18 部电影

2011 年 11 月 02 日

家財萬貫的富翁菲利普因跳傘導致四肢癱瘓,必須找幫傭來協助他的日常作息,而他萬中選一的看護人選,是來自郊區又有前科的黑人混混德里斯。 不拘小節、樂觀又熱情幽默的德里斯,飆車、熱舞樣樣來,瘋狂行徑為菲利普了無新意的生活注入活水!困坐輪椅的富翁遇上剛出獄的毛頭小子,兩個靈魂相互碰撞、融合,交會出無堅不摧的忘年之情,各自寫下兩人生命中的新頁。 片中兩位男主角演出廣受好評。東京影展評審認為兩人「平實又瘋狂的演出」深深打動觀眾,於是破天荒頒予雙影帝大獎。而飾演毛頭小子的奧馬希更打敗《大藝術家》影帝尚杜賈丹,勇奪法國凱薩獎最佳男主角。

2015 年 09 月 25 日

勞勃狄尼洛所飾演的70歲鰥夫班(Ben Whittaker)年輕時曾是事業有成的生意人,退休後決定不甘寂寞決定重返職場,以高齡實習生的身份加入了茱兒(安海瑟威飾)所創辦的時尚購物網站! 一開始班的存在似乎與整公司的年輕人顯的有點格格不入,但人生歷練豐富的班漸漸以他善解人意又好相處的性格,開始贏得同事間的好感與信賴。年紀輕輕就背負公司成敗的公司創辦人茱兒,被工作與家庭的負擔壓的喘不過氣,面臨失衡的生活與公司董事會的質疑,歷盡滄桑的班會如何協助茱兒認識自我的真正價值呢?

2013 年 09 月 18 日


2014 年 11 月 08 日

The story of Vince, New England's most successful divorce attorney. To Vince, life is one big competition, and losing is unacceptable. This also applies in his dating life with his love 'em and leave 'em approach. Then Vince meets Jane, who is beautiful, successful and also extremely driven. Together they enter into a series of entertaining wagers with each other where the winner gets to decide the fate of the loser.

2014 年 07 月 15 日


1973 年 01 月 01 日

Two Los Angeles detectives are assigned to track down and arrest a brutal rapist-murderer terrorizing the city. Their job is complicated by the fact that the killer is able to avoid capture because he can pose as a woman.



2006 年 02 月 28 日


2013 年 09 月 06 日

Abby is a sought after massage therapist and a free spirit, while her brother Paul thrives on routine, running a failing dental practice with his assistant and daughter Jenny. Suddenly, Abby develops an aversion to bodily contact, which not only makes her unable to do her job, but also severely affects her relationship with her boyfriend. As Abby navigates her way through an identity crisis, her brother's dental practice receives new life when clients seek out his “healing touch.”

1962 年 09 月 20 日

Two industry managers from Milan are in Rome to get the contract to build a YMCA hostel. They get in touch with a masseuses ring and one of the masseuses is introduced to the president of the catholic association as the wife of one of the managers. During a vice squad roundup, the president is about to be discovered with one of the girls when he dies of a stroke. How will the others try to hide his death?

1987 年 10 月 02 日

Veronica, recently divorced with a son, begins to organize her life and adapt to the new situation. Her problems are soon relegated to the back ground when Carlos, her masseuse, is murdered. Knowing himself in danger, Carlos left a final message on her answering machine: she had to retrieve a package hidden in a railway station toilet. From that moment, Veronica will not know peace.

Blind swordsman/masseuse Zatoichi befriends a young woman returning home with her baby. When gangsters mistake her for Zatoichi and kill her, Zatoichi determines to escort the baby to its father. He gains the reluctant help of a young pick pocket and together they travel to find the baby's father. But they do not reckon on the father's reaction to their arrival, nor on their own growing feelings for the child.

1975 年 01 月 25 日

A masseur for ladies wins the reputation of seducer and many customers try to verify. Classic of Italian sexy comedy.

2011 年 06 月 01 日

A masseuse's journey to find the human touch.

1976 年 01 月 01 日

The film is about the love story between Murat and Selma. Murat is a masseur loved by his clients. Her biggest goal in life is to make her daughter Ebru happy. One day, he is assigned to the physical therapy of Abbas, one of the bosses of the underworld. He meets Selma, Abbas' daughter. The two, who did not get along at first, fall in love with each other over time. But the struggle between Abbas and his rival Kamil irreversibly affects Murat and those around him.

A soccer player is injured and decides to recuperate at a secluded villa accompanied by a sexy masseuse.

2014 年 05 月 28 日

After the accidental death of a massage client (that looks like a murder) and through a bizarre set of circumstances, two young men become serial killers for profit.

A beautiful masseuse can't stop murdering cheating men until she meets a suicidal client who thinks he can fix her.



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