8 Filme

In diesem Dokudrama löst ein forensischer Pathologe eine Kontroverse aus, als er Gehirnerschütterungen bei Footballspielern mit Gehirnerkrankungen in Verbindung bringt.

1. November 1938

On a train headed for England a group of travelers is delayed by an avalanche. Holed up in a hotel in a fictional European country, young Iris befriends elderly Miss Froy. When the train resumes, Iris suffers a bout of unconsciousness and wakes to find the old woman has disappeared. The other passengers ominously deny Miss Froy ever existed, so Iris begins to investigate with another traveler and, as the pair sleuth, romantic sparks fly.

Celebrated author and Nation magazine sports editor Dave Zirin tackles the myth that the NFL was somehow free of politics before Colin Kaepernick and other Black NFL players took a knee.

A newly divorced father and former all-pro football player trying to ease into retirement discovers a house buried in his backyard. As things begin to go awry, the hits he took on the field start to make him unsure of what is real and imagined.

10. Juli 2015

Chaos in the Chancellery: Prime Minister Katharina Wendt loses her memory during a spontaneous trip with husband Helmuth and wakes up every morning since then with the knowledge of 1989. The therapy aims to activate her emotional center. No easy task with such a sober woman! Chancellery Minister Dieter Kahnitz must get her fit again until the end of the summer break, otherwise the euro will fail and then Europe will fail! But the minister would not mind being chancellor himself. Will the Chancellor succeed in remembering in time?

Drawing on the book of the same name, League of Denial crafts a searing two-hour indictment of the National Football League’s decades-long concealment of the link between football related head injuries and brain disorders.

29. Januar 2024

Set in the frigid prairies and woodlands of the 19th century, a young hunter struggles to survive after suffering a major head injury. He must withstand not only the brutal conditions, but also the deadly symptoms of severe head trauma.

30. August 2021

In Drew's first ever comedy special, nothing is safe: politics, police brutality, mass shootings, depression, trans, sexual assault, and more topics he's unqualified to talk about.

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