friend, he searches desperately for the whereabouts of his estranged son and wife. In their search, the two intercept a man carrying vital information about his family.

2001 年 12 月 14 日


1966 年 12 月 18 日

A successful mod photographer in London whose world is bounded by fashion, pop music, marijuana, and easy sex, feels his life is boring and despairing. But in the course of a single day he unknowingly captures a death on film.

在小鎮招搖撞騙的魔術師Oscar(占士法蘭高飾演)偶然飄流到奇幻魔境,被誤以為是傳說中前來拯救魔境的「大人物」。Oscar 最初以為自己將會統治魔境,盡享富貴榮華,卻不由自主地與權霸三方的三位魔境女巫 Evanora(麗素慧絲飾演)、Glinda(米雪威廉絲飾演)和Theodora(美娜古妮絲飾演)展開了正邪難分、錯綜複雜的糾纏和角力,Oscar必須施展渾身解數,運用自己的才智和力量,而他的魔術技倆竟成了拯救魔境的關鍵…

2000 年 10 月 06 日


1977 年 01 月 07 日

Documents the lives of infamous fakers Elmyr de Hory and Clifford Irving. De Hory, who later committed suicide to avoid more prison time, made his name by selling forged works of art by painters like Picasso and Matisse. Irving was infamous for writing a fake autobiography of Howard Hughes. Welles moves between documentary and fiction as he examines the fundamental elements of fraud and the people who commit fraud at the expense of others.

1992 年 05 月 02 日

After losing her parents, young flower selling Midori is put up by a fairground group. She is abused and forced to slavery, until the arrival of an enigmatic magician of short stature, who gives her hope for a better future.

2014 年 01 月 30 日

由王晶和鍾少雄擔任導演,劉偉強、王雅琳監製,周潤發、謝霆鋒、杜汶澤、景甜、童菲等演出。 外號「贏盡天下無敵手」的石一堅(周潤發 飾),不單能摸出麻將點數,連撲克牌點數也能摸出來,他從美國賭城擔任保安總顧問退休回澳門老家,遇上當年好友Benz(許紹雄 飾)、其兒子曬冷(謝霆鋒 飾)及外甥牛必勝(杜汶澤 飾),曬冷及牛必勝希望能跟這位傳奇人物拜師學藝,堅要曬冷騙倒他一次或贏他一次,才答應收為徒。 曬冷之同母異父兄長陳龍(伍允龍 飾)是臥底探員,一直潛伏於國際賭業犯罪組織,組織將全球外圍球賽博彩的黑幫聯合起來,操縱賽果,其開會過程被龍拍下,並將罪証內容藏於一隻假眼中,而這隻假眼輾轉落入堅的獨女彩虹(童菲 飾)手中,令原本退休的堅不得不再以「魔術手」佈下騙局解救危機….

1984 年 04 月 27 日

In this modern-day version of the Rasputin story, David Hemmings plays an up-and-coming senator, Nick Rast, whose young son is terminally ill with leukaemia. A mysterious faith healer, Gregory Wolfe, appears and seems to cure the boy. Rast's wife Sandy falls in love with Wolfe, but the powerful interests behind Rast's career, represented by geriatric monster Doc Wheelan are less happy with events.

1965 年 02 月 11 日

Jancsi is part of a closely knit gang of young engineers. They see the older engineers as mediocre, and have grand ideas about developing new inventions together. With changing living conditions the five friends start to grow apart. At a party Jancsi suddenly meets Éva Halk. They fall in love, and find common memories in the engagement in The Pioneer Railway at the age of 12.

2007 年 06 月 22 日

In the darkly phantasmagorical world of the carnival magician and sideshow hypnotist, the gruesome "illusions" of Montag the Magnificent are unique in that they seem to become retroactive reality long after the the tricks are done. Is it coincidence, or circumstantial evidence of the world's most diabolically ingenious murders? When an underground journalist begins to investigate the strange deaths, the truth proves to be far more bizarre and disturbing than anything he or his readers might have imagined.

1970 年 10 月 23 日

A TV talk-show hostess and her boyfriend investigate a shady magician whom has the ability to hypnotize and control the thoughts of people in order to stage gory on-stage illusions using his powers of mind bending.

1954 年 05 月 19 日

Don Gallico is an inventor of stage magic effects who aspires to become a star in his own right. Just before his first performance his act is shut down by capricious manager Ross Ormond who wants Gallico's brilliant buzz saw effect for the act of The Great Rinaldi, an established star. With this defeat, and the humiliation of having already lost his wife Claire to Ormond, Gallico decides it is time to take matters into his own hands.

1900 年 01 月 01 日

A band-leader has arranged seven chairs for the members of his band. When he sits down in the first chair, a cymbal player appears in the same chair, then rises and sits in the next chair. As the cymbal player sits down, a drummer appears in the second chair, and then likewise moves on to the third chair. In this way, an entire band is soon formed, and is then ready to perform.

2000 年 07 月 10 日

Janet Flanders is a small-town, unsophisticated young woman who is seduced by the fantasy of romantic love; she believes that someday her prince will come to sweep her away. Then she meets handsome Brett Becker; she believes she's found the man of her dreams -- little suspecting he is engaged to marry a wealthy socialite. Deep into her illusion that Brett loves her, she moves to Chicago to be closer to him, deluge him with calls and love notes, tells her family about her boyfriend Brett, and buys an engagement ring. Her obsession with him leads her from intrigue and eventually to murder.

1976 年 04 月 02 日

A young government official, named Dondup, who is smitten with America (he even has a denim gho) dreams of escaping there while stuck in a beautiful but isolated village. He hopes to connect in the U.S. with a visa out of the country. He misses the one bus out of town to Thimphu, however, and is forced to hitchhike and walk along the Lateral Road to the west, accompanied by an apple seller, a Buddhist monk with his ornate, dragon-headed dramyin, a drunk, a widowed rice paper maker, and his beautiful daughter, Sonam.



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