109 filmų

2001 gegužės 18

Tolimoje šalyje, negailestingas valdovas Lordas Farquaad’as į tolimąjį užkampį išvijo visas pasakų būtybes. Valdovui pasipriešinoti sugebėjo trys būtybės: Pirmasis – žalias, smirdintis ogras, tačiau su auksine širdim, vardu Šrekas; jo kilnusis bendražygis, negalintis nutilti, Asilas; ir gražioji, bet „kieta“ princesė Fiona, kurią į žmonas pasiimti nori pats piktasis Duloc’o valdovas.

Dviem "Oskarais" už specialiuosius efektus apdovanotoje antrojoje "Žvaigždžių karų" dalyje "Imperija puola" princesė Lėja ir kiti sukilėliai palieka prieglobstį Hoto planetoje ir yra priversti slėptis, nes Imperijos šalininkai ketina juos sunaikinti.

Tuo tarpu Luką Skaivokerį garsiausias džedajus moko kovos meno. Ar Lukas sugebės padėti savo draugams? Ar Imperija vėl valdys Visatą?

„Sunaikinimas“ (angl. „Annihilation“) - tai 2014 m. į pasaulį analogų neturintį filmą "Ex Machina" paleidusio režisieriaus Alex Garland antrasis filmas apie slaptą biologių ekspediciją į izoliuotą vietovę, kurioje ne viskas veikia pagal gamtos dėsnius. Filme susipina dramos, siaubo ir fantastikos elementai, žiūrovą nukeliantys į aplinką, neturinčią racionalių paaiškinimų. Filme vaidina tokios mega žvaigždės kaip Natalie Portman, Oscar Isaac ir Benedict Wong.

2020 spalio 23

Juostos herojai - du profesionalai paramedikai, dirbantys greitosios pagalbos automobilyje Naujajame Orleane. Kartą jie susiduria su eile košmariškų mirčių. To priežastis - naujas narkotikas, turintis keistą šalutinį poveikį.

1985 birželio 14

A New York University professor returns from a rescue mission to the Amazon rainforest with the footage shot by a lost team of documentarians who were making a film about the area's local cannibal tribes.

2007 balandžio 5

Katherine Morrissey, a former Christian missionary, lost her faith after the tragic deaths of her family. Now she applies her expertise to debunking religious phenomena. When a series of biblical plagues overrun a small town, Katherine arrives to prove that a supernatural force is not behind the occurrences, but soon finds that science cannot explain what is happening. Instead, she must regain her faith to combat the evil that waits in a Louisiana swamp.

Kai Tritoną prieš jo norą paleidžia iš Irako, jo gražuolę žmoną Keitę pagrobia negailestingi brangakmenių vagys. Jis stoją į kovą prieš juos, kad tik išgelbėtų savo žmoną.

1998 rugsėjo 22

After going their separate ways, Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, Velma, Daphne, and Fred reunite to investigate the ghost of Moonscar the pirate on a haunted bayou island, but it turns out the swashbuckler's spirit isn't the only creepy character on the island. The sleuths also meet up with cat creatures and zombies... and it looks like for the first time in their lives, these ghouls might actually be real.

Detektyvas Badas Karteris po sėkmingos operacijos suima nusikaltėlių sindikato samdomą žudiką Džesį Veilandą. Veilandas suvokia, kad patekęs į kalėjimą praras savo mylimą šeimą. Neturėdamas kitos išeities, jis nusprendžia pasikliauti detektyvu Karteriu ir tapti jo slaptuoju informatoriumi.

1981 rugsėjo 24

A squad of National Guards on an isolated weekend exercise in the Louisiana swamp must fight for their lives when they anger local Cajuns by stealing their canoes. Without live ammunition and in a strange country, their experience begins to mirror the Vietnam experience.

Filmo veiksmas rutuliojasi XX amžiaus šešto dešimtmečio pabaigoje. Pagrindinis herojus, sėkmingas žurnalistas Vordas, tiriantis įžūlia žmogžudystę viename mažame miestelyje, Amerikos prietuose. Jo tikslas - ištraukti nekaltą žmogų iš kalėjimo ir rasti tikrąjį nusikaltėlį...

2005 rugsėjo 16

A group of teenagers fear for their lives in the swamps of Louisiana, chased by Mr. Jangles, a man possessed by 13 evil souls, and now relentless in his pursuit of new victims.

1959 gruodžio 16

One by one the archaeologists who discover the 4,000-year-old tomb of Princess Ananka are brutally murdered. Kharis, high priest in Egypt 40 centuries ago, has been brought to life by the power of the ancient gods and his sole purpose is to destroy those responsible for the desecration of the sacred tomb. But Isobel, wife of one of the explorers, resembles the beautiful princess, forcing the speechless and tormented monster to defy commands and abduct Isobel to an unknown fate.

2012 gegužės 11

Nate takes his family for a camping trip to reconnect. When they pull off at a rest stop, a gang of thieves hides their stash from an armored car robbery among the family belongings. They soon find themselves on the run and the gang will stop at nothing to get their money back.

2006 balandžio 27

When a group of tourists on a New Orleans haunted swamp tour find themselves stranded in the wilderness, their evening of fun and spooks turns into a horrific nightmare.

2004 spalio 9

When the body of a man is found completely destroyed in the swamps in Louisiana, the medical investigator Sam Rivers is assigned to investigate the murder. He travels with the biologist Mary Callahan to the location where the victim lived in a floating house and he meets his family and friends. They find that Chinese snake-heads genetically engineered that belong to a wealthy hunter are attacking and killing the locals. While the group fights to survive, the hunter Jeff arrives with his team to hunt the predators.

1958 rugsėjo 24

Two convicts—a white racist and an angry black man—escape while chained to each other.

1982 vasario 19

Mutated by his own secret formula, Dr. Alec Holland becomes Swamp Thing - a half human, half plant superhero who will stop at nothing to rescue government agent Alice Cable and defeat his evil arch nemesis Arcane... even if it costs him his life.

1992 rugpjūčio 7

When neighborhood kids begin vanishing, Jenny suspects her child psychologist husband, Carter, may be resuming the deranged experiments his father performed on Carter when he was young. Now, it falls to Jenny to unravel the mystery. And as more children disappear, she fears for her own child's safety.

2011 rugsėjo 9

An ex-Navy seal, his girlfriend and their friends head out on a road trip to New Orleans. The group decides to stop at a roadside convenience store owned by Chopper, who tells them the tale of Lockjaw, a fabled god-like creature who is half-man, half-alligator.

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